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Final Defense Explanation

The reason why we choose this topic is that we want to
understand and explore the different positive impacts of the
smartphones in the reading development of the students.

As we notice, our world is gradually changing. In the past we
use phones that cannot access in internet, while nowadays
due to the development of the technology, smartphones
are invented. This smartphone is an essential thing
especially in the field of education.


Senate Bill no. 3463 Section 4, also known as Implementing
Agency and its duties and Senate Bill no. 1271 or known as
Regulated Uses of Mobile Phones and Electronic Gadgets in
School Act provides a significant impact to the conducted
study. These two legal bases help to determine the
relevance of the study to the government thrust. Laws are
also needed to safeguard the personal information of
individuals by ensuring data remain confidential, secure and
protected against misuse. Lastly, a legal basis is needed to
guarantee the permanence, continuity, and universality of
civil registration systems.


The main objective, highlight, and aim of the study are to

identify positive impact of using smartphones in the reading


The researchers identify the Profile of the respondents, such as the sex,
whether how many males and females and their section of the
The researchers will identify the effects of smartphones on the following
reading development factor, such as the mental factor/Reading
development and Reading Skill Factor/ Smartphones as a reading tool.

The researchers gathered the data through the use of

Online survey questionnaire. The researchers survey
questionnaires used Google Form. After gathering the data,
\ the researchers compiled and analyzed the data gathered
from the respondents. Lastly, the researchers used
statistical treatment and percentage table to analyze an
interpret the gathered data.


The result of the study must find out the positive impacts of
smartphones in the reading development of the students.


This research aims to know the numbers of students who

use smartphones. Additionally, this research intends to
discover the positive impacts of smartphones in reading
development of the students.


We delimited this topic to make our research more manageable

given the time and resources

We have set delimitations to make our research more specific

and accurate

We had set these delimitations to narrow down our topic and we

specifically want to explore the positive effects of smartphones in
the reading development of Grade 12 HUMSS H in CCNHS-Main.

We had set these delimitations because we have assessed that

only these topics are of great relevance to the aim of our
SLIDE 12 Stratified sampling is one common method that is used
by researchers because it enables to obtain a sample population
that best represents the entire population being studied, making
sure that each subgroup of interest is represented. Using
stratified sampling among all the sections of Grade 12 in CNHSSS-
Main we only choose the Grade 12 section H to be our
respondents. This method of sampling produces characteristics in
the sample that are proportional to the overall population.

These 100% respondents are all using smartphones. As you can
see, the conducted study has a total respondent of 49. There are
24 Males with a percentage of 49% and 25 Females with a
percentage 51%. This frequency and percentage table show how
many female and males in Humanities and Social Sciences Section

These distributions in statistical data analysis help us to
understand which data falls under which distribution.

SLIDE 15 Since we are in this pandemic, through online survey

questionnaire we can still conduct and gather data by sending the
links to the respondents about the study. This type of research
instrument is a convenient way to gather data from the
respondents’, even though the respondents are far away from
the researchers, researchers can still conduct the study because
\ the utilized research instrument is Online Survey Questionnaire.

