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What is Joggling?

The combination of Juggling while Jogging. People who Joggle are called Jogglers. It
became a recognised Sport (in America at least) in the early 1980’s when the first races
were held at the International Jugglers’ Association’s Annual Festivals.

Why Joggle? 
If you are a Juggler who regularly takes part in parades, then you are already a Juggler
who walks while juggling (although there doesn’t seem to be a name for this so I suggest
Jalking)! Juggling while running is surely just the next logical step if you find this
activity enjoyable! If you are looking for a new way to keep fit and you can juggle then
this gives a bit more of an overall body workout as you are using your arms to juggle and
your legs to run.
It is especially fun if you can find a friend or two to join you. This can be a very social
activity. If you can maintain a Juggling pattern while running, then this will help improve
your hand/eye co-ordination as you will become even better at keeping patterns in the air
and avoiding drops.

What do you need?

1. A level of fitness:to be able to run over whatever distance you have decided to
2. Basic Juggling Skills: The Cascade with 3 balls is probably the most common
pattern that people use when Joggling. Make sure you can cope with maintaining this
pattern for much longer than it would take to run/jog the distance you want to cover.
3. Any set of 3 or more objects (clubs, rings) could be used, but balls tend to be the
easiest to control whilst running (and the least likely to hurt yourself r others you are
passing by!)
4. Perseverance:Combining two different activities is bound to feel weird at first, but
it just takes an amount of perseverance and lots of practice, as well as some excellent
advice and encouragement if you visit and bookmark the excellent  . Perry Romanowski
has created a fantastic one-stop portal for all things Joggling related. Updated all the time,
and full of entertaining facts.

The World Joggling Championships are held every year during the International Jugglers
Association (IJA) Juggling Festival in America. Races include relays, 100 metre races all
the way up to 5k. As more and more jugglers get proficient at 5 and 7 ball juggling, new
categories and distances of race will no doubt be added to the Competition!


Don’t worry, you don’t have to go all the way back to the start when you drop an object!
There are only 2 basic rules to follow when Joggling:
1)The Juggling pattern must be maintained while you are running. You cannot just
simply stop juggling for a while and hold all the objects in your hand!

2)If you drop an object, you have to return to the point where the object hit the ground
and continue your run from there.

Joggling has its own forum on the IJA (International Jugglers’ Association) Website. IJA
Joggling on it you can find details of the World Joggling Championships and get all your
Joggling queries answered!

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