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Healthcare service levy On social sector allocation,

FM doesn’t walk the talk
may be rolled back
Sidhartha & Surojit Gupta | TNN

New Delhi: Pranab

Mukherjee might have spent
Little To
Social sector
2011-12 % change
As for the subsidy themselves,
in case of fertiliser, Mukher-
jee has budgeted for decrease
of 9% (nearly Rs 5,000 crore)
an hour trying to emphasize About, Health 25,055 30,456 21.6 while accounting for a burden
New Delhi: Caught between
public outcry and Congress
reservations, the government
on Tuesday indicated that it
INDIA his government’s inclusive
agenda and focus on infra-
structure but it does not seem
to have translated into actu-
Mr FM Education
Rural devpt
of Rs 50,000 crore.
The finance minister told
industry captains on Tues-
day that he has actually pro-
was willing to review the Bud- ON THE SICK BED al allocation. Fertilizer 55,215 50,245 -9.0 vided more than what has
get proposal to levy a service His social sector spending, Food 68,021 61,606 -9.4 been done in the past few
charge on healthcare costs of based on a comparison be- Oil 38,559 23,716 -38.5 years. In any case, he said,
individuals. But those opting Public spending on health | tween the Budget estimates the government has made the
for medical insurance might 0.94% of GDP among lowest for the next financial year and Infrastructure 56,509.25 60,145.00 6.4 process more transparent by
have to remain under the am- in the world revised estimates for this year, Civil aviation 2,656 2,394 -9.9 providing cash subsidy in-
bit of the levy. Drugs accounted translate into a 6.56% increase Power 8,552 9,507 11.2 stead of resorting to issuing
In comparison, the figure for 72% of the
‘‘Whether the service tax in allocation for four min- Roads 25,563 26,438 3.4 bonds, which were not ac-
will be on 25-bed hospitals or
stands at 14% in the total private out-of- istries — health, education, counted for in the Budget.
whether it will be on all tests Maldives, 29% in Bhutan, pocket expenditure Source: Lancet rural development and agri- Shipping 1,605 1,806 12.5 Though the expectation is
is something that can be dis- 53% in Sri Lanka, 31% in culture (see table). Within this, Railways 18,133.25 20,000 10.3 that the government will have
cussed,’’ revenue secretary Thailand and 61% in China 39 mn Indians pushed into 47% of hospital admissions the allocation for ministries Amounts in crore to allocate more money for
Sunil Mitra said. Indians have to pay 80% poverty from ill health every yr in rural India and 31% of agriculture and rural de- subsidies, Mukherjee said he
Finance minister Pranab of their medical expenses in urban India financed by velopment, which is respon- the actual increase in alloca- if the assistance given to rail- could not take a call now as
Mukherjee in his Budget pro-
30% of rural Indians didn’t loans and the sale of assets sible for the NREGA, have de- tion works out to around 12%. ways and India Infrastructure oil prices were highly volatile.
from their pocket go for treatment for financial
posed to levy 5% service tax creased marginally. The story is similar in five Finance Company Ltd from The government’s calcu-
on all services provided by 74% of this expenditure reasons in 2004, up from 15% Between 1986 and 2004, avg There is a significant in- infrastructure ministries — the department of economic lations have come under crit-
centrally air-conditioned clin- incurred for outpatient in 1995. In cities, the figure was real expenditure per hospital crease in the allocation for ed- power, roads, shipping, rail- affairs have been included. In icism from economists who
ical establishments with 25 treatment, not hospital care 20%, up from 10% in 1995 admission increased 3 times ucation (16%) and health ways, communications & IT addition, the department expect that the projection of
