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Anne Liah D.

Romero Reaction Paper: Video Clip

BBE4303 – BSMA1E September 9, 2021

The video clip describes the poverty in Asia, particularly in the Philippines. Recently, Covid-19
pandemic is the main reason of poverty in our country. It said that Manila is the epicenter of the
pandemic that’s why they investigate and interview the urban poor to know their situations and
conditions. COVID-19 is a threat to the global community, posing a challenge to governments, health
systems, and institutions to respond effectively. Low-income countries are especially vulnerable. The
Philippines has been fighting chronic poverty since the late 1960s. For decades, the nation had always
been dubbed as the ‘sick man of Asia’. A series of economic reforms in early 2000 paved the way for the
growth of our economy which results of increasing GDP steadily. Philippines poverty rates were finally
decreasing and while GDPs have been rising, job opportunities and better labor conditions among the
urban poor are barely improving.

A package of emergency cash subsidies of 18 million signed by the President are distributed to
the low-income families beneficiaries. These subsidies are not enough to sustain the needs of one
family, and some individuals didn’t receive the subsidy right away. The result is national government
received complaints for the delay in the distribution of aid. Individuals may die not just as a result of
sickness, but also as a result of hunger. Instead of getting a subsidy, Elena's family is burdened with debt
in order to feed their family. They have also become too poor to protect themselves from Covid-19 since
they need to acquire face masks and face shields, despite the fact that the Philippines has one of the
most restrictive lockdowns in the world. There are protocols and requirements needed to move around
to find or buy essential good. Those who violate the curfew and social distancing measures, or fail to
wear a face mask will be punished through fines and detentions, like the 64-year-old man, Ceasar
Villamosa. He is one of the accused protestors and violators in EDSA just because he is eager to get relief
goods and a sack of rice. Luckily, famous influencers helped them and as a fellow Filipino, I also want to
help those people in need. Individuals like Elena, Cesar Gallamosa, Fed Sidoco, Jelen Rosillo, Shirlita
Golandrina, the two jeepney drivers and all of us who put ourselves on the line fighting an unknown
virus during a pandemic deserve the greatest respect.

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