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Celebrate Easter at Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Located at the corner of Peachtree and Fifth Streets

We're proud to be Atlanta's first church to offer a cool cup otwater and a warm welcome to Atlanta's LGBT community.

Saint Mark


Loving Accepting Serving

Easter Week • Sunday April 17 through Sunday April 24 Palm Sunday Services • 8:45 & 11: 15 am (Chancel Choir presenting John Rutter's Re01uiemJ

Maundy Thursday Service • 7:00 pm Good Friday Midday Devotional • Noon (Labrynth on front lawn from 11:00 am untll6:00 pm)

Good Friday Evening Service • 7:00 pm Easter Sunday Sunrise Service ·7:00 am Easter Sunday Services • 8:45 & 11 :15 am

Compl.ete information @ or by calling 404.873.2636 Find us on Facebook @ Saint Mark United Methodist Church and Twitter @SointMarkUMC


Best House 0,1 Worship

@ji'Z.) CIt ~


1III4i!lLW _

LGBT job bill hiQhliQht of

General Assembly session. Page 4

How Atla nta chan Qed hea rt of

Qay marriage opponent. Page 5

Gay cemetery plans in

Atla n ta are dea d. Pol gell

Movement under way to

support Atlanta LGBT elders. Page 11

Atlanta drag personality indicted

on chi Id sex abuse cha rges. Page 1.3

New study estimates 9 million

lGBT people living in US Page 14

'Historic' report calls for lGBT data in health research, records. Page 17

Editorial: NOM rally shows how we will win full equality. Page 18

Speaking Out: Readers react to public lesbian sex arrest. Page 19


Spring Music: Hottest tickets for Queer fans. Page 21

Spring TV: Lady Gaga makes "Glee" even gayer. Page 23

Spring Film: Not much LGBT on

the big screen this spring. Page 2.5

Spring Theater: Plenty of gay

on local stages. Page 27

Food: Delicious Italian opbons. Page 28 Photos: Melissa Carter, Jake Shears, AGMC's Big Wig and more. Page 29

IIB']~I~lImli'. _

Spring Events: lGBT parties

from HRC to MondoHomo. 31

Nonprofit spotlight: AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta. Page 32

Business spotlight: Sweat Atlanta, Page 32 Person a I ity sp 01 lig h!:

Robert Sherer. Pa g e 33

Domestically Disturbed:

Home and away. 38

Pages 34·37

~ ~

"Well obvioU5,ly, I'm not allowed to speak a.bout the legal battles, but I love lesbians."

- Jenn iter Nettles 01 Atlanta superstar country group SUgarla nd responding to th is Question: 'let's ta Ik about the lega I battles that you had wrth ex-member Kristen Hall [who is gay). who sued you last year lor proms slle said she was owed, Did it leave a bod taste in your mouth 10 r lesbianS?" (South Florid'a Gay News. Apri 111)



Stud enl s wh 0 pa rt ici pated in the lirst Day 01 Silence, which began at the University 01 Vir~ qinia in 1996 to protest against ant i -LGBT bias in sch 001 s


Schools nationwide participating in this year's Day 01 Sitence, set lor Aprit15 and sponsored by the Gay las bia n 5t ra iq ht Ed uca lion Ne two rk

4 4. . . Georgia schools participating in this year's Day of Silence


Percent of lGBT students who reported verbally harassed at school, according to GLSEN's most recent School Climate Survey


Percent of lGBT students who said they heard hom ophob ic re marks f re q uenlly 0 r 0 tte n at sch 00 I

Soul1:e~ :DoyoISileilCe.orQ, GLSEMr(j


"We know that people from this period took funeral rites very seriously so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake. Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transsexua1."

- Kamila 'Remisova Vesinov, lead archeologist on a project that discovered a male skeleton. dated to 2900· Z5(){)BC. buried ina way usually rese rved for wo men. (The Telegraph. April 6)

"Dudes! I could be wrong, but I think that to have a 'gay caveman: you need a skeleton that is both gay and a caveman. And this ain't either!"

