Week 3 Quiz With Answer

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MHR001 Managing Workplace Relations

Time allowed: 12 Minutes.

1. 'Employee Relations' programs focus on which of the following issues?

a. pays and benefits
b. work-life balance
c. safe working conditions
d. workplace conflicts
e. all of the above

2. Workplace conflict is an inevitable part of the _________ nature of organisational life.

a. complex
b. radical
c. pluralistic
d. capitalistic
e. none of the above

3. Which of the following is not a criterion required by law to make a valid unfair dismissal
a. It must be harsh, unjust or unreasonable.
b. It must not be a case of genuine redundancy.
c. In case of a small firm, the dismissal must have been inconsistent with the Small
Business Fair Dismissal Code.
d. The Commission must decide whether there was a valid reason for the termination and
must take into account a range of provisions under section 387.
e. The age of the dismissed employee.

4. In the context of Australian workplaces, which of the following 'Laws' have been
primarily responsible for (i) the introduction of 'compulsory secret ballots before lawful
strike could occur' and (ii) significant reduction of 'unfair dismissal protection'
a. AWAs & Workplace Relations Act
b. Affirmative Action Act
c. Fair Work Act
d. Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace
e. Racial Discrimination Act

5. From 1996 until 2007_______________ has been the dominant feature of the Industrial
Relations system in Australia.
a. Australian Workplace Agreements
b. Single-entity agreements
c. Collective agreements
d. multi-enterprise agreements
e. Greenfield agreements
MHR001 Managing Workplace Relations

6. Under which philosophy conflict is seen as an aberrant behaviour?

a. Unitarist
b. Pluralist
c. Marxist
d. Radical
e. None of the above

7. The HRM perspective that focuses on qualitative aspects of managing human resources is
known as
a. Strategic HRM
b. Soft HRM
c. Hard HRM
d. Operational HRM
e. All of the above

8. An unhappy employee's probable reactions can be expressed with the help of which of
the following models?
a. Harvard Model
b. Dunlop Model
c. EVLN Model
d. RVB Model
e. MARS Model

9. One of the most effective ways for a company to ensure good workplace relations is to
adopt a human resource strategy that places a high value on ____________ as stakeholders
in the business.
a. investors
b. suppliers
c. customers
d. employees
e. managers

10. Which act provided, for the first time an opportunity for employers and unions to
negotiate a workplace agreement?
a. Industrial Relations Act 1988
b. Workchoices Legislation 2005
c. Industrial Relations Reform Act 1993
d. Workplace Relations Act 1996.
e. The Fair Work Act 2009

Good Luck!

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