SLIDE 16 and SLIDE 17

This study used a quantitative approach to collect comprehensive

and quantifiable data. In collecting the data and information, the
researchers asked permission or consent from the principal of
Cauayan City National High School- MAIN. The consent letter is
the key to gather important data. The researchers provided
online survey questionnaires that are used to gather data. The
online survey questionnaires will be given to the students of
Grade 12 HUMSS H. In floating the online survey questionnaires,
the researchers used a messenger application to forward the
questionnaire to the respondents. The respondents were given
enough time to answer the online survey questionnaire. After
answering the questionnaire, the researchers will collect, tally the
results, and interpret the gathered data to be used in the study.
In Table 2, as you can see these are the results of how many percentages of students who
answered strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree to the questions related to
mental factor/ reading development.
In 18 and SLIDE
question 19 1, the predominant number of respondents who answered agree is 61.2%,
saying that their reading skill was developed while they were reading texts on different articles
on their Smartphones. It is followed by a 36.7% number of the respondents who answered
strongly agree that reading articles using their smartphones can develop reading skills. While 2%
of the respondents believed that their reading skill wasn't developed while reading articles using
smartphones. As a result, most of the students use smartphones to develop their reading skills
Data analysis
through reading online articles. Smartphones have plan
turned serves as a roadmap
into everyday objectsonforhow we going to
Many believe that these can be usedorganize and analyze our
to facilitate the language survey data and it help
learning process. Theusextended
to achieve the
band-with as well as the possibility of installing different apps and reading articles onlinebefore
aim or objectives that relate to the goal that we set on we
these smartphones has opened new started our survey: for learners to better utilize these
technologies for learning and comprehending different contents of language. (Gheytasi, Azizifara
& Gowhary, 2015). In question 2, the greater number of respondents who believed that utilizing
smartphones enticed them to read more answers agree with the percentage of 77.6, followed by
strongly agree with 20.4% of respondents who believed that utilizing their smartphones
attracted them to read more. While 2% believed that they are not tempted to read on their
smartphones. Hence, the greatest number of students are attracted to read on their
SLIDE 20 especially when it is utilized. Students use smartphones as learning aids due to
many reasons such as they provide convenience, portability, comprehensive learning
In tableand
experiences, multi-sources and multitasks, 1, Frequency and Percentage
environmentally Table of 2017).
friendly (Anshari, the respondents
according to sex, as you can
question 3, the majority of the respondents agreed: 69.4% believed that see, the use of a smartphone a total
conducted study has
to cultivate reading development is not respondent
tedious orofboring.
49. There are 2416.3%
However, Malesofwith
the arespondents
percentage of 49%
and 25 Females with a percentage 51%.
disagreed, they believed that using smartphones while cultivating their reading development This frequency
is and
boring. While the least respondent answered table Agree
show withhow amany femaleof and
percentage males in
Therefore, most of the students are not Humanities and Social
experiencing boredomSciences
whileSection H. their reading
ability and some respondents experienced boredom while using smartphones. Smartphones
SLIDE 21 students' self-learning habits. Mobile applications helped students to think more and
use their smartphones to improve their self-learning habits, especially reading habits Wang
(2017). In question 4, the majority of the sample answered Agree 55.1% of the respondents
agreed that utilizing smartphones helps them to collect new vocabulary words. While 40.8% of
the respondent answered Strongly Agree, they strongly believed that using smartphones can
help in gathering new vocabulary words. The least sample answered Disagree, 4.1% of the
respondents did not agree that using a smartphone can collect new vocabulary words.
Therefore, most of the respondents who use smartphones obtain new vocabulary words. As
smartphone applications are developing rapidly, the learners‟ needs and desires go in line with
such developments. Using different applications indicates quite a big range of vocabulary
spontaneously obtained through the use of smartphones Al Saidi and Al Shezawi (2020). In the
last question in table 2, the dominant respondents agreed that smartphones contribute to
reading comprehension with a total of 69.4%, followed by Strongly Agree with 28.6%, and the
least percentage Disagree got 2%. Therefore, many respondents believed that smartphones help
in comprehending sentences and paragraphs. Through this method, it perceives students to
utilize smartphones for enriching their reading proficiency. Reading ability or comprehension is a
beneficial thing for students. The students who interacted with smartphone applications
comprehended more reading texts. Using smartphones can improve the process of language
learning or reading, Azizifara, Gheytasi, and Gowhary (2015). As shown in the table 2, there is a
total of 66.54 percent, students agreed that their reading ability was developed with the use of
smartphones, 28.16 percent strongly agreed that their reading skills had developed with the
smartphone. While 5.28 percent disagreed that their reading skill wasn't improved when using a
smartphone. Using smartphones is effective in the reading development of students.