- Joh n Hawks, an anth ropology professo r at University of Wisconsin''M adison, i oiningother scientists in d isputing repo rts of the "gay caveman."' Hawks a rgues the booy is from t.he pre-Bronze era and there is not enough inlormal ion to ma ke conclusio ns about sexua I i ty. (Madison,COm. Aprilm

"I wish that

the success of 'Queer as Folk' and 'L Word' had spawned dozens and dozens of shows all across the TV landscape that had all kinds of gay characters."

~ NBC Entertainment President Robert Greenblatt, who was h on ored by the Gay & Lesbia nAil iance Against Dera mation atils Moo i a Awards on AprillO in Los An ge les (Hollywood Reporte f. April!l)

" '"


"I guess you could say that I'm coming out tonight!"

~ Coo nt ry music icon Dolly Parton, who has at ti mes been ru mored to be gay despite her marriii\le to a man, presenting the GLAAD Award to N SC's Rob€rt Greenblatt with whom she worked on '"9 to 5." (GlAAD,orq. Ap~1 m

"I feel like a ton, a weight, has been lifted. I don't have to hide it any· more; I don't have.

to be ashamed. There are times when I'm like, 'Oh God, I'm liter· ally coming out with this thing;

I'm being open about it. What are people going to say?' And then I have to encourage myself again .... Nobody can condemn me about it. There's only one God."

~ Gospel singe rDeJuall Pace. of the Anoi nted Pace Sisters, who recently ca me out as a lesbian and appeared on the weight'loss show '"Addicted to Food." (TMRootcom, April 2)

D GA voice \ Apri 115, 20n \ News





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General Assembly adjourns wit.h LGBT job bill pending AIDS drug funding comes up short as legislative session ends

By Malt Schafer

Fiscal matters dominated another legislative session for the Georgia General Assembly as lawmakers struggled to address a number of large issues, leaving most on the table for next year.

The legislature did pass an $18.2 billion budget but didn't pass a number of measures, including a bill that would provide ann-dlscrlmlnation protection to gay and transgender state workers.

Rep. Karla Orenner (O-Avondale Estates) collected 70 co-signers for House Bill 630, but introduced it after "Crossover Day" where bills must pass from one chamber to the other. Drenner, the first openly gay state legislator, said they are working on a long-term plan.

"The strategy is actually a multi-year strategy. We worked all session long to get as many co-sponsors as we possibly could to give everyone the opportunity [to sign on]," Drenner said, noting that supporters will work through the summer to gain the additional 21 votes needed to pass the measure to the state Senate.

The House has 180 members so 91 VOles are needed for a majority. The bill's supporters are largely metro-Atlanta Democrats including Minority Leader Rep. Stacy Abrams (D-Atlantal, plus former Democrats turned Republicans Mike Jacobs (R~At.lanta) and Bubber Epps (R. Dry Branch).

But the list includes some surprising names like Culver "Rusty" Kidd (I-Milledgeville), who caucuses with the Republicans, and senior Republican lawmakers Sharon Cooper (R-East Cobb), Harry Geisinger (R-RosweU), Ellis Black (RvValdosra) and Ben Harbin (R-Evans), who chairs the powerful Appropriations Committee.

None of the Republican co-signers GA Voice contacted would comment on the bill, but offthe-record sources said opposition is already lining up to fight HB 630 should it get a committee hearing next year. The General Assembly serves two-year tellIlS and legislation inrroduced one year could pass in the next,

The bill would "promote the elimination of discrimination against all individuals in public employment because of such individuals' face, color. rsligion, national origin, sex. sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age thereby to promote the protection of their interest in personal dignity and freedom from humiliation." It is currently assigned to the Jucliciary Committee, where Republican Wendell Willard is chair and Mike Jacobs is vice chair.

The introduction of the state employment non -discrimination bill is a direct res ult 0 f Vand y Beth Glenn winning her civil lawsuit against the state after she was Ii red from her job as a state

Smte Rep. Karla Drenller gathered 70 co-.sponsors for Q billlD ban lob dixriminmion against LGBT stare employees. The proposal is a 'muld-year'strol£m' thor proponenl5 hope will see increased attention next year. (Photo courtesy ProjectQAt/


At press ti me April 12. the Ga. General Assembly was set to adjourn this year's Session on Apr.iI14, for :breaking news, visit

legislative editor in the General Assembly because she is transgender.

