Toeic Voca 400-800

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40 mistake DAS, BS, 25 NSAI, Q8f8tCi(misunderstand) ini eueeanae 1 ADT + bymistake 1192, 22610, + make a mistake 2152 XAc} + mistakenly report 122 252i mistaken mistakenly ta2ie2, 12 ADV doy tor Tonic une Sues 108 xe 2 a z ‘Some employee training experts strongly believe that people better when they discover mistakes by themselves. (A) learned (6) learn 4 fa LE, giao Pais » giaa 41 network nved, wes, whe mUESa= Ssict Ure) uum se + the network of service providers M/A gesa| 122 networking ges auate N eh Toule sk:oe even 1H 8S After reviewing the training program for new sales staff, Mr. Vance that more emphasis should be placed on networking skills. (A) had been concluding (©) concluded tain theing 42 occasionally = 01:3, 713 Leainat) ummm se occasion mit, 27 N se : ™ 94 + apart from occasional traffic congestions in Mumbai sol se 25 ss occasional m7) ADT Savane + eccasionally offer special discounts to customers 7i) St tele Taso male) GRAMMAR POINT ‘Toete aay SEH 72S 221 SA applied O12 Jane Smith applied for a job at Green Motors on many nits AF As 140 & occasions unt (A) was. 400. (8) 25 Hl BS HEIISE WEISO| AAS. 1 cj JO] MCI Zoi ECL. 404. (B) AIRS Se US BESS, AME QUIN Qe 71S BSH O| A7} Slo} gicen WERE. 02. (a) IC! ADLAE eI aL BELO} SIRT HC, 178 - SmA S21 aIAIZe S7t ClOlat ~ 403 ongoing sn x GRAMMAR POINT EAP IANO SS A) ai Bt IE 20] 2H OFBUICL BS ef ei Bus BILE maintain 04 iit $9171 2 eau han date = initially, mgt each més me evigina ix N aaa GRAMMAR POINT has E1201 ~ing? wi 3 Sule. te, si, APE a Of te naveSAY = pp.7! Bud. 45 pack Inst packagenus, #20) MY packing eh! N af waahia at quesense + a8 a result of ongoing problems se SHisel 22 ‘oBIC ABE SEN et First City Bank assured its customers that it exceptional service in spite of the ongoing renovations in several branches. (A) maintain (B) will maintain Ha B24, Lal(primarily), ABLE’ aqamaase + an original piece of artwork 2 91235 + be originally scheduled 22-2 0RSER} + than we originally believed 921) 2et Wate! 2 Ech ‘Tosic aaiue uae 421 ‘The system upgrade has in more technical problems than we originally predicted. (A) resulting (8) resulted ee a ee EMEC, MC, Sch au wean se + guarantee delivery of any package #82) H#e2 atic + te package all of their produce S425 228171 8014 Tose aay BUEN SAE Aplan e temporary workers to help package outgoing products during the busy holiday season if necessary. (A) are going (B)is 403. (6) HAS ay 2} owes 2c} ot @ QU] IES Be RIO Ell Ich. | SHS 8 XFIT BAPE OS SBOE olata SIAC. 404. (B) AAG! QIAO "A2iHCh, 408. @) 2ISt LQSICE! WIE 97] A Ser woe Linke MESS Bache EBS -S geylexama - 179 periodic a 27/21, tik SIB0[SIE leat] ag wean se period 722, 4171 + isperiodically revisited 47/422 9} 311 22, + Itis vital to keep track of your eredit score periodically. 