beds. In addition, tests at di- (21.5%). In value terms, this and civil aviation — with the housed in the finance min- 4.6% of GDP for 2011-12 will
agnostic clinics are proposed care service providers and ing on healthcare was low, holders. ‘‘If the view is that it translates into Rs 8,815 crore last two seeing a decrease in istry is providing funds for be overshot.
to be brought under the levy. those going to private hospi- something that Pranab should not be taxed, we will for the two departments of the allocation for 2011-12. Cumu- strengthening the PPP and vi- “We believe the current
Consultant doctors would be tals and diagnostic centres, Mukherjee acknowledged. look at it,’’ he said, adding that HRD ministry and Rs 5,401 latively, they have seen their ability gap funding. government expenditure pro-
part of the levy too. Against government officials sug- P N Arora, MD of Yasho- a negative list of services, crore for health ministry. allocation increase by around In case of the ministries jections can eventually throw
the 10% service tax levy, gested that the levy would im- da Hospital, argued that gov- which will not be subjected to Of the Rs 8,815 crore that 3.5% to around Rs 77,000 crore. that administer the three large upside surprise and put
Mukherjee had proposed 50% pact only a handful of people ernment should not make a levy under the Goods & Ser- Mukherjee has earmarked for In his Budget speech, main subsidies — oil, food and upward pressure on the
abatement, resulting in a to- who use high-end medical healthcare costlier. vices Tax regime would be school and secondary educa- Mukherjee had said that he fertilizer — it is not about an deficit numbers,” Barclays
tal levy of 5%. care facilities. Later, Mitra told TOI that prepared. tion, Rs 1,900 crore is the ad- has raised the allocation for increase in the allocation. It’s Capital economists Sid-
Congress sources indicat- ‘‘It is inhuman to put fur- the big impact of the propos- Congress is concerned ditional mop up from the edu- infrastructure by 23.3% to Rs a story of lower availability dhartha Sanyal and Kumar
ed the party would urge ther burden. It is the aam al was in case of individuals that service tax on diagnos- cation cess. Counting that out, 2.14 lakh crore. It is not clear of funds, at least to begin with. Rachapudi said in a note.
Mukherjee to withdraw the admi who will have to bear the and hinted that the tax would tics and healthcare may sour
unpopular proposal that can burden. It’s cruelty,’’ Naresh apply for those using a med- the otherwise pleasant post-
make the ruling party vul-
nerable to the opposition’s
charge of being anti-poor.
Party leaders are sure 25-
Trehan, cardiac surgeon and
chairman & managing direc-
tor of Medanta, said during a
post-Budget interaction with
ical cover whether purchased
in their individual capacity
or through a corporate tie-up.
Asked if healthcare should
budget mood. Party leaders
feel the provision would di-
rectly hit the poor consumers
seeking healthcare and ar-
GDP gallops but spending on
bed hospitals would pass on the
additional burden to patients,
thus annoying voters when
Congress cannot afford to.
Amid protests from health-
the finance minister.
Apollo Hospital’s Shobana
Kamineni too sought a roll-
back of the ‘‘retrograde step’’
given that government spend-
be taxed given that several do
not have access to medical fa-
cilities, Mitra said the gov-
ernment was willing to dis-
cuss the issue with the stake-
gued it would have been bet-
ter if the tax was levied on
super-speciality hospitals
which were owned by and
cater to the rich.
public health schemes shrinks
Rema Nagarajan has gone down.
TIMES INSIGHT GROUP Recipe for disaster? Quite inexplicably, despite
the increase in the incidence

