Anest Caudal Usg

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a b

Figure 2:  (a) Diagrammatic representation of looping of cuff‑inflating channel around the posterior border of the turbinate.  (b) Winding the
cuff‑inflating channel around the tracheal tube ensures the movement occurs en masse

Conflicts of interest Clin Pharmacol 2011;27:141‑2.

5. Smith JE, Reid AP. Asymptomatic intranasal abnormalities
There are no conflicts of interest. influencing the choice of nostril for nasotracheal intubation.
Br J Anaesth 1999;83:882‑6.
Sheeba J Annie, R Sripriya, Areti Archana, 6. Ahmed‑Nusrath A, Tong JL, Smith JE. Pathways through the
nose for nasal intubation: A comparison of three endotracheal
T Sivashanmugam tubes. Br J Anaesth 2008;100:269-74.
Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Mahatma Gandhi
Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry, India
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
Address for correspondence: others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
Dr. R Sripriya, author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Department of Anaesthesiology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College
and Research Institute, Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry ‑ 607 402, India. Access this article online
E‑mail: Quick response code

1. Davila VR, Schwab C, Papadimos TJ, Casabianca AB.

A difficult extubation: Endotracheal tube ensnarement by a DOI:
Kirschner wire. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2015;5:128‑9. 10.4103/ija.IJA_275_17
2. Dryden GE. Circulatory collapse after pneumonectomy (an
unusual complication from the use of a Carlens catheter): Case
report. Anesth Analg 1977;56:451‑2.
3. Suresh YV, Mehandale SG, Vijesh KS. Difficult extubation – A How to cite this article: Annie SJ, Sripriya R, Archana A,
case report. Indian J Anaesth 2004;48:307‑8. Sivashanmugam T. Yet another cause for difficult extubation of
4. Suman S, Ganjoo P, Tandon MS. Difficult extubation due to nasotracheal tube. Indian J Anaesth 2017;61:684-5.
© 2017 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
failure of an endotracheal tube cuff deflation. J Anaesthesiol

Encountering caudal cyst on Morphological/anatomical variations in the

lumbosacral region such as sacral meningocele,
ultrasound: What do we do? meningeal diverticulum, extradural cysts and
perineural cysts[1‑3] are usually asymptomatic in
neonates and infants. They can be associated with
Sir, skin discolouration of the sacral area, sacral dimple or
hair tuft. Ultrasound scanning in such cases helps us
Caudal block is one of the most commonly performed pick up the pathology and gives us clear idea of what
regional anaesthesia techniques in paediatric patients we are dealing with.
for umbilical or subumbilical procedures. Commonly,
the caudal block is performed with traditional Our patient was a 17‑month‑old male child
landmark technique. Accidental dural punctures (weight 7.6 kg) posted for hypospadias repair. He was a
and trauma to the base of the sacrum are some of the pre‑mature child born at 28 weeks and was a Neonatal
known complications of this technique. Intensive Care Unit graduate of around 6 weeks. His

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Volume 61 | Issue 8 | August 2017 685

Page no. 83
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Letters to Editor

routine haematological and biochemical workup was USG regularly for performing caudal block, especially
normal. in the presence of signs suggesting anomalies.

On the day of surgery, standard nil per os guidelines Visible anatomical variations are tell‑tale signs of
was followed. The child was pre‑medicated with abnormalities such as the dural sac terminating
0.75 mg/kg midazolam with sugar orally 20 min abnormally low.[1,2] Any obviously visible anatomical
pre‑operatively. Our anaesthesia plan was to maintain variation such as tuft of hair, a dimple in the caudal
spontaneous ventilation with the face mask[4] and area are often considered as a relative contraindication
ultrasonography (USG)‑guided caudal block.[5] The for caudal block. Routine use of ultrasound could aid
pros and cons of caudal block were discussed with us in converting these relative contraindications into
parents as per our routine. safely doable techniques. Cystic structures, including
the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), may go unnoticed.
Anaesthesia induction was started with O2, N2O and These scenarios could increase the chances of dural
sevoflurane. Intravenous access was established with punctures or inadvertent deposition of the local
22‑gauge intravenous (I.V.) cannula. I.V. glycopyrrolate anaesthetic dose calculated for caudal epidural into
(4 μg/kg) was administered. The patient was turned the CSF leading disastrous complications.
left lateral for caudal block. The sacral area of the
patient had discolouration and a discreet dimple This makes a reasonable case for routine use of USG
noted on table as shown in Figure 1a. USG scanning guidance for caudal blocks, and especially, when the
of the sacral area revealed an anechoic cystic structure telltale sign of an underlying anomaly is apparent,
amidst the hyperechoic strands of filum terminale as before abandoning the procedure.
shown in Figure 2a and b. Caudal block was given
with 22‑gauge spinal needle (Quincke type) 30 mm Acknowledgement
length under real‑time USG guidance [Figure 1b] The authors would like to thank Dr. Kiran A. Puranik
avoiding the cyst as shown in Figure 2c. A volume MD.
of 3.5 ml of local anaesthetic mixture (0.5 ml 2%
Financial support and sponsorship
lignocaine with 1:200,000 adrenaline and 3 ml of
0.25% bupivacaine) was used for caudal block. There
was no response to surgical stimulus. Duration of
Conflicts of interest
surgery was 1.5 h. Anaesthesia was maintained with
There are no conflicts of interest.
O2, N2O and sevoflurane 1% through face mask.[4] At
the end of surgery, the child was shifted to recovery Vrushali Chandrashekhar Ponde1,2,
room. Post‑operative analgesia was maintained with Vinit Vinod Bedekar1,2
syrup ibuprofen 38 mg orally thrice daily. 1
Children’s Anaesthesia Services, 2Department of Anaesthesiology,
Surya Children’s Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
In our case, the cyst was clearly picked up by USG
screening and the caudal block was safely performed
by negotiating needle in accordance to the real‑time
scan, avoiding the cyst. With increasing availability
and increasing expertise of USG equipment, it is
highly recommended anaesthesiologists should use
a b