8 953 42/22 7) EE BaUiC visits aise TOEIC akue Ouest SaaS The labor union at the Maison Company aten 3 . percent salary increase and a 50-minute meal period during each shift. rf (A) requesting (B) requested va odin, 407 postpone WQ7/ScHput off, $12 O1RCH delay) ibe] : N twesense postponement | + will be postponed 215 2214¢1 ‘ORAMMAR POINT Toric set ewe 108 as Arist a2 SARIOUwiIS| Until the database server completely updated, =e employee training on the new software will be postponed. is (©) will be a — z press PEC DASA, SE7IB, ot, O71, 8171 tol sawsam ae pressurem2,om + blood pressure we + press conference 714 21 + press release (22 7/20 sis) WE NE CoRAMMAR POINT rosie sway 2280 45 aot cue sors Avery Motors will not on the design of its new line of uiackiguwsrec. automobiles until the press release tomorrow. ipo (A) comment (8) rely 406. (6) oIO|e Ais] 2st 10% Rist PID} 2] ROIDP SOI SORE] AA} AIG SAIC. 407. (A) HIOIEMIOLA Af} Sel SIAOIS H PIRL AA BE AEBAON Ue IN BRS QV AOI. 408. (A) o4OH Hel DELAKS LA EE HRTF MRE wR] AIGA) Ml MIEZO, CAPO] Bet OfasHa 2S 20K, 180 - mA Sol SIZ 7h COPE Z #2 prize ae ae a Tosi cy waa + award prize #930) prizewinning o 2! Ee ‘osie suey Se 78186 2 Employees who have contributed outstanding personal Z service to customers awarded a prize at the upcoming annual convention. (A) were (B) will be seein eT wing ving, g thas, any 410 public meas, Ss 2SSe, weels) : ty ean Be + apublic holiday 32 + spublic opinion poll = =H + aul telophone 258i + public awareness 1 2M + public transportitranspertation] 5 GRAMMAR POINT ‘TORIC aM BuEM 621 85 Ag 70v\masheld = 236 To publicize the opening of ch, Saas aE is new hardware store, Mr. Frye jiecijis seuss @Fibbon-cutting ceremony. eur (A) is holding (8) was held ‘Adin Sang, = WU 4 readily EE SAl(promptly), 227i) ea wman ae ready m1 S¥ig, Sviaie ~2 + be readily available 54) 01St + QC, £2171 018 > IC eae ADT + be ready for 0 2471 501264 + be ready todo ~11 712, t-te set + remain ready to lower 25 3H} 21801) CoRAMitan POINT TORI aut eHeN 98 HE 18 AP The manual in such an easy-to-understand manner as to be readily accessible to laymen and nonprofessionals. (A) was writing (8) was written 409, (8) DATOAA FIO 790! Mel ee PERS NSE IOI, 414, (B) = AS (Bote al alt ISS CI71Se Tal SOWING WE OKC, 410. (A) A ATA NE Bel Pt, ‘24 ola + Si BAOw wx} QO}M “AHA aI SEIS wlaterioiai= Sezhsét IPIEXRMA - 181 “2 refuse Cound refusal 22, 1% N We. TD ABEHCt(reject, turn down), AZ8ICt cawsan se S + be refused duc to + N =m 8c) Toric sige aes 98145 The board of directors will refuse to sign o1 unless there significant changes made to the contract. S (A) will be (®)are can to dai a reorganize ma TBSiCh, TRICE g Eon brveens reorganization ts, AB, PARE + toreorganize the company i TOEIc Aue BUSH ou aE The CEO to reorganize the company in order to manage employees more effectively. (A) plans (8) has been planned 444 respect api respectful’ ADT respectable n respective m 22° A, DJ. WALT. ny trosting our clients respectfully 22121 23500 5 = 7 ; Adton iter dank git cao. DESy), S/o ZBStChnorfor) cuusanse + be reepectully treated 358711980 + respect for-a1 2a respectively 7, VAD V . respective holders 22! A935 respectfully S201 ADV respecting n~* + thelr respective folds 25 2519) iol, ' + with respect 253i) or csto, ff : GRAMMAR POINT UES SABI aH} ate Tonle see UBS 58 AS Out of respect for the guest speaker, please bring food into the auditorium during the presentation. (A) do not (8) didn't 412. (B) OMS al SINE A PISA Ae! OHS AISNE. 