Corrosion: Test Tube Description of Medium Amount of Rust Compared To A

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A. Presence of Electrolytes
Test tube  Description of Medium  Amount of Rust Compared to A 

B Water + NaCl  More rust than the A

C Boiled distilled water + Edible oil  No rust seen unlike to A

D Water + calcium chloride  No rust seen unlike to A

B. Effect of Contact with Other Metals


Nail  No rust

Nail wrapped with silver Rust occurs on the nail

Nail wrapped with iron oxide Rust occurs on the nail


1. Which of the metals (Cu or Mg) wrapped around Fe causes the blue color to be formed
more quickly or more fully near the iron?
Copper, because when copper is oxidized by a combination of air, it forms a so-
called patina, a blue-green color type of rust.
2. Explain your observation in terms of electromechanical activity of the metals compared
to Fe.
A less reactive metal receives electron from the Fe. By this gaining of electron of
the lesser reactive metal, it speeds up the corrosion on Fe, when there is a direct
contact between the two.

3. Which will corrode more quickly, a piece of scratched galvanized iron (Fe coated with
Zn) or a piece of scratched tin can (Fe coated with Sn)? Explain your answer.
The Fe coated with Sn will corrode more quickly because the Sn is less reactive
than Fe which makes it receive the electrons from Fe and therefore corrode more

4. Enumerate the five methods to prevent iron from rusting.

1. Store properly. One way to prevent iron from rusting is to keep it away from
moisture and air.
2. Paint the iron. To keep the moisture away from iron, might as well cover it
by painting.
3. Apply oil. The moisture will be limited to reach iron when oil is applied on
the iron. This can help prevent rusting or somehow slow it down.
4. Galvanize. It is by applying zinc to the iron. Since zinc is more reactive than
iron, it will prevent rusting.
5. Powder Coating. This means the iron will be coated by acrylic, vinyl, epoxy
or other substances that will hinder the moisture to reach the metal.

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