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Managing Information in the Digital Age

Trimester 2, 2021
Assignment 2- reflection

The first assignment of this unit was a 48- hour assignment task. The task included of a
situation or a case study which was to be solved withing given time. The situation was about
implementation of digital passports in Australia. Talking about my reaction to this situation
or assignment, at first, I was a bit nervous because we only got 48 hours to do all the
research, incorporate all the relevant information and complete the assignment along with the
references so saying that It was a bit tiresome wouldn’t be wrong. But, as soon as I started
working on the assignment, I found it easy to gather information as a lot of information was
available online. I just had to find appropriate information and focus on what was asked in
the assignment. I was able to complete the assignment withing 36 hours. I felt that the case
study was important for me to understand the importance on vaccine passports and why they
should be implemented in every country. It was an informative experience.

I think, everyone has experienced the outbreak of COVID 19 in the world. Everyone has
faced the challenges for a year until the vaccination was invented to cure the disease. That is
why, it is very important to get yourself a vaccination dose and keep a proper record of that. I
think the problem provided to us in the 1st assignment clearly relates in real life. Though, I am
from India and I got my vaccination here, we get a vaccination certificate that includes the
date and time we got our vaccination. It is quite similar to the vaccination passport
implemented in some countries in the world such as the UK and New York. Although, I
really hope that India will soon introduce vaccination passports that would make international
travel easier. The information I gathered from research about digital vaccination passports
and how it works seems quite convincing and it would be a good measure to make sure that
everyone in the country is vaccinated and is COVID negative. The research helped me relate
better to why vaccination passports are necessary to bring the economy of every country back
on track.

As we know that in order to function normally, and bring our economy back to track, it is
important to have a proper proof that people are vaccinated and this is the reason I conducted
this research. We can’t recover the tourism and economy until each and every person is safe
and ready to travel. That is why vaccination passports are necessary. They provide an
evidence that they are safe and fully vaccinated. The main reason of the report in assignment
1 was to incorporate the importance of digital vaccination passports and the reasons why they
should be implemented. Well, there are a lot of reasons to implement the DVPs as they are
one of the legit sources of evidence that can prove that the person is vaccinated. They can
help revive the international travel and bring back international students who have been stuck

Although, finding appropriate information about the digital vaccination passports was not as
difficult as I thought, nut there was some problem faced by me in sorting out the legit sources
of information. There were a lot of websites that provided information about the vaccination
passports but, I made sure that the information I am incorporating in my report should be
correct and accurate. The research for the same took a bit time for me. However, if I face
same problem in future, I will make sure to keep in mind focusing mainly on the scholarly
academic articles as they are the most trusted for legit information. I will also make sure to
check whether the information provided on the websites has been credited so that I can use
that information in my further reports.

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