In question number 1, majority of the respondents agreed that the use of smartphones as a
reading tool is excellent with a total percentage of 64.6%, followed by Strongly Agree with 27.1%
and the least percentage is Disagree with a total of 8.3%. Therefore, most students utilize
smartphones because of their excellent impacts. Mobile applications are easily accessible, highly
portable for anytime-anywhere learning, and can be accessed via smartphones that many
students already own, Lekawel (2017). Additionally, smartphones are relevant electronic
gadgets. These are the things we can rely on when it comes to learning. These are commonly
used by the learners to help them improve their school performances, especially when it comes
to reading abilities, Hye-Jeong Kim (2019). In question number 2, the majority of the respondents
agreed with a percentage of 77.6%, they can download books through smartphones and can
enrich their reading development through online books, followed by a sample who strongly
agree with 20.4%. While the least of the respondents answered disagree with the percentage of
2, this sample believed that online books can’t enrich their reading development. Therefore,
most of the students find out that smartphones can access easily to online books and help them
to develop their reading comprehension. Mobile assisted extensive reading outperformed the
students' reading fluency. Mobile-based extensive reading builds the reading fluency of students.
Mobile reading has the potential way not only for reading comprehension but also for reading
extensively. In question number 3, the majority of the respondents agreed that smartphone
utilization has a positive impact on reading development and can help on understanding and
analyzing the text comfortably with the total of 40.8% followed by students who disagree with
34.7 followed by Strongly Disagree with 22.4% and the least number of percentages is Strongly
Agree with the total of 2.1%. This showcases that almost half percentage of the respondents can
comfortably understand and analyze the texts. As mentioned by Imam and Kabir (2020), learners
who have access to a smartphone helps to read texts easily. Furthermore, Khusniyah (2019)
stated that an online reading strategy can give a positive effect on the reader's understanding of
the meaning of the texts.
In question 4, the majority of the respondents agreed that smartphones are essential for
developing their reading ability and it has clear visual aids, high-tech features to understand the
meaning of text easily with a total of 71.4%, followed by strongly agree with 22.4%. While the
least of the respondents disagreed with the percentage of 6.1%, this sample believed that
smartphones are not essential for developing their reading ability. Therefore, most of the
students find out that smartphones are essential for developing their reading ability to
understand the meaning of text easily with the help of clear visual aids and high-tech features.
Smartphone technologies have the potential to provide new learning experiences with the
different features of phones, Pernjek and Habjanec (2015). In the last question, the majority of
the respondents agree, 65.3% believe that smartphone is a fundamental reading tool because it
has a dictionary and pronunciation audio features, and 2% of the respondent disagree that
smartphone is not a fundamental reading tool. While the other respondents answered strongly
agree with a percentage of 32.7%. Therefore, most of the students find out that smartphones are
a fundamental reading tool with the help of dictionary and pronunciation audio features.
Dictionary applications on smartphones are a helpful tool in facilitating vocabulary learning skills
and other language skills, in particular pronunciation. Using dictionary applications can enhance
the pronunciation of students. Charernsuk, Surasin, and Kewara (2019). As shown in the table 3
or for the other set of analysis 63.44% agreed that using a smartphone as a reading tool helps
them to develop their reading skills. However, 25% strongly agreed that with smartphones, their
reading skills were more improved. The rest, 10.42% disagreed that smartphone isn't a helpful
tool to use in reading. The majority of the respondents believe that smartphones are an effective
reading tool.

SLIDE 23 and 24

A summary of findings presents the key information about the most important outcomes of a treatment,
including the best effect estimate and the certainty of the evidence for each outcome.

SLIDE 25 and SLIDE 26

Hopefully, this research can contribute to an understanding of the positive impacts of smartphones on the
reading development of students. Its findings and recommendations can serve as a basis for future research
projects. We, the researchers conclude that smartphones are an effective tool for reading development, and
smartphones can serve as a reading tool for students.
This research has a great significance in the field of education, especially in the reading development of the
students because through the help of this research we can identify the things about how students develop
their reading ability with the use of smartphones. In addition, this will help certain groups and organization
such as the future researchers and Department of Education in the sense that they can also identify the things
that are needed to improve regarding the utilization of smartphones as a reading tool. Moreover, this will
benefit the27, SLIDEto28,
parents beSLIDE
aware29, andeffects
of the SLIDEof30smartphones on the reading development of their child. This
research will benefit the parents, it will help them to identify the positive effects of smartphones on their
reading ability. Parents will know that smartphones can also help to develop and enhance their children
reading abilities. Nowadays, some parents only focus on the negative sides of smartphones, but with this
research, parents will be aware that smartphones not only provide negative impact, also can provide a
positive impact, especially on developing the reading ability of students. Additionally, it will help also the
students, in order them to be aware of the effects of smartphones on their academic achievement. Lastly, this
research will benefit teachers. Teachers will know that using smartphones can help to improve students
reading capacity or reading ability and as a result, teachers will encourage the students to use smartphones
while doing an assignment, projects, and tasks at school.

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