The Church Is Missionary by Nature Elements That Make A Missionary Church Dimensions of Christian Life Nature of The Church

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THE CHURCH IS MISSIONARY BY NATURE As the people of God, the early Christians

believed that they were the true Israel, the

Elements that Make a Missionary Church
community where God truly reigns. They were
Dimensions of Christian life also the true seed of Abraham. We note here that
the Jews of Jesus' time were proud to refer to
Nature of the Church themselves as children of Abraham, whom the
Bible describes as a man of faith and the father
Although the Church is more than just an
of the Jewish nation. As people of God, the early
organization (because it is a community of faith),
Christians understood themselves also to be the
it shares with other organizations that it has a
true circumcision. For the ancient Jews,
reason for being; it is meant for something. It
circumcision was a mark of belonging to God's
has a mission that flows from what it is as a
chosen people. By claiming that they were the
community of faith. In his letters to the Christian
true Israel, the true seed of Abraham, and the
communities he started, Saint Paul had specific
true decision, the early Christian comities were
essential ideas about the Church. Sometimes
saying that they belonged to the faithful People
these are referred to as the Scriptural images of
of God.
the Church. These images include "People of
God." "Body of Christ," and "Temple of the Holy Aside from people of God, there are other images
Spirit." One of these is suggested by the used in the New Testament. Here are some of
following texts from Paul's letter to the Romans them: When Jesus began his ministry, he
Read the texts guided by these questions. In the proclaimed, "the kingdom of God is at hand"
texts, whom does Paul refer to as God's people? (Mark 1:15). When Paul began his ministry, he
Was Paul a member of this people? Was it preached Jesus Christ, the embodiment of that
"undeserved grace" that made Israel God's kingdom. And he preached not to those he
people? Was Israel always faithful to its being identified as disciples but to those identified as
God's people? brothers and sisters, the body of Christ, and the
temple of God.
God's Election of Israel (Rom 9:1-5) "I am
speaking the truth in Christ, I am not lying my
conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit,
that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish Paul's writings illuminate how the disciples and
in my heart For I could wish that I myself were first generations of believers came to understand
accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of themselves concerning Christ and to one another.
my brethren. my kinsmen by race. They are Every generation since his time has continued to
Israelites, and to them belong the son ship the feel challenged and shaped by these images. In
glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the his correspondence with the Christians in Corinth,
worship, and the promises to them belong the Paul provides a rich language for the Church's
patriarchs, and of their race, according to the self-understanding. One such image is the
flesh, is the Christ. God who is over all be blessed Church as a body Using the body to describe the
for ever. Amen functions of an organization or society was quite
ordinary in the secular speech of the day, where
The letters of Paul are our oldest sources in the the seemingly more significant members
New Testament to reconstruct how the early employed such language to keep the lesser
Christians defined their identity as a Church. Two members in their place.
of the three images of the Church that we find in
them (People of God and Temple of the Holy
Spirit) are Jewish. The image or notion of the
Paul takes that image in a new direction in 1
Church as the Body of Christ is borrowed from
Corinthians 12. The body used in his analogy is
Greek political life.
now the body of Christ, and in Christ, there is no
distinction between Jews or Greeks, slaves or
free, woman or man-no sense of the seemingly
The image of the People of God was the most lesser members being insignificant.
basic way for the Jewish people to express their
identity. In the Exodus experience, God made Paul says, "the parts of the body that seem to be
them into a people, into a nation in which God weaker are all the more necessary, and those
reigns (in Hebrew, "Israel"), to an assembly of parts of the body that we consider less honorable
God (in Hebrew, Kahal Yahweh, ekklesia in we surround with greater honor... so that there
Greek). The early Christians applied this may be no division in the body, but that the parts
important Jewish idea to their community, and may have the same concern for one another"
they called themselves the new people of God. (12:22-25).
They believed that their community gathered not
only because of the Exodus experience but also
because they were convinced that they received Individual and diverse responsibilities within the
salvation or wellbeing from God through Jesus. Body of Christ are also highlighted in the fourth
chapter of Ephesians. Paul says to the local
church in Corinth, "you are Christ's body" (1
Corinthians 12:27), a lesson that will be echoed
through the centuries. St. Theresa of Avila's his words still stir our hearts and imaginations
great prayer begins, "Christ has no body now but about the kind of community we are called to be.
yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours."
As people of God, the Church is missionary. It
does not exist for itself. Therefore, according to
E. Castro, a missiologist, the mission is the
The Second Vatican Council revived the use of
"fundamental reality of Christian life." When we
this Pauline image in its "Dogmatic Constitution
were baptized, we took upon this mission. Read
on the Church" and its "Pastoral Constitution on
the following excerpts from the message of Pope
the Church in the Modern World," where it speaks
