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Class: K.G ll Subject: Science

Lesson Plan for the Month of July 2021

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 01 Introductory Teacher will welcome the new students and

class. introduce herself and individually ask their
names. Then teacher will show welcome song
by using screen sharing.

Day 02 ,, Teacher will introduce the new science book

and talk about the subject. Then teacher will
show them the video “What is Science?" by
using the screen sharing.
Day 03 Teacher will explain the students about nature
,, and ask them -what they can see in the
nature?( like sky ,bird, tree etc)
Day 04 Chapter 1- Parts Teacher will explain the chapter and ask the
of human body students- how many body parts do you have?
Can you count them?( eyes, nose, fingers etc)
Teacher will show a picture on this topic and
tell them to identify the parts.
Day 05 ,, Teacher will explain the chapter again and
students will ask to do the book work page 6.
Day 06 ,, Students will do a worksheet on that topic

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 7 ,, Teacher will write the name of the eight body Worksheet
on body
Parts on the screen and teach them the parts


Lesson Plan for the Month of August 2021

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 8 ,, Teacher will explain the chapter again and
ask the students to write the name of eight
body parts.
Day 9 ,, Students will do fill in the blanks in c.w copy
on that chapter.

Day 10 Chapter 2 Teacher will explain the chapter. Talk about

the five senses and ask the students
individually about senses. Teacher will show
a video on that topic.
Day 11 ,, Students will be shown a worksheet on five
senses on the screen. Then students will do
the book work page 6.
Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 12 Chapter 2 Teacher will explain the chapter again and

ask the students to write fill in the blanks in
their c.w copy.
Day 13 Teacher will ask few questions to the students
individually about 5 senses.
Day 14 Students will do the Question/Answer in their A
c.w copy. worksheet
on sense
1. What do we do with our eyes?
2. What do we do with our tongue?
3. What do we do with our nose?

Day 15 Chapter 10 Teacher will read the chapter and explain

what is living and non-living things. Teacher
Living and will ask the students to observe around them
nonliving things and identify living and non-living things.

Day 16 ,, Teacher will show them some pictures on the

screen and ask them to identify the living
and non-living things. Teacher will ask the
students to do the book work page 19.
Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 17 Chapter 10 Teacher will explain the chapter again and ask
them to write the name of five living and
Living and
nonliving things nonliving things in c.w copy.

Day 18 ,, Student will do fill in the blanks in the c .w

copy on the topic.

Day 19 ,, Student will do true /false in c.w copy on the write the
topic. name of
five living
things in
h.w copy.

Day 20 ,, Student will do Question/Answer in c.w copy.

1. What are living things?
2. What are non-living things?

Day 21 A worksheet will be shown on the screen and Write the

,, Students will do it by themselves.
nswer from
chapter 10

,, Teacher will take oral assessment on the

chapter “Living and nonliving things”
Day 22
Lesson Plan for the Month of September 2021
Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 23 Chapter 15 Teacher will explain the chapter and show Ask the
them some heavy and light objects. Teacher students to
Heavy and light
will ask the students to do the book work observe
page 29. heavy and
light things
in their
Day 24

Day 25


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 26 Chapter 15 Students will be shown a worksheet on
heavy and light. They will do book work
Heavy and light page no.24.

Day 27 Chapter 3 Teacher will explain the chapter asks the

We are different students to do the book work page 9.

Day 28 ,, Students will be shown a worksheet on the Worksheet

chapter. Teacher will explain the worksheet from
and ask the students to do. chapter 3
Day 29
Day 30


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 31 Chapter 8 Teacher will explain the chapter and bring a ____
real plant to show the students parts of a

Day 32 ,, Student will write the name of five parts of a

plant in c.w copy.