‘Misery tax prescription Most drug

prices likely
elying the celebration
in the Budget of a “re-
markable fiscal year”
and the return of the econo-
National health programmes

National Programme for Prevention

in Cr
2011-12 Difference in
in Cr
2009-11 (%)
and the geographical spread
of vector borne diseases such
as malaria, dengue, chikun-
gunya and Japanese en-

will have domino effect’ to go up

my to “its pre-crisis growth
trajectory”, some of the most
crucial public health pro-
grammes have suffered
& Control of Diabetes,
Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
National Vector Borne Disease
Control Programme

568.08 437.28
20 172

cephalitis, the budget of the
National Vector Borne Dis-
ease Control Programme has
been reduced from Rs 568
Malathy Iyer & Rupali Mukherjee | TNN slashed budgets. In a few cas- crore to Rs 437 crore. Even the
Kounteya Sinha | TNN The patient will have to es, the allocation has been in- National TB Control Programme 426.72 380 -11 TB control programme’s
pay 5% extra at every Mumbai: You will have to pay creased but by a laughably funds have been cut down,
National Trachoma & Blindness
New Delhi/ Mumbai: Car- more for that flu shot, or to ease small amount compared to 272.21 261 -4 even as a large number of pa-
diac surgeon Dr Devi Shetty
level — to the private pain during surgery. Prices of the much-lauded increase in
Control Programme
tients are struggling to get ex-
calls it the “misery tax” and hospital consultant, to vaccines, anaesthetics and in- GDP and in the enhanced al- National Integrated Disease pensive second line treatment
40.01 55 37
pathologist Dr Navin Dang the laboratory travenous fluids (IV fluids) are location to the health min- Surveillance Programme for drug resistant TB.
says it is completely “unac- conducting his tests expected to rise with the im- istry. The aam admi seems to The only public health
ceptable.” position of an excise levy. have been shortchanged in
Routine Immunization 618.91 511 -17 programme that has been en-
Pranab Mukherjee’s pro- and to the hospital, Not just that. Ayurvedic, healthcare. Total Allocation 1933.29 1664.28 -14 hanced significantly is the
posal to impose a service tax even if he needs to unani, siddha and homeo- The country’s GDP is National Programme for Pre-
on health checkups and treat- pathic drugs will also cost estimated to increase by The actual expenditure is available for 2009-10 and not for vention and Control of Dia-
stay overnight 2010-11. Hence the comparison is being made between the
ment in all hospitals with more with them being brought 37% from 2009-10 to 2011-12 betes, Cardiovascular Disease
more than 25 beds and diag- under the excise net for the and the allocation for the 2009-10 and 2011-12 data and Stroke. The funding for
nostic tests in AC diagnostic ran Africa that spends around a patient’s fundamental right. first time, with a 1% levy. health ministry has in- this programme has been
centres has the healthcare sec- 2.5% of its GDP. Over 80% of The government has decided The Budget has hiked the creased by 33% in the same get population, even the budg- deaths in the world. more than doubled. But con-
tor up in arms. A close look at Indians foot their health bills to tax this very right.’’ Con- excise levy on medicines by period. Yet, the allocation et for routine immunization Paradoxically, the Na- sidering the amount involved
the finance minister’s pre- from their pocket. sidering that a checkup could 1% from the existing 4%, mak- for the various national dis- has gone down from Rs 618 tional Integrated Disease Sur- is just Rs 20 crore, that’s not
scription for the healthcare “The government spends cost between Rs 3,000 and Rs ing all medicines (allopathic) ease control programmes has crore in 2009-10 to Rs 511 crore veillance Programme, which saying much.
sector shows patients may end nothing on healthcare and will 10,000 depending on the tests, dearer. On vaccines, a 5% ex- gone down by 14% over these in the current Budget. is meant to track incidence With such poor alloca-
up paying more than just 5% now tax patients who already patients will have to shell out cise duty is being levied, with two years from Rs 1,933 crore This is when over 26 mil- of diseases, detect disease tions, there is great concern
extra to healthcare providers. pay from their pocket. This is Rs 150 to Rs 500 extra. They a concessional duty of 1% to Rs 1,664 crore. lion children are born in the trends and risk factors and among public health experts
In fact, the patient will have a misery tax,” Shetty told TOI. will also have to pay extra for without Cenvat credit facility. Despite the latest Nation- country every year who need also help to devise public about the ability of these al-
to pay 5% extra at every level In a letter, he is sending the fi- the doctor overseeing the A top official of major vaccine al Family Health Survey re- to be covered by the routine health strategies to tackle ready underfunded public