Georgia Equality Executive Director Jeff Graham said the bill would c-over all state workers induding Georgia Highway Patrol officers and staff as well as the state university system faculty and staff. Graham said it was important to have a bill introduced and give lawmakers something to debate.

"This is really at this point in time to get the bill introduced and we can have a group of suppalters with. a specific bill number and a specific bill so that we aren't just having a hypothetical discussion," he said.

ADAP funding comes up short

The budget dominated much of the session and Georgia Equality and others focused on expanding funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, or ADAP. The program covers the cost for life-saving HIV drugs for those without insurance or who are undennsured.

Administered by the state of Georgia, the program is funded ttU"ough a mix of federal and state money. The program's $44.8 million budgetis approximately $15 million short of what it needs to deal with increasing demand Georgia has one of the longest waiting lists in the country and recently topped 1,300 people, a benchmark healthcare providers did not expect to reach until June.

"It is going to be at the same funding level as it was las! year, so until the federal government ina-eases funding we will continue to see

the waiting list grow," Graham said,

Georgia Equality was part of a coalition that requested a $5 million increase from the state, which did not happen this year.

"The House did re-instate $600,000 that the Senate had cut out of a previous version of the budget but we did not seethe ina-ease we were requesting," Graham said.

Those on the waiting list are receiving medication at little to no cost to themselves because of the efforts of the drug companies. The long. term concern is that the drug companies that manufacture AIDS and HIV medication cannot afford to give away their products for free for an ever-increasing number of people. Healthcare providers would like to have a secure stream of public funding to make sure that their patients' care is un interrupted.

LGBT activists oppose Franklin, immigration bills

Earlier in the session East Cobb lawmaker Rep.

Bobby Franklin (R-Marielta) made comments to the Marietta Daily Joumal where he equated gays serving in the military to an "unrepentant drug dealer" during a denouncement of the repeal of "Don't Ask Don'tTell" earlier this year.

His comments touched off a back-and-forth between Franklin and a collection of gay activist groups who demanded an apology. Despite a sternly worded letter demanding an apology and that Franklin undergo sensitivity and diversity training, the controversial lawmaker stood by his words and has refused to apologize.

Some LGBT activists joined in trying to defeat HB 87 and SB 40, immigration bilts patterned after Anzona's strict regulations that include allowing law enforcement to ask for citizenship status of people they suspect are undocumented,

The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force joined national Latino and labor organizations in threatening to boycott Georgia if Gov. Nathan Deal signs the legislation.

The bills were still debated in the legislature at press time Tuesday and the session was expected to end April 14.

News / April 15, ,2011 / GA Voice ..


How Atlanta changed the heart of gay marriage opponent Louis Marinelli

By Shannon Hames

When the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage brought its "Summer of Marriage" [our to the Georgia Capitol in August 2010, more than 300 counter-protesters gathered across the street to show support for same-sex marriage.

The vibrant counter-protest was a stark contrast to the NOM rally, which drew only about 35 attendees, including the event's organizers, Among them was Louis Marinelli, a self-desaibed conservative Republican who spearheaded the tow:

On hls website, Louis recently came out of his own closet with the revelation that he now SUppOl1S civil marriage for gay couples.

He also credits his stop in Atlanta as the turning point when he realized that he might be wrong about the issue of same sex marriage.

"[I]t was in Atlanta that I can remember that I questioned what I was doing for the first time. The NOM showing in the heart of the Bible Belt was dismal and the hundreds of counter-protesters who showed up were norhing short of inspiring," Marinelli wrote at loulsjrnarinelli.corn.

"Even though I had been confronted by the counter-protesters throughout the marriage tour, the lesbian and gay people whom I made a profession out of opposing became real people for me almost instantly," he wrote.