Francis. Focus on the relationship between
of the Church using this imagery and others the
baptism and mission. "Baptized and Sent: The
people of God. In his first letter to Corinth, Paul
Church of Christ on Mission in the World." Dear
addressed the local church's concern that some
Brothers and Sisters,
follow him while others follow Apollos Paul
assured them that whoever plants and waters
means nothing since God causes the growth, and
For October 2019, I have asked that the whole
then he says, "For we are God's co-workers; you
Church revive her missionary awareness and
are God's field God's building" (3:9).
commitment as we commemorate the centenary
Paul rarely uses agricultural images such as of the Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud of Pope
watering seeds or tilling a field. He is a city Benedict XV (30 November 1919). Its farsighted
person and a traveler who is seeing the wider and prophetic vision of the apostolate has made
world. His images are usually more urban After me realize once again the importance of
he tries to settle their concerns, he drops the renewing the Church's missionary commitment
image of the field and develops the image of and giving fresh evangelical impulse to her work
God's building. Paul's specialty as a "builder" is in of preaching and bringing to the world the
laying foundations firm and steady because they salvation of Jesus Christ, who died and rose
are built on Jesus Christ. A large part of his again.
legacy is the number of faithful communities who
The title of the present Message is the same as
got their start from his preaching and example,
that of October's Missionary Month Baptized and
communities in Thessalonica, Colossae, Philippi,
Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the
and other places we may never know. When
World. Celebrating this month will help us
speaking to the local churches, he affirms their
rediscover our faith's missionary dimension in
identity as the building that comes forth from this
Jesus Christ, a faith graciously bestowed on us in
foundation. This image comes with a particular
baptism. Our filial relationship with God is not
emphasis on the call to holiness. To the
something simply private but always about the
Corinthians, he says, "Do you not know that you
Church. Through our communion with God,
are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we, together with so
dwells in you?... For the temple of God, which
many of our other brothers and sisters, are born
you are, is holy" (3:16-17).
to new life. This divine life is not a product for
sale we do not practice proselytism-but a
treasure to be given, communicated, and
A temple is a place where humans meet God, and
proclaimed that is the meaning of mission. We
in Christ, that meeting place is in the hearts of
received this gift freely, sharing it freely (cf. Mt
believers and communities of followers. The
10:8), without excluding anyone. God wills that
Church is the community where its members
all people be saved by coming to know the truth
meet God in one another and where those
and experiencing his mercy through the ministry
outside the community are drawn to meet God.
of the Church, the universal sacrament of
Paul's letters express his desire to build up the
salvation (ef 1 Tim 2-4, Lumen Gentium, 48)
community (2 Corinthians 108, 12:19, 13:10;
Galatians 2:18). Likewise, he encourages The Church is on a mission in the world. Faith in
behavior worthy of God's call to holiness Jesus Christ enables us to see all things in their
(Ephesians 4:1-6, Philippians 1:27; 1 proper perspective, as we view the world with
Thessalonians 5.11). The Church, then, should be God's own eyes and heart. Hope opens us up to
alive with compassion, forgiveness, and truth the eternal horizons of the divine life that we
(Ephesians 4:25-32), a community that rejoices share. Charity, of which we have a foretaste in
in hope, endures in affliction, perseveres in the sacraments and fraternal love, urges us to go
prayer, and conquers evil with good (Romans forth to the ends of the earth (cf. Mic5:4; Mt
12.9 28:19; Acts 1:8, Rom 10:18) A Church that
presses forward to the farthest frontiers requires
a constant and ongoing missionary conversion.
Paul crafted language and imagery that has How many saints, how many men and women of
informed the Church about its identity for almost faith, witness to the fact that this unlimited
20 centuries. In his time, he could never have openness, this going forth in mercy, is indeed
imagined a worldwide instinational Church, but possible and realistic, for it is driven by love and
its most profound meaning as gift, sacrifice and
gratuitousness (cf. 2 Cor 5:14 21)! The man who Church. By proclaiming God's word, bearing
preaches God must be a man of God (cf. witness to the Gospel, and celebrating the life of
Maximum Illud). the Spirit, they summon to conversion, baptize
and offer Christian salvation, with respect for the
This missionary mandate touches us personally: I
freedom of each person and in dialogue with the
am a mission, always; you are a mission, always,
cultures and religions of the peoples to whom
every baptized man and woman is a mission.
they are sent. The missio ad gentes, which is
People in love never stand still: they are drawn
always necessary for the Church, thus contribute
out of themselves, they are attracted and attract
in a fundamental way to the process of ongoing
others in turn; they give themselves to others
conversion in all Christians. Faith in the Easter
and build life-giving relationships. As far as God's
event of Jesus; the ecclesial mission received in
love is concerned, no one is useless or
baptism; the geographic and cultural detachment
insignificant. Each of us is a mission to the world,
from oneself and one's own home; the need for
for each of us is the fruit of God's love. Even if
salvation from sin and liberation from personal
parents can betray their love by lies, hatred, and
and social evil: all these demand the mission that
infidelity, God never takes back his gift of life. He