414. (8) RI Neches, APIA] MBEKE IE HCE Ole. 413. (a) a GIONS Aol Hp! ZIOKS Bail RSKS Ser BIOL SARS IRIN Solon) OMe, 182 - SmiA Sol alate SF ctor Z #18 species 0 (SE SELLA) S, SH (king, sort) init) ewesaa se x + our endangered species 85 #7101 52S GRAMMAR POINT ‘TORIC AaB BUEN 58S willhave been beBA10R2 You an opportunity to watch approximately ten thousand different species of bugs at the Bug's Life Museum. (A) will have s a «s supplement ca Betstcdompiement), SeéftH(provide), MBSiChfurnish) “H #7}, BS edtinan ze supplier D222, 828 Nr opice supplies NOSES supply 95, #5(2) 033 NV supply A with B wri 85 238% IC, MSEC a to supplement traditional energy sources, such as coal, oil, and gas “fi0/L+ 4 supplementary m0) 9 sai2 1am pe wal nS 071 HR yoric see Suse 382 The local water supplier information on the quali the water. (A) could have been provided o (8) can provide “7 transfer gee oo nea brent) jeans ‘transference mig, 01 + be not transferable 2%) # 20) transferable Doi! +2ADT | ganstoravep an sedi A238 2781 rosie sues eu 724 s Mr. Wang transferring to the Oregon State University instead of completing his degree at Ohio State. Sits (A) is considering (B) has been considered 415. (A) 22 MA 20 4: SIE OIC. 417. (a) QE BOW oF ch4a| clare Ale BS ajole SEIU 3718S 7A AOI). 416. @) Axl S Bs OMe Slo BS WET aH 7 Os 2 UAL ete! Fee BY AAI al FHBSXSmA - 183 undoubtedly = =svt orzo, sz2i01 Cina undoubted meat omnapT “WSNOtEt ll undoubtedly be promoted to assistant sales manager next year iubl= ate ‘SMO Boe OR Sag OIC) Tosi mime ened 1a as Due to the high quality of his work, Mr. Young will undoubtedly Promoted to Assistant Sales Manager next year. (A)be (8) have : tt civ “2 vegetarian Maou} tenet eu ween ae vegetablemas Nf + Ms. Min was formerly a vegetarian, but now she eats most of the meat. 282 vegetation m+, =! Oral AAEM TaIU IE CURES ZIG ORC + the price of vegetables #2723 Grammar Point Toric auue Bes 43125 ae HON BAL The Produce Growers Association has distributed a pamphlet Beaptcomeebndal to area supermarkets that fruits and vegetables with pamonetiich the highest concentrations of vitamins. (A) lists (©) listing baw bec a8 hhode ber, ngoat 20 wrap GESA SOE) MCh, BVI EVA, AHS tras) ejwmpn ee wrapping 1271 N + Agift-wrapping service is available for all customers free of charge. 222 4) 127/28 DAS aRe ABEUC, ‘ORAMMAR POINT ‘Toric away auEH 18 <5 ‘aul S891 201 SA} AewLC, Gold's Department Store always free gift wrapping, with several different types of brightly colored wrapping paper. (A) provides (B) be providing 418, (A) ie BI Ao] SIM FOKLY| HROL HONE Sele] aie aOR Se 21S 748 Ro] Sek B= Diet OMT ArHaHe BAAS MBC. 420. (A) BBO AAD Sec, 1201, 449. (a) SAD AIRY Lae Ie{ @alo}0H et Mia RAID 2H SHS 9 A 184 + Sala 52) anete Bt HO t tomo aur ‘PGI TOEIC VOCABULARY 2 accountable adj. #120) 38 accumulation n. 23, =# accustomed adj. 163 acquaint v. ~07) Sx1Al7|ch, 2 al Sich adjust agree v. S&1sich applicable adj. #425! aE application n. #8, SS; SS SSIU, OBS appoint v. 2BEich, AIBEIct 1. B7h, Bet assign v. Sich, EIS) breakage briefly adv. Zl, ZAl, 74 capability ». 