Actividad de Aprendizaje Número 1

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Querido aprendiz

En esta actividad de aprendizaje practicaremos el vocabulario técnico asociado a su

especialidad. Realiza las actividades propuestas a continuación y luego envía tu
evidencia a la plataforma de Territorium o a través del correo electrónico indicando nombre y grupo al que perteneces.

Good luck ¡


1. Escribe el nombre de cada uno de los siguientes objetos de acuerdo al listado

mostrado a continuación:

Circuit breaker / Distribution panel / Grounded / Energy saving bulbs / Electric meter /
Fluorescent light / Socket / Light bulb / Main switch (MCCB) / Multimeter / Plug / Outlets /
Switch / Trip witch ( RCCB) / Wire / Wiring
2. Completa las palabras con las letras faltantes, ten en cuenta las imágenes de

E ___ E ___ T___ ____ ___ ____ L W ___ _____ ____E

H ___ ___ R __ E___ ____C___R __ C P ___ W ___ R P __ ____ ___T
T ___ ___ N O ___
S ___ I ___ C ___
U ___ ___ ____ ___ T ___ P ___ L ___
E ___ L ___ __ T __ __ ___A ___ M __ __ ___R
T __ ___ N O __ ___
W ___ ___ D T __ __ B __ ___ ___
3. Escribe en cada recuadro la palabra indicada acorde a la definición dada.

is an industrial facility for A power plant that burns The flow of electric
the generation of electric natural gas to generate charge
power. electricity

A place where voltage is a company that supplies  An electrical device that

transformed from high to something such converts electricity from
low as electricity, gas, one voltage to another
or water to the public

A device that allows a piece of wire covered in

is a structure used to
many things to be plastic, used to connect
transmit electrical energy
connected to a source of electrical equipment to a
across large distances.
electricity power supply

A panel which uses serves as the communal A power plant that uses
sunlight to generate meeting spot for electrical the power of the atoms
electricity wires, where they connect to generate electricity.
before moving on
4. Leer la siguiente información acerca de los biocombustibles y luego responder las
preguntas acorde al texto.

People use energy (power) to make things work. People use energy to heat their homes.
They use energy called electricity to light buildings and make machines work. Fuel is the
energy people use to drive cars. Bioenergy is energy that comes from living things.
Bioenergy can be used for heat, electricity, or fuel.
The Problem with Using Fuel
People use a lot of fuel every day. Many people worry that we are using too much fuel.
They say that if people use so much fuel, we will not have any more in the future.
Cars, planes, and many other machines need fuel to work. When people put fuel in their
cars and turn their cars on, the fuel begins to burn. Smoke from the burning fuel comes out
of the car's tailpipe. This smoke is a mixture of different gases. As the car moves, the
gases go into the air. These gases make pollution. Pollution is dirty air. The pollution
makes it hard for people to breathe clean air.
All of the pollution in the air is also making Earth warmer. The gases are keeping the heat
from the sun on the earth. The warmer air is melting large pieces of ice on Earth. This
melting ice may cause the water around the earth to rise higher and higher. Over time, this
might make it hard for people to live on the earth.
What Is Bioenergy?
Bioenergy is energy that people get from living things. The living things that people use to
make energy are often plants, such as corn and grass. These living things are renewable.
Renewable means that people can quickly get more corn or grass by growing more of it.
Most fuel used in cars today is not renewable. People are trying to use bioenergy to make
fuel that is renewable.
How Corn and Grass Turn into Energy
People grow a lot of corn all around the world. There is sugar in corn. People can take the
sugar out of the corn through a process called fermentation. During fermentation,
something called yeast turns the sugar in corn into a special kind of fuel. This special kind
of fuel is called biofuel. Biofuel is liquid fuel that is made from a living thing. The biofuel
from corn is called ethanol.
People can use ethanol to make their cars work. Some people use only ethanol in their
cars. More people today are using fuel that has ethanol added to it.
Another type of biofuel comes from a tall grass called switchgrass. Switchgrass grows in
some parts of the United States. People can burn this grass and make it into a biofuel.

Other Sources of Bioenergy

People can also get biofuel from burning different vegetable oils or animal fat. This biofuel
is called biodiesel.
Burning some kinds of garbage, or trash, may give people another source of energy. Much
of people's garbage is food or paper. People can burn these materials. People can use the
energy that comes from burning this garbage to make electricity.

A. Bioenergy is
a. energy that comes from oil.
b. energy that comes from living things.
c. energy that comes from non-living things.
d. energy that comes from the sun.

B. If an energy source is renewable, it means that

a. people can get more by making more of it.
b. once it is used, people cannot get more of it.
c. it comes from oil.
d. it comes from pollution.

C. The biofuel from corn is called

a. fermentation.
b. oil.
c. switchgrass.
d. ethanol.

D. ____ is dirty air and makes it hard for people to breathe clean air.

E. A type of biofuel comes from a tall grass called ____, which grows in some parts of
the United States.
F. Fuel from burning different vegetable oils or animal fat is called ____.

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