— to the private hospital con- nance minister, the surgeon checkup. manufacturer Serum India vealing that the coverage of immunization programme them, has seen an increase in health programmes to effec-
sultant, to the laboratory con- writes: “India needs at least 25 Shetty added that the idea told TOI: “We will pass on the the universal immunization which protects them against its allocation. But the money tively address the needs of
ducting his tests and to the lakh heart surgeries annual- of service tax on AC hospitals excise burden to consumers, programme is a mere 43.5%, six diseases. India accounts to tackle the diseases being the poorest who are the most
hospital, even if he needs to ly. Unfortunately, less than was based on wrong assump- and accordingly, there will be way below even half the tar- for over 21% of under-five tracked by this programme susceptible to ill health.
stay overnight. “This is going 90,000 people undergo heart tions. “You cannot legally per- around 1% increase in prices
to have a domino effect on the surgery, most of them using form any major surgeries in of vaccines.”
patient’s purse,’’ doctor-ad-
ministrator of a Mumbai hos-
their lives’ savings. Today, less
than 5% of our population can
an operation theatre without
AC. You cannot have an ICU
Others like Sanofi and
Panacea Biotech are also plan-
Budget session
pital said. afford to undergo treatment without an AC, CT scans MRIs ning to increase prices. Prices
Then, there is the sales tax for heart, brain and kidney ail- and cathlabs do not work with- may go up in the range of 1-1.5% may end early
that individual doctors will ments and cancer. Unless the out AC. Blood banks don’t get for most vaccines, excluding
have to pay. “It can snowball
into a big problem for the pa-
government supports the
health sector by offering tax
licences unless they are air
conditioned. Only the general
those under the National Im-
munization Programme.
in view of polls
tient. It is said that if lawyers benefits, more than 90% of our wards and the toilets are not Also, prices of most home- New Delhi: There is a move to
are brought under the purview population cannot afford it. Is air conditioned in most hospi- opathic, unani, siddha and curtail the three-week recess
of sales tax why not doctors? the 5% service tax fair?” tals. In short you cannot have ayurvedic concoctions and and end the Budget session of
But doctors perform an emer- Dang said patients with tertiary hospital without AC.” pills are expected to go up with Parliament early next month
gency and life-saving job,’’ Dr chronic illnesses like cancer The cardiac surgeon writes the 1% excise levy. So, compa- to enable MPs to campaign in
Arun Bal of Acash (Associa- and diabetes need constant in his letter to Mukherjee: nies like Dabur, Baidyanath, five states for assembly elec-
tion for Consumers’ Action on blood tests. They will be bur- “…Poor people on the whole Himalaya Drug Company, Dr tions starting on April 4. The
Safety & Health) said. dened with extra costs every fall sick more often than the Batra’s and Baksons Home- move to reschedule the Budget
There is another hidden time they get a test done, some- rich, they need major inter- opathy will be impacted. session gained momentum af-
cost. “If hospitals, labs and times thrice a day. vention most of the time be- The domestic pharma ter some MPs from these states
doctors have to pay sales tax, “The worst affected will be cause they come late nearly at industry will be adversely petitioned the parliamentary
they will have to hire people preventive health check ups. the end stage for treatment. impacted because of the im- affairs ministry for an early
who can do it for them. More At present, the numbers are Any extra cost is only going to position of minimum alter- end to the session in view of
hiring means more salary. The low because people think get- hurt them more.” nate tax of 18.5% on special elections. West Bengal, Assam,
only way of recovering it is by ting a preventive check up is Pervez Ahmed, CEO Max economic zones. Cipla direc- Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and
asking patients to pay more,’’ futile. Now, they won’t come Healthcare said the decision tor S Radhakrishnan said: Kerala are going to elections.
a private hospital adminis- forward even more because of was unfortunate. “We will pass “The removal of tax benefit Government managers
trator said. the additional service tax,” this tax on to the patients. The on SEZs is not good news. think that by shortening the
The government spends Dang said. government needs to re-ex- We have made a huge invest- mid-session recess by a few
roughly 1% of the GDP on Bal of Acash added: “A pre- amine the notion of a service,” ment of over Rs 700 crore days, Parliament can be ad-
health, lower than sub-Saha- ventive health checkup is like he said. at Indore SEZ”. journed sine die around the date
for the first phase of polling.
Parliamentary affairs minister