Figure 2:  (a and b) Ultrasonography scanning of the sacral area
a b showing an anechoic cystic structure amidst the hyperechoic strands
Figure 1: (a) Sacral area of patient with discolouration and discrete of filum terminale. (c) Real‑time ultrasonography scan of sacral area
dimple. (b) Ultrasound‑guided caudal block showing needle avoiding the cyst

686 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Volume 61 | Issue 8 | August 2017

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Letters to Editor

Address for correspondence:

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Dr. Vinit Vinod Bedekar, Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
Building No. B‑41/201, Yogi Nagar, Yogi Saraswati CHS, Eksar others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
Road, Borivali West, Mumbai ‑ 400 091, Maharashtra, India. author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Access this article online
1. Kim SG, Yang JY, Kim DW, Lee YJ. Inadvertent dural puncture Quick response code
during caudal approach by the introducer needle for epidural Website:
adhesiolysis caused by anatomical variation. Korean J Pain
2. Joo J, Kim J, Lee J. The prevalence of anatomical variations that
can cause inadvertent dural puncture when performing caudal
block in Koreans: A study using magnetic resonance imaging. 10.4103/ija.IJA_144_17
Anaesthesia 2010;65:23‑6.
3. North RB, Kidd DH, Wang H. Occult, bilateral anterior sacral
and intrasacral meningeal and perineurial cysts: Case report
and review of the literature. Neurosurgery 1990;27:981‑6.
4. Ponde V. Surgical mask used as a harness. Paediatr Anaesth How to cite this article: Ponde VC, Bedekar VV. Encountering
2006;16:601. caudal cyst on ultrasound: What do we do?. Indian J Anaesth
5. Ponde VC. Recent developments in paediatric neuraxial 2017;61:685-7.
© 2017 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
blocks. Indian J Anaesth 2012;56:470‑8.

A novel position for D2 inspired by the cervicothoracic Swimmer’s view

X‑ray (SVXR) for lateral projection in cervical spine
kyphoplasty: Swimmer’s position X‑rays.[3]

The most common cervical projections in routine

Sir, use in the radiology suite are the anteroposterior and
lateral. Special projections such as the ‘swimmer’s
Kyphoplasty for benign osteoporotic fractures view’ may be employed for better demonstration of C‑7
is mainly carried out under local anaesthesia. and T‑1 to T‑3 vertebrae, which on the standard lateral
Kyphoplasty for malignant lesions (multiple myeloma) projection are obscured by the overlying clavicle and
or spinal metastases from primary tumours elsewhere shoulder girdle soft tissues. The patient stands with his
in the body (breast, prostate), often requires prone coronal plane perpendicular to the X‑ray plate, raises
positioning under general anaesthesia using an one arm, lowering opposite shoulder and rotating
armoured or flexometallic tube.[1] These kyphoplasties both shoulders away from midline.[3,4] The shoulder
are performed under portable C‑arm/fluoroscopic mass is moved aside, revealing the lower cervical,
guidance in the operation room. The two upper limbs T1 and T2 vertebrae. Swimmer’s View X Ray (SVXR)
are generally kept 90° abducted at the shoulder joint is a complicated X‑ray for both the radiographers
and 90° flexed at the elbow joint, the forearms lying and patient because of complex patient positioning.
parallel to the long axis of the pronated head. The The shoulders may have limited flexibility and
forehead and chin rest against elevations on the head particularly in trauma patients, pulling or adjusting
rest while supports are placed under the iliac crests the arms may worsen any cervical spine injury.
and upper thorax.[2] Care is taken to keep the eyeballs SVXR has largely been replaced with newer imaging
and abdomen free from contact with the operation modalities such as computed tomography (CT)
table. All lumbar and almost all thoracic vertebrae scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the
lesions can be subjected to needle implantation and radiology suite.[3] However, for D2 lesions being
bone cement injection in this standard position. operated under fluoroscopic guidance, this position is
However, while imaging T1 and T2 lesions using the a boon since CT and MRI imaging are not available
C‑arm, with patient in standard position, the shoulder as point‑of‑care facilities for the intraoperative period
mass obstructs the view of lower cervical and first unlike the C‑arm. Under general anaesthesia, there is
two thoracic vertebrae making surgery impossible. a real risk of traction nerve injury in patients operated
To overcome this predicament, we devised a special in the prone position. We obtained our Swimmer’s
modified prone position, the ‘Swimmer’s position’ position with the patient prone [Figure 1] and not

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Volume 61 | Issue 8 | August 2017 687

Page no. 85

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