52, 8 check v. BASIC, BASIC colleague n. (HS) SE collect v. S2ct, #8sIct combined How about Italian food? 0/S!=l0} SA'S oft? What = I didn't read it. Of] 4047] S¥SLIch, What «> | don't remember the exact measurements. 22/2! |= 7/20] 2 LUC}. What => 'm already full. cf 0[0) wi7} 212. What > It hasn't been finalized. 21% 220] of4! 2 &tSUicl. What >> It hasn't been announced. 0/4} 227} 2 #SLICh, What => Most people like the new features. (=9] jB/SS MES 7/=-Hol chet SolSiD VSL Ich. What > My gray one. *| 2/41 212. What © Results from a recent survey. 21 2\/2| Z2}80l clsisi2. What © Some supplies for the lab. #201 @ S202. What => The company is making a lot of money. £i47} #2 £3 wz sicine. What <> The desk lamps that I ordered. %7} S23! #2 W=7} USUI What <> The goals for our department. 22| 4/9] S=0! cjsii2. What => The new graphies software. AiZ2 “2/3| AZ=s|ojol BE! 2o|VSuich. What © They're cotton, 22LICh. What © They're easy to get along with. 2S 217] = 122! What © They're predicting rain, #I7}& 20l2I2 olAeiz ou a What color -> Blue would look nice. T2440] 122! 2: Z0:2. What color «> Yellow would look nice, 2/40] BS 2 2012, What furniture «> Actually, the only thing | need is a sofa. What hotel «> The same one as before. = 20] 2:¢! Z0|2. What kind © An advertising agency. 22 cjWAi2ILIch. What should «> Your business cards. SW/2ILICh. What time © Almost five o'clock. 7421 5417} ch SILICh. What time => At 9 A.M, in the morning. OH! 9AI012. What time = At about 14 o'clock. 174| 0/1417? What time = From 9 A.M. to 10 PAM, 23 9A)oi4j 23 1OAI7#RIQILICH, What topics «> We discussed our sales goals. 20} S=oj cls S28SU What type © I focus on business topics. WALA 212i dol USetz sie What will © I'm going to put it in the bank. 280 o{ & 70}. What would => Orange juice, please. 22/5| 242 aie. What would ©) Try the Italian restaurant down the street, A|ujo 2'= o/S2l0} Alstol Which © The one on Rayburn Street, 20/37/01 = 2012. Which > The one with the larger monitor, please. oj = SU: Which => The one with the red tag. !22!4! s+ ge) gi 712. Which book => The science textbook. 2 #0|2. Which company = I'll look it up. x17} 0/2712. Which documents © Pve put them alll on your desk. XI7t (0 Which movie © The comedy with Dgist Tomkins. c/|A= Which plan => The simpler one. &) S'25t 24(3)012. Which printer <> Let's get the latest model, #14! 125 113. Which room =) Do you have a preference? S81 2 210? Which training course > The one about budgeting. of4!7/2i0l| 2S! 12. I, APE BLS H Anjos. THEMIS. ‘Sel Het Fol SOERSLch IAT} USS SaICI2, DAY Oe re ay be Pee he) erat te) Ces red VOCABULARY LEVEL 3c} p= White ah (and privileged) TOEIC Ca POINT 100% tHe Dee eae ee a meer lee pO Ce ete eee ete net ce eats og ee ESL BE ee eo eo a eo aoe Cobo Eat aeot sta ol eu eae sae ei Mb Se ae ae ae Conan ee eee at ee ee ace eee ne ee pee enter poy eam wee eRe ron ee Ss ee ey ecco Fe ee as eed Da pete eee arrive atfoniin] ~ reach =2:3ic} Ce eee mere Cee aCe COR rec ead Tocok coe ross oer ees eay ia Wed ee Eclat toh ae Ren eet, eee ee Cee eae eee Deed iag le eg aes cess od i ener ay | rer So ee tee cen