reaches to the very ends of the earth
has destined each of his children to share in his
divine and eternal life (cf. Eph 1:3-6). I am a To men and women missionaries, and to all those
mission, always; you are a mission, always; who, under their baptism. share in any way in
every baptized man and woman is a mission the mission of the Church, I send my heartfelt
People in love never stand still they are drawn blessing.
out of themselves; they are attracted and attract
Under baptism, the mission is a Christian
others in turn, they give themselves to others
responsibility. The word baptism has its origin in
and build life-giving relationships.
the Greek word "bapto," which means "to dip" or
Our mission, then, is rooted in the fatherhood of "to immerse." We usually associate baptism with
God and the motherhood of the Church. The water, which relates to life, death, cleansing,
mandate given by the Risen Jesus at Easter is and, to some extent, growth. Baptism is
inherent in Baptism: as the Father has sent me, understood as dipping or immersing oneself into
so I send you, filled with the Holy Spirit, for the the water, symbolizing death or being buried.
reconciliation of the world (cf. Jn 20:19-23; Mt And when one comes out of the water, one
28:16-20). This mission is part of our identity as symbolically begins a new life. In baptism, we die
Christians; it makes us responsible for enabling from an old way of life of selfishness to a new
all men and women to realize their vocation to be way of life that resembles that of Christ selfless
adoptive children of the Father, to recognize their and compassionate
dignity, and to appreciate the intrinsic worth of
In the olden times, the Church Father Tertullian
every human life, from conception until natural
used the word "Sacramentum" to refer to
death. Today's rampant secularism, when it
baptism. But before the word was used for
becomes an aggressive cultural rejection of God's
baptism, it referred to a soldier's oath of loyalty.
active fatherhood in our history, is an obstacle to
Along this line, baptism can be understood as a
authentic human fraternity, which finds
pledge of our loyalty to Christ by living according
expression in reciprocal respect for the life of
to how he lived. In the process, we are
each person Without the God of Jesus Christ,
transformed, and we transform society by our
every difference is reduced to a baneful threat,
lives. That is why there are times during our
making any absolute fraternal acceptance and
liturgical celebrations (particularly during Easter)
fruitful unity within the human race impossible.
when we are asked to renew our baptismal
The universality of the salvation offered by God in promises to be true to what Jesus stood for. If we
Jesus Christ led Benedict XV to call for an end to are faithful to these promises like loyal soldiers,
all forms of nationalism and ethnocentrism, or then our baptism is meaningful.
the merging of the preaching of the Gospel with
Undeniably, celebrations of baptism are prevalent
the economic and military interests of the colonial
among Filipino Catholics and other Christians.
powers. In his Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud,
Such popularity is intensified by our strong family
the Pope noted that the Church's universal
ties and fondness for children. This fact makes us
mission requires setting aside exclusivist
look at baptism as an avenue for strengthening
membership ideas in one's own country and
familial and friendship ties. There is nothing
ethnic group. The opening of the culture and the
wrong with this. But the most important thing
community to the salvific newness of Jesus Christ
about the sacrament remains this: Baptism calls
requires leaving behind every kind of excessive
us to a lifetime of commitment to a new and
ethnic and ecclesial introversion.
renewed life of mission.
Today too, the Church needs men and women
who, by their baptism, respond generously to the
call to leave behind home, family, country, One concept in the Filipino culture that expresses
language, and local Church, and to be sent forth our nature as human beings constituted by
to the nations, to a world not yet transformed by relationships is "kapwa." The kapwa is defined by
the sacraments of Jesus Christ and his holy the Filipino theologian Jose de Mesa as the one
with whom we share a common humanity, who
we are in solidarity Everybody is kapwa. If we
recognize that we share a common humanity
with others, we will care for them as we care for
ourselves. This recognition is the beginning of
empathy that enables us to do something for
others even when it becomes inconvenient, even
if it entails sacrifices. In Christianity, the model of
authentic pakikipagkapwa is Jesus, of course. He
made the ultimate sacrifice-giving up his life that
others may live. As human beings, as a Church,
we are other-directed. We are missionaries
according to our nature. There are many songs in
our Churches that express this reality Look for
some of these songs; learn them, sing them, and
teach them to others. Below is an example of the
song "Simo Ako" by Fr. Jose Castañeda that
describes who we are and our role flowing from
that identity


Hiram sa Diyos ang aking buhay

Ikaw at ako'y tanging handog lamang Di ko

ninais na ako'y isilang Ngunit salamat dahil may
buhay bigaya ko Na ako'y isilang

Pagkat tao ay mayroong dangal Smo na may pag

ibig? Sino na nagmamahal?

Kung di ang tao Diyos ang pinagmulan, kung di

ako umibig Kung di ko man bigyang halaga Ang
buhay ko na handog Ang buhay ko ng hiram sa
Diyos, jram di ako nagmamahal Sino Ako

Sino ang thay pag-ibig Smo na nagmahal?

Kuna si ang tao. Diyos ang pinagmulan kung di

ako mabig Kung di ko man beyang halaga ang
bobay na hudoy Ang boliau ko ni hurm sa Diyon,
kung di ako magmahal Smo Ako

Kung di sk amibiu,kung di ko man bigyang halaga

Ana bilay na tando Ang buhay ko na hren in
12yos, kung di ako magmamahal

Kung di ako nagmamahal Sito Ako?

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