Since his announcement, NOM has downplayed Marinelli's role in the "Summer of Marriage" tour. "Louis Marinelli worked in a volunteer capaci ty as a bus driver during our surnm er marriage tour: Around this time, NOM began to pay him as a part-time consultant for helping us expand our internet reach," NOM President Brian Brown said in a statement on the group's new Facebook page. "He has sinC€ chosen a different focus. We wish hirn well."

As Marinelli's change of heart made national headlines last week, he spoke with the GA Voice about why the Atlanta protest moved him so deeply.

GA Voice; You were an activist against samesex marriage equality for almost five years. Why did you feel the need to fight us?

Louis Marinelli: I started back on Aug. 2, 2006. 1 was a college student. I came across some news about gay marriage. Something triggered in my mind and r wondered why nobody was opposing this. The gay marriage momentum was rolling from state to state and I told myself that I had to do something to be some kind of force against i l

U)uis Marinelli spearheaded the anti-gay National Organization for Marriagel> 2010 'Summer of Marrioge'tour. He credits the hundreds of peaceful counrer-protesters in Atlanta as the 5torCl'ng for his journey!o supporting civil marriage {or gay couples, (Marinelli pilato via Facebook; Atlanta pilato by Laura Douglas-Brown)

What was it that made you so fearful of gay people wanting to be married?

You know, J think that me issue was not specifically me issue of gay marriage but an overall decline in what society thinks mania ge is and me general liberalization of married life. Things like the ease of obtaining a no-fault divorce are things that liberalize the marriage laws. I don't think it was something specifically in terms of what gay people were going to do, but the movement in the country in that direction was the last straw.

We agree that when you have couples who love each other and want to get married and make a commitment to each other, all of society benefits. So why didn't you support that when it involved gay couples?

T had a misconception mat all gay people are highly promiscuous. I understand now that that is not me case. The impression mat J had was that the legalization of same-sex marriage would create a situation where mantage was basically government recognition of who you live wim. It wasn't going to have any specific meaning. So that's what I was fighting against - that devaluarion of what I thought that marriage was.

The article that you wrote where you came out in support of marriage equality, you said that the NOM tour stop in Atlanta was the beginning of the timeline of your change of heart.

1 had some beliefs about Atlanta going into it that we were going to have a very successful

turnout given the fact that we were going to have Dr. Alveda King with us. I thought it was a city deep in the South, the Bible belt - I knew that we were going to have a highly successful rally with huge numbers. When we got there, we had a very low turnout. On the other hand, your side (the G LBTQ crowd) had a very high turnout.

There was something very different about the protesters in Atlanta man the other ones that we encountered earlier on the tour. The Atlanta crowd was inspiring .. It made me look at them and question myself for the first time. J said to myself, "".vbat am I doing here?"

The memory that sticks with me most of Atlanta is the protester interaction with our rally. They were holding hands, they were singing with our singer. It really humanized them to me. Before, I looked at them as wildly different, At the rally, they were there in opposition to us but they were smiling and holding hands and singing and it made me feel like I was being very petty about this issue.

What really put it all into perspective for me was that in a city where we should have had a great turnout of people who support traditional marriage, we had almost nobody.

I di dn' t come out with this earlier because I was concerned that for some time that I was just going through a phase. Maybe I was being