sy Ce Ce eee cial ee Yee Cee ers SACS cot SCS eT oe Ce as rere eset) Reames peed Cnet’ a4 Sian CC ead icons een cee 2. Mention to me, Announce to me, Suggest to me; Explain to me, Express to me, Introduce ounce ae aoa Seer oe Seas See er asec cla ae Ue Oa eu een eee Ue ee ne Bere eee ede eee ber ue ae ea Ge eno ea sirieizit 188 - Suid So] NSE St cole 421 accordance aut Bal, BS [eksited yo eases tc sacl Yb y/7 inaecorsance with our privacy policy 72s 280 eh rdinaly nts 28VADY «in accordance with the compan bylaws Ais 88H S52 aH, ORS 1 need to act accordingly 2h 380 29712 according tool eiae: PUP GRAMMAR POINT ‘Toric shiat SHEN 18S According to a reader's poll in the Sunday's newspaper, best 2 febengcyaaace ug | Denver ‘the most livable big city in the country for the sequel, second successive year. (A) receives (6) remains 222 allergic (ssa ae N 2 Axe, 22271 ABA duesen ae + allergy to-+ Noo 81271 + allergic reactions 182) allergy! 12 ‘Toric aay ened 58285 It is often necessary for those with dietary restrictions to the server whether the dishes to be ordered have any ingredients that could trigger an allergic reaction. (A) explain (8) ask 423 appropriate HAS, HHEt(suitable, fitting) ee ae (rt swuxenze an appropriate marketing strategy *it OPI 281 + be appropriate fora transport 3 2201 et + be appropriate for implementing -2o}6H= 410 + dress appropriately 221125 25) + the appropriate parking permit Hie) #16715 appropriation 0% appropriateness met NV HEALED appropriately aa“ A ‘GRAMMAR POINT Torie see uN 108 AS comply 5 aA winst | Please 1 interoffice mail with the appropriate a oe building code. (A) mark (8) comply 424, (8) He1O| AEAIM SXISS COR t OFAN CHAS, Alle 2 Oe > Lela 7471 SE CHEAT AIC. 42. (B) A AIS 71 ofa! Selo stel27| HES RUSE + AS HTH SO SLX] OMX MOIEONA Sor BIRT BH AUC. 423. (a) SE ANY HAS Ale. FIEXRMA - 189 R avoid + Ving aes aa a SITISiCE bes N twesone avoidance mi, #2 = : = ad + avoid going into the city altogether 2F Al Sor 25 ned avoldablem st 22, °ADT «wore able to avoid last week's accident #3125 Hi 7 BUGLE aaa ‘orawman power ‘Toei sae BUH 1081S avoids WHEE Sha 2 By using cash instead of a credit card, you may ict prepow owois:® —-«@RlCountering financial difficulties in your daily living. ‘eiauct. (A) propose (8) avoid 2s bulk ra A7\(size, dire Be, toe 2, (BBE a BS OS, GOS HORS toa aiieman ae bulkya (eer) 2 ADT iy ea (*ai29) 24 AD in bulk USE, aes] e + look forward to placing = bulk order 423 422 31240) 0) ToEIC sey Bue on aS All inquiries about bulk purchases can be directly through the hotline at 1-800-BULK-BUY. (A) made (8) had - Hea Biba; dae ttn ae 7 characteristic 1 54, 54, Sa(feature) OSPE, S88 beso (3 qa mean se characterization 36/4 4 ry choractermsuns,sN | Sowevetl ones character tse ids ote characterize “8:5! V . the second characteristic F 2a 58 characteristicallym 5 ADV oo GRAMMAR POINT Tome wusy aud 725 841 20! coincldomal2 2 # 2S boa 2771 HU 426, (8) NEVIS Col HS NSRSRM, YAOI XIAO ofeIBOl NOK AG MILF VERE BEC 42s. (A) ce! 4-800-BULK-BUYS, Get UR SAIC. 426. (@) 0] Soh g SUNS SOM, so}sIL+ SS ARIS S91 SAO.

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