NAC slams ‘unimaginative’ Budget Vayalar to take travel tax woes to Pranab P K Bansal will consult leaders
of different political parties on
Thursday to rework the sched-
ule for the session.
Subodh Ghildiyal & Nitin Sethi | TNN sidised fertilizer and kerosene Saurabh Sinha | TNN stance, a Delhi-Mumbai business The first phase of polling in
with cash transfers. “They are liv- class ticket on an average Assam takes place on April 4.
New Delhi: Key members of the ing in a fool’s paradise, if cash New Delhi: Upcoming assembly costs about Rs 20,000, of which According to a tentative
Sonia Gandhi-led National Advi- transfer is a way to eradicate cor- elections in Kerala may be a the basic fare and fuel surcharge schedule, Parliament will go
sory Council (NAC) criticized the ruption or leakage,” Roy said. ray of hope for budget interna- component is Rs 19,000. So into recess on March 16 to re-
UPA budget for doing little on the She explained, “giving a per- tional travellers resenting the the service tax could rise from Rs assemble on March 28. TNN
social sector front and ‘lacking son money to buy kerosene from steep hike in service tax that has 100 from at present to Rs 1,900 un-
imagination’. “It is more a state- open market at whatever prices is been raised in Monday’s budget der the new provision.
ment of intent and not resources,”
said Harsh Mander, member of the Aruna Roy was critical of the low
not good. Supporting him through
public distribution system is much
from Rs 500 to Rs 750. Since Ker-
ala sees huge travel between the
While the service tax shocker
will kick in next fiscal, aviation
Times Now most
NAC and Supreme Court commis-
sioner on food and poverty case.
allocation for MNREGA more straight forward.”
Mandar echoed Roy. “It is wor-
state and Gulf, this hike may not
go down well with people.
turbine fuel (ATF) has already
started taking its toll. Oil market-
watched on B-Day
While welcoming the addi-
tional allocations for health and
education, he said, “social inclu-
REGA wages had just been hiked
after being linked to the consumer
price index and shouldn’t have
rying. Especially in the case of fer-
tilizers, there are large number of
sharecroppers and tenants and for-
According to highly placed
sources, aviation minister Vayalar
Ravi is likely to raise the issue
ing companies on Tuesday hiked
ATF price by about Rs 2,000 per
kilolitre (KL), raising the price in
T imes Now on Monday issued
a statement saying that for
the third year in a row, it was the
sion and equity remained small been frozen at Rs 40,000 crore — est-dwellers who will not be able of hiked tax with finance minis- Delhi from Rs 53,000 per KL to al- most watched channel on Budget
ticket add-ons in the budget where around last year’s outgo on the mas- to present their land papers to ter Pranab Mukherjee and point POLL COMPULSIONS: Vayalar Ravi most Rs 55,000 per KL. day, ahead of CNBC TV18, NDTV
the poor are left out.” sive social scheme. “Though one claim the cash. This will turn into out that even the tax of Rs 500 Airlines have started passing 24x7 and CNN IBN. While Times
Another member Aruna Roy, can argue that it is a demand driv- cash transfers to absentee land- is steep enough and should not be fare component — basic fare on the increased cost to passen- Now’s viewership was 3.5 times
too, criticized the budget for low en programme and borne by the lords instead,” he said. further hiked. and fuel surcharge. The same is gers. Kingfisher hiked fuel sur- of NDTV 24x7 and nearly eight
allocations to MNREGA. “The ref- Centre, the fact of matter is that The duo pointed out that there The travel industry is worried likely to be adopted for domestic charge from Rs 100 to Rs 200 from times that of CNN IBN, it was
erence point for allocations should budgetary allocation does show an was no proof that cash transfers about the service tax hike for do- business class, although final Tuesday, while Jet had already 64% ahead of CNBC TV18,
be revised estimates. Why should estimation on that programme’s eradicated corruption. Mander cit- mestic travellers in business class, clarity will come later,” said done so some days back. Some in- according to data released by
it be the budgetary allocations of expenditure,” she told TOI. ed the case of old age pension which is proposed to be raised Travel Agents Federation of India ternational airlines like Cathay AMAP for February 28. Times
last year?” she asked. Both the members were harsh- schemes, claiming evidence sug- from Rs 100 to 10% of fare. chief Anil Kalsi. Pacific also hiked this cess from Now is 8.37 GRPs; CNBC TV18 -
Indicating that the allocations er in their criticism of the deci- gested a higher level of corruption “The 10% service tax being levied This would mean a huge Tuesday and others also recently 5.1; NDTV 24X7 -2.27; and, CNN
were low, she pointed out that MN- sion to replace supply of sub- prevailed there than in PDS. on international travel is on the service tax component. For in- upwardly hiked their surcharge. IBN - 1.06. TNN

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