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Name: ________________________________Grade/Score: _________

Grade and Section: ____________________ Date: _________________

Type of Activity: Concept Notes Skills: Exercise/Drill Illustration
Laboratory Report Essay/Task Report Other:
Activity Title: Listening Activity: Instrumental Music of Indonesia-Gamelan
Learning Target: ➢ Analyze musical elements of selected songs and
instrumental pieces heard and performed
Authors | References: Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module pp. 13-14;47
Instrumental Music is music intended to be performed by a musical instrument or group of
Gamelan is the traditional instrumental ensemble of Indonesia. It is also called as the gamelan
orchestra. It has two main styles: The Balinese (from Bali, Indonesia) and the Javanese (from Java,
Javanese gamelan is used as court music for the royals while Balinese gamelan retained the raw energy and
fast rhythmic pacing as music to be performed outdoors for festive occasions.

A gamelan is a set of instruments consisting mainly of gongs, metallophones and drums. It includes
bamboo flute (suling), bowed string (rebab) and vocalists. Each gamelan has a different tuning (pelog,
instruments on the side of a musician/slendro, instruments facing the audience) and the instruments are
kept together as a set.

“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.” – Maya Angelou MHT91621
Stepping over these instruments is considered to be rude and disrespectful because the gamelan
instruments are considered sacred.
To give more vibrancy in the gamelan performance, vocal music is added into it. This serves as a
special ornamentation in the music.


Directions: As you watch/listen to examples of Javanese and Balinese Gamelan, write your observation of
each musical ensemble in your notebook. Use the following guide questions below:
1. Javanese
2. Balinese Gamelan

1. How did the Javanese and Balinese musicians play their

2. What is the mood or how do you feel about the music of Javanese Gamelan and the Balinese
Gamelan? ______________________________________________________________________
3. Do you think the Tempo (Irama) of the music has something to do with the mood or the feeling
of the listener? How? _____________________________________________________________
4. How many instruments are being played in the Javanese Gamelan?_________________________
5. In the Javanese Gamelan, which instruments are made of metal?
how about the instruments made of wood? __________________________________________

“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.” – Maya Angelou MHT91621

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