Climate Seasons Around The World and in Panama

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Lesson plan # 4

Climate Seasons around the World and in Panama

. Season is one of four times of year with different weather and different
amounts of daylight happen in a pattern. Each year seasons follow the same
pattern. First there is winter, followed by spring, then summer and fall. Once those
seasons are over, the pattern begins again in the same order.

Summer is the warmest season. It has the most daylight. Sunlight warms the
Earth for longer periods of time causing the area around you to heat up more in the
summer. In the summer trees are green. It goes from June to September.

In Autumn or fall, the days begin to get shorter and the temperature begins to cool
down. Leaves turn colors and begin to fall from the trees. Many animals start
getting ready for winter. It goes from September to December.

Winter always follows fall. In winter there is the least amount of daylight. Less
sunlight is warming the Earth in winter, so the weather is cold. Most trees have no
leaves and it can snow. It goes from December to March

Spring always follows winter. In the spring the days begin to get longer, and the
temperature warms up. Trees begin to grow flowers and leaves. Animals like bears
come out of hibernation in the spring. It goes from march to June.

Climate Season in Panama

In Panama we have two seasons such as: Summer or dry season .It starts late
December until April almost after holy week. It is characterized by hot sunny days

And many outdoor activities.This season opens with students` vacation period.

Winter or rainy season:It goes from May to December . It is characterized by

rainy days, storms with thunderstorms and the vegetation grows and become
Classwork #1 Read and try to understand the reading

Homework #2 complete a summary of the reading with a concept map you have
to hand in the class

Climate season is one of four times of year

with different weather

Season in Panama

Season in the world


have no
and it can
snow It
goes from
to March
Classwork #2 Choose T for True and F for false

1._______In Panama we have four climate season.

2.______Summer is the best time for many outdoor activities.

3.______winter in Panama is characterized by a lot of snow.

4.______ Winter begins in Panama from May to December.

5.______ In the summer trees are green. It goes from July to September.

6.______In Panama we have four seasons.

7.______In Spring most trees begin to grow flowers and leaves.

8.______ In winter most trees have no leaves and it can snow.

9.______ Dry season in Panama is from December until April almost after holy


10._______ Animals like bears come out of hibernation in Winter.

11._______ The seasons always happen in the same order.

Classwork #3 Choose the correct answers

1. The season with the most amount of daylight is

a. summer b. autumn/fall c. winter d. Spring

2. The season with the least amount of daylight is

a. winter b. spring c. summer d. autumn/ fall

3. In Panama we have two season

a.. summer/ autumn b. spring/ summer c. fall/ winter d. dry /rainy

4.Summer season begins in Panama

a. January/ may b. December/April c. June/September

5. Autumn or fall begins from

a. April/October b. December/may c.September/December

Classwork # 4 answer the question in complete sentence.

1. What are some signs that fall is coming?


2. Why do we say that seasons follow a pattern?


3.Mencion the four seasons of the year

_____________,_____________,____________ and___________

4. How does a tree change throughout the seasons?



5.How is winter or rainy season in Panama?


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