Please see MARINEllJ on Page 14




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Patient Information
What. is the most. important information I should - are pregnant or plan to become is not known if - certai n c hoi esterol I.oweri ng m ed i.c i nes, su ch as a to rvasta tin
know aboutKALETRA? KALHRA will harm your unborn baby. Birth control pills or (Upitor®j or rosuvastatin (Crestof'l)
patches may not work as well while you take KALETRA. To prevent • certain other antiretroviral medicines, such as efavirem (AIrJpla®
KAlETRA may cause serious side effects, including: pregnancy while taking KAlETRA, women who take birth control and Sustiva®), nevi rapi ne (Vi ra mune®), am p re navi r (Agenerase®)
- Interactions with other medicines .. It Is important to know pills or use estrogen patch for birth control should either use a and ~elfinavir (Viracepf®)
the medicines that should not be taken with KALETRA. di He rant type of bi rth co n trol or an extra fa rm of bi rth co n trol. - ann-seizue medicines, such as phenytOin (Dilantin®)
Read the section "What should I tell my doctor before taking Talk to your doctor about how 10 prevent pregnancy while laking carbamaze pine, (Te 9 rete I®), ph e nobarbilal
KAlETRA?" KALETRA. - medi ei n es for erecti I e prob lem s, s u eh as s i Idenafi I (Via g ra®),
- Changes in your heart rhythm and the electrical activity - take KALETHA. d u ri ng p reg nancy, tal k with yo u r doctor about how tadalafi I (Cialis®), 0 r varce nafi I. (Levitra®)
of your heart. These changes may be seen on an EKG you can take part in an antirelroviral pregnancy registry. The - medi el n as for tu be rcul osi s (TB), su ch as nta b uti n (Myco b uti n®)
{electrocardiogram} and can lead to serious heart problems. Your pu rpose of the pregnancy registry is to fo Ilow th e health of yo II and - in hal e d sterol d medi ci n as, s uch as fI uticasone propi 0 nate
risk fo r these probl e ms may be higher if yo u; your baby. (Flonase®)
o al ready have a h isto ry of a b normal heart rhyth m or othe r ty p es - are breast- fe ed i ng .. Do not breast- fe ed if yo u are taki ng KAlETRA. - inhal ed medici n es su c h as sa I mete ro I (Se reve nP) 0 r sa I. mete ro I
of heart disease. You should not breast-teen if you have HIV·1. If you are a woman in oombination with fluticasone propionate (Advair®). Your doctor
ota ke oth e r medi el n es that can a He ct yo ur heart rhyth m while who has or will have a baby while taking KALETRA, talk with your may need! to change to a different medicine
you takeKALETRA. docto r abo ut th e b est way to feed your baby. II your baby do es not • medi ci n es for gout, such as 001 chi c i n e (Colcrys®)
TeH your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms while already have HIV-l, there is a chance that HIV-1 can be passed to - medicines to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), such as
taking KAlETRA: you r baby throu g h your b reast mil k. bosentan (Tracleer®) or ladalafil (Ad circa®)
- dizziness Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including - pain medi.cines, such as fentany.l. (Duragesic®, lonsysTM, Fentora®j
-I i g hlhead e d ness p reseri ptio nand non- pres cri pti 0 n medi ci n es, vi ta m ins, and herbal an d methadone
- fainting supplements. Many medicines interact withKAlHRA. Do not start If you are not sure if you are taking a medicine above, ask
- sensation of abnormal heartbeats taki n g anew m ed ic i ne without tell i n g yo u r do cto r 0 r ph armae i st. Your your doctor.
See the section .below "What are the possible side effects of doeto r can tell yo u if it is safe to take KALETRA w ilh other m ed i cines. How should I take KALETRA? I
KAlETRA?" for more information about serious side effects. Your doctor may need, to change the dose of other medicines while - Take KALETRAevery day exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
WhatisKALETRA? you tale KALETRA,
Medicines you should not take with KAlETRA. - II is ve ry i m portant to set up ados i ng sen e d u Ie an d follow it every
KALETRA is a prescription anti·HIV medicine that contains two Serious problems or dea.lh can happen if you take these day.
medi ci n es; lop ina vi r an d ritona vi r. KAL ElRA is ca lied a protease medicines with KAlETRA: • Do not change your treatment or stop treatment without lirst
inhibitor that is used with other anti-HIV-l medicines to treat people - ergot containing medicines, including: talking with your doctor.
- Swallow KALETRA tablets whole. Do not chew, break, or crush
