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This guide aims at orienting you in doing your final group assignment for the Global
Management Practices Program CEMS 2021. The final essay will be a group work of no more
than six pages, written in MS Word, and the grade will be the same for all members of the group.
The date for submission is October 5th 2021 at midnight. Please use the Turnitin link on
Webcursos for the submission. Any late assignment will be penalized with half a grade per day of

For your assignment, please make adequate and extensive use of the Adaptive Leadership and
Organizational Transformation concepts presented in class and included in the recommended
lectures. We will value that all statements are sufficiently justified and based on concrete
examples. Please, ensure congruence between arguments, avoiding contradictions, for instance,
between what you state as part of your diagnosis and your proposals for interventions. 

We recommend you to structure your assignment as follows: 

- A first part (1 or 2 pages) with an observation of the Oaklands As organization during the first
part of the movie, before Billy Bean introduces his change project to the scouts. Please consider
the Observation Guide used during the course. Base your arguments on concrete examples that
support your hypothesis, but do not narrate the movie again.

- A second part (1 or 2 pages) including an interpretation of the Adaptive Challenge faced by the
Oaklands As, analyzing how the change project impacts on the different factions. Please consider
for this part of the assignment the questions included in the Interpretation Guide used during the

- A third part (1 or 2 pages) with a critical analysis of the intervention strategy pursued by Billy
Bean, evaluating the reasons for applying that particular strategy, and assessing the quality and
impact of his intervention. 

- A fourth and final part (1 or 2 pages) with recommendations you could have made to Billy
Bean. You can consider yourself to be an external consultant helping Billy Bean to define his
mobilizing strategy before presenting his change project to the organization.

- Extra credit (1 point): prepare a maximun three minute video with a mobilizing narrative that
Billy Bean could have used when first talking to the scouts about the adaptive challenge. Please
include the link to the video on the webserver of your preference at the end of your essay.

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