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Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu Parochial School

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Email: │ AranzazuParochialSchool


Name: Robin Borja Date & Day 26/08/2021

Grade & Section: 7-A Score:

Subject: Parent/ Guardian

Signature (optional):

Activity Title: Introduction to baking

Learning Targets: 1. Cite the history of baking
2. Explain the composition, properties, and functions of the baking ingredients
3. Show awareness on the importance of knowing about the baking ingredients
References: Sercado, V.E. 2014, Skills for a Lifetime in TLE,
Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing House Inc.


Baking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, normally in an oven, but can also be done in
hot ashes, or on hot stones. The most common baked item is bread, but many other types of foods are baked.
Heat is gradually transferred "from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to their center.

Baking is an old human existence. Since then, grains have dominated the human diet. During early
centuries wild grains were toasted and pounded between hollowed-out stones. Then, the water was poured
into the course meal to make paste, and this mixture was laid on a heated flat stone to be cooked. It was then
where flat bread started. And this flat bread is still evident nowadays.
Relatively in some unknown manner the grain paste left and collected spore. And began to expand.
This happened in the royal Egyptian family when a baker was frightened to lose his job due to forgotten
dough. He kneaded the fermented dough and baked it. Surprisingly, the pharaoh liked the raised dough
bread. That was the time when leavened bread was born and eventually bakers learned to control yeast
When the romans conquered Greece, of course baking industry was also absorbed. In this period the
first mass production of bread was done. And this baking profession started. Baker would use oil and honey
for baked goodies called pastries.
Quite significantly during the middle Age, baking and pastry making was again to become an
important job to serve the nobility. With the permission of the king of France, those who were engage in
baking industry formed an organization to protect and improve their profession.
Apparently in the discovery of America in 1942 many new recipes were developed due to abundance
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of ingredients, people learned to use cocoa and sugar, which is before honey is the only sweetener used by
the pastry chef. The baking industry then was brought with the Jamestown Colonist.
After the French revolution in 1987, the slaves were freed and given the chance to perform the same
labor they used to do. Public bakeries mushroomed in the vicinity and this time not only the aristocrat could
eat fine pastries but as well as the public could avail it. A lot of pastries had been developed in this era which
still exists now.
From Paris, a French man named Marie Antoine Careme (1784-1833) made his noble contributions in
the pastry world during his time. He uplifted the job of the cooks into honorable profession and designed chef
uniform. He wrote his famous book “La Pâtissier Royal”.
In modern time, advances in technology like sophisticated ovens and some bakery equipment and
gadgets were invented and these give great help in the development of baking technology. As we noticed
nowadays, the trend changes rapidly to cope with the increasing demand of time. Baking enthusiasts devote
their time to uplift and refine their craft.

SESSION 2- Essential bakery ingredients

Is a powdery product made from milled grains like wheat, rye, barley, corn, and rice. Among these,
wheat is the principal source of flour which is widely used in bake shops.
In baking, liquid could be in form of plain water, milk, and fruit juice. The most important function of
liquid is to disperse proteins for gluten development. Liquid binds ingredients altogether.
Sucrose is a chemical name of sugar and it is a substance called carbohydrates, either simple sugar or
complex sugar. It is derived from sugar cane and sugar beets.

1. Structure – egg protein coagulates to give structure to all baked products
2. Emulsifier – egg provides good volume and smoothen texture of any baked products
3. Moisture – egg liquid content is approximately 75% and be calculated as liquid in the formulation of
baked products.
4. Flavor – egg improves flavor makes creamy taste and gives yummy smell of the baked products
5. Color – egg yolk gives desirable yellow color to the batter and helps in the formation of crust on the
baked products
6. Nutritional value – egg adds protein, calcium, and iron contents in the baked products
*NOTE: How to determine the freshness of eggs. When the eggshell fells rough or when it submerges into
water but does not floats.

Fats are intentionally used to lubricate the gluten strand in the dough or batter, preventing the
finished product to become tough and this tenderizes the bake products.

Leavening agent help the baked products raised through the incorporation of carbon dioxide. The gas
formed called air cell should be trapped to retain its volume and give structure of the baked products.

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A. Directions: Complete the table below to trace out the evolution of baking industry. Write your
answer on the given table below.

Primitive Using sticks as fire and just cooking meat
Egypt The Ancient Egyptians baked bread using yeast
Ancient Greek They used dough to make foods
Roman Empire They learned the art from Greeks, who used to take wild grass grains, soaked it in
water, mashed and mixed it, resulting in a paste They had grain mills, which helped
them grind grain into flour.
Middle Age They added a lot of recipes,items,and style of baking
French Revolution They maked the best breads and added a lot of spices about making bread
Modern Era We learned how to cook and added so many things in the baking industry

Session 1 Criteria For every correct answer, the student will be given 2 points

B. DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the questions carefully. Write your answer on the space provided.

A. Identification. Identify what is being asked.

1. Which baking ingredients is a powdery product made with milled grains?

2. What type of flour has 9 -10 % protein contents?
__Pastry Flour_______________
3. Which type of flour is creamy white in color?
_hard flour_________________
4. Which of the following type of sugar that is commonly used in almost type of sweetening function in
5. What baking ingredients helps the baked products to rise through the incorporation of carbon
_baking powder,baking soda,yeast,liquid and egg whites________________

B. True or False. Write The word True if the statement is correct if False underline the word that make
the sentence incorrect and write the correct answer on the space provided.

6. Baking is a dry heat method with direct exposure to heat.

7. In Roman empire pastry cooking became an occupation.
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8. Pastry cooking means "pastillarium"
9. Baking in the Philippines is intended for Eucharistic Hosts.
10. The most important function of liquid is to dispense protein from gluten content

Session 1 Criteria One point for each correct item


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