with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV·l) infection. HIV·1is the o ergotamine tartrate {Cafergot<!l, Migergot, Ergomar, Ergosta!, KALETRA tablets.
virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), MedihaJer Ergotamine, Wig rane, Wigrettes) - KAlETRA tabl ets ca n betake n with or witho ut food.
It is not known if KAlETRA is safe and effective in children under o dihydroergotamine mesylate (O,H.E. 45®, Embolex, Migranal®) • If you are taki ng both VideX® (d idanosi n e) and KALETRA:
14 da~s old. o ergonovine, ergonovine and meihylergonovine (Ergolrate, o d idanosi ne can be take n atth e same ti m e as KALETRA tabl ets,
Who should not takeKALETRA? Methergine), ergotamine and melhylergonovine without food,
c Ergotrate Maleate, methylergonovine maleate (Methergine) o take d i dan 0 si n e either one hour bela re or two hou rs a fler taki n 9
- Do not take KALETRA if yo u are taki ng certai n m edi c.i nes. Fo r - lriazolam (Halcion®), midazolam hydrochloride oral syrup KALETRA oral solution.
more i nlormation about med i ci n es yo u sh 0 u Id not take with - p.i rnozi d a (Orap®) - Do not miss a dose oIKALETRA. This could make the virus harder
KAlETRA, please see "Can [take other medicines with -Ihe cholesterol lowering meeicineslovastatn (Mevacor®) or to treat. If you forget to take KALETRA, take the missed dose
KALETRA?" and consult with your doctor about all other simvastatin (Zoeor®) right away. If it ls almost time for your next dose, do not take the
medicines you take. - s i Idena fi I (Revatio®) only when used fo r the treatm e nt of p u I m 0 nary missed dose. Instead, foll.ow your regular dosing schedule by
- Do not take KALETRA if yo u have an all e rg y to KALETRA or an y of arteri alhyp a rten sian. (See" Medi ci n es mst may need cheng es" taking your next dose at its regular time. Do not take more than
its in g red ients, in clud i ng ritonav i r and lop i navi r. and "What are the POSSible side effects of KaJetra?" for information one dose of KAlETRA at one time.
What should I teli my doctor before taking KALETRA? about the use of sildenafil for erectile problems.) - If you take more th an th e p rescri b ed dose of KAlETRA, call you r
- alfu zosn (U roxatral®) local poison control center or emergency room right away.
KALElRA may not be r.ight for you. Tell. your doctor about all Medicines that you should not take with KALETRA since they • Take KALETRA oral solution with food to help u work better.
your medical conditions,. including if you: may make KAlETRA not work as weH: - If KALETRA is bei ng use d for you r eh i Id, tell you r do elor if yo ur
- have any heart probl ems, i ncl udi n g if you have a cond iti on called - the herbal supplement St. John's Wort (hyparioum perforatum) child's wei 9 ht cba n 9 es.
Congenital Long Q T Synd ro me. - ntampln (Rimactane®, Rifadin®, Rifater"', or Rifamate®) - KALETRA sh ou Id not beg iven one ti m e eac h day in ch i Idren,
- have liver problems, including Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. Medicines that may need changes: When giving KALETRA to your child, give KALETRA exactly as
- have diabetes. - birth control pills that contain estrogen ("the pili") or the birth pre scri be d.
- have hemophilia, People who take KALETRA may have increased comro I (contraceptive) pate n as - KAlETRA 0 ral sol utio n contai n s propyl e neg I yeol an d. a large
bleeding. - certai n antica n cer m ed i cines J su ch as n i latin i b (T asi 9 n a®) and amount of aloohol. KAlETRA oral solution should not be given to
- have low potassi u min yo ur blood. dasati ni b (S pryce I ®) KALETRA® (kuh .. LEE .. tra) Ooplnavir/ritonavir) Tablets

KALETRA® (kuh"LEE .. tra)

OopInavJr/ritonavir} Oral Solution

Read the MedicatJon Guide Ihal comes wifhKALETHA before you start taking it and each time you gel a refill. There. may be new information .. This information does not take the place of talking with your doctor .about your medical condition or treatment. You and your doctor should talk about your treatment With KALETRA before you. start taking it and at regular cheek-ups. You should stay under your doctor's care when takmg KALETRA



babies younger than 14 days of age unless your doctor thinks it is face may also happen" rhe cause and lonq-terrn health effects of Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those

righl for your baby. these conditions are nolknown at this time, lisled in a Medication Guide. 00 nol use KALETRA lor a condition for

Q If a young child drinks more man the recommended dose, it • lnereased