Day 33 Student will do fill in the blanks in the c .w Worksheet

copy on the topic. . from
chapter 8

Day 34

Day 35


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 36 Student will do true false in the c .w ___
copy on the topic.
Chapter 8

Day 37 Student will be shown a worksheet about

five types of a plant.
Chapter 8

Day 38 Students will do the Question/Answer in ____

their c.w copy.
Chapter 8
1. What does a plant need to from?
2. What is stem?
3. What is the work of a root?
Day 39 ____

Day 40 ____

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 41 Teacher will explain the chapter and show ___
them different types of flowers and leaves
Chapter 9
Flowers and

Day 42 Student will do fill in the blanks in c. w ____


Day 43 Teacher will show them a work sheet of _ Write the

flowers on screen. Student will identify the Question/
Chapter 9
flowers. Answer from
Flowers and chapter 8
leaves ____

Day 44


Lesson Plan for the Month of October 2021

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 45 Chapter 9 Students will do the Question/Answer in
their c.w copy.
Flowers and
leaves 1. How does flower grow?
2. Which flower grows in water?

Day 46 ,, Teacher will explain the chapter again and

ask the students to bring different kinds of
leaves and paste in c.w copy.
Day 47 ,, Student will do Question/Answer in c.w Write the
copy. Question
1. Where do leaves grow?
from leaves
2. Where does plant store their water? ________
Day 48

Day 49

Day 50 ______________________


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 51 Students will do revision and correction
Chapter 3, 8 ,9

Day 52 Teacher will take an assessment on the

chapter 3, 8 and 9.

Day 53 Teacher will explain the chapter. Ask the Work

student to answer the questions given in the sheet from
Chapter 25
book. Teacher will draw simple figures of chapter 25
Sunrise and sunrise, sunset, noon.
Day 54

Day 55


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 56 Chapter 25 Teacher will make a work sheet as it is given
in the book wakeup time, lunch time, bed
Sunrise and
time and make the student do it in class.

Day 57 Student will do Question / Answer in c. w

copy following book questions.

Day 58 ,, Teacher will take feedback from the student. Question/

Make a worksheet on the following-sunrise, Answer
sunset, noon.(identify and colour) from
chapter 25

Day 59

Day 60

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 61 Chapter 5 Teacher will explain the chapter. Talk about
the wild, domestic and pet animals.
Animal Groups
Student will write name of wild , pet and
domestic animals in c. w copy

Day 62 ,, Student will do true/false and fill in the

blanks in c..w copy.

Day 63 ,, Students will do Question/Answer in c. w Question/a

copy. nswer from
chapter 5
1. Where does the domestic animal live?
2. Write the name of three animals live in
Day 64


Lesson Plan for the Month of November 2021

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 65 Chapter 5 and 25 Student will do revision and correction.

Day 66 ,, Teacher will take an assessment on the

chapter 5 and 25.

Day 67 Chapter 11 Teacher will explain the chapter. Ask the

student to read the chapter.
Day 68
Day 69


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 70 Chapter 11 Teacher will give them a worksheet about
animal food.

Day 71 ,, Teacher will give them a worksheet about

junk food and healthy food.

Day 72 ,, Students will do true/false and fill in the Work sheet

blanks in c.w copy. from
chapter 5
Day 73

Day 74

Day 75


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 76 Chapter 11 Students will do question/answer in c. w
Day 77 Chapter 21 Teacher will explain the chapter ask the
student to do book work page 31.
Hot and Cold

Day 78 ,, Teacher will give them a worksheet Question

about Hot and cold. /answer
chapter 11
Day 79

Day 80


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 81 Chapter 21 Students will do true/false and fill in the
blanks in c.w copy.
Hot and Cold

Day 82 Chapter 4 Teacher will explain the chapter and ask the
students general question about cleanness.
Keeping clean

Day 83 ,, Students will do true/false and fill in the Worksheet

blanks in c.w copy. from
chapter 4
Day 84

Day 85

Day 86


Lesson Plan for the Month of December 2021

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 87 Chapter 7 Teacher will explain the chapter and ask
them to do book work pg.13.
Animal babies

Day 88 Chapter 7 Student will write animal babies name in c.w

Animal babies

Day 89 Work
sheet from
chapter 7

Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework
Day 90 Teacher will explain the chapter and student
will do book work page 29.
Chapter 19

Day 91 Teacher will give them a worksheet Worksheet

about material. from
chapter 19.
Day 92 Revision for Half Yearly

Day 93

Day 94


Date Topic/Exercise Work forecast Homework

Day 95 Revision for Half -Yearly

Day 96 Half –Yearly Assessment will be taken.

Day 97 Oral class

Day 98

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