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XXIV/2 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India - October 2021


Dear Church Family,
In this newsletter I would like to draw your attention
towards a scam that is again becoming stronger in our Chris-
tian circles. It’s actually a very old scam but has managed to
keep the people blinded for ages and continues to catch new
ones. It is the scam of ‘blessings’. Today, there are dozens of
self-styled TV/FB/YouTube ‘apostles’ and ‘evangelists’ who
are offering a quick solution to sickness, financial difficulties,
etc. The social media brings them very close to you and me.
They are robbing the people of spiritual truths. What does the
Bible teach about God’s blessings? What does the Bible teach
about healing? The Bible never talks about God’s blessings
and God’s healing as something that can be ‘negotiated’ or
‘bargained’. Some new age evangelists are constantly mis-
leading the people into ‘emotionally blackmailing God’ to do
what they want Him to do. Even fasting and prayer can be mis-
used to achieve this. In the Bible, God has never withheld His
hand of blessing from those who choose to walk in His ways.
You don’t have to ‘apply’ for it! He does it because it is His
nature. But the important part is – Am I walking in the path
that has been set by God? Most prosperity Gospel preachers
will skip that part and bring you straight to the blessing and
healing part. What about the Biblical principle of prepared-
ness? Do we need to be prepared in order to expect God’s
blessings and healing? In the parable of the sower, Jesus
makes that point clear. Only the heart that represents good
soil will retain the word and produce a crop. Didn’t Jesus also
ask the people to count the cost before they decided to want
to be a follower?
So, an important question that we must keep asking and
checking with ourselves is – What spiritual preparation have I
made to expect God’s blessings and healing? Or can I just
keep living my life the way I want, keeping the Lord only for
Sundays for formality sake, and then also stretch out big
hands wanting Him to fulfil our wishes?
Let us not go on the short cut path which will eventually de-
tract you from the Biblical truths. Wait on the Lord. Prepare
your life on a daily basis in such a way that is pleasing to the
Lord. Then make a list of His blessings. You will run out of pa-
per and ink.
In His service,

03 Pastor Ashish H Khan

10 Bro. Bijoy (IEM)
17 Pastor Ashish H Khan
24 Pastor J T Raja
31 Pastor Ashish H Khan


Check in at 9.50 a.m.

Bible Study
1st Samuel
07 online on Zoom
21 online on Zoom

Thursday PRAYER
at 6.30 p.m.
14 online on Zoom
28 online on Zoom
Ladies - PRAYER
Online on Zoom
Saturday, 23rd at 5.00 p.m.
"The Christian life is not a constant high. I
have my moments of deep discouragement. I
have to go to God in prayer with tears in my
eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help
me.'” - Billy Graham
Joys and Concerns
Pastor Raja had cataract surgery in both the eyes
but still under medication due to infection in his
left eye.
Sumitabh Singh recovered from fever and throat
Akanksha Singh was unwell.
Manohar Antin is still under treatment for cancer.
Lily Guite was down with fever.
Martha Khan has pain between her right shoulder
and elbow.
Benaiah Lall is under treatment for high creatinine
Guru Prasath is going to Vellore for second opinion
regarding his surgery in the pancreatic duct.

Sept 2021 Jan – Sept 2021

General Offerings 16,100 1,51,373

Donations 27,358
Pledged Giving 54,300 4,22,250
2nd Mile Pledges 12,200 1,32,950
Lent & Christmas offering
New Church Building 1,000 57,100
Designated collections
Sunday School 1,500
Grace Church in Village 2,000
Medical Aid Fund
GRAND TOTAL 83,600 7,94,531

October B’days
03 Manohar Lugun
05 Arunima Verma
10 Maunding Guite
10 Della Singh
12 Manji Phillips
24 Nalin Phillips
26 Lydia Van Oss
Rev. J T Raja 9956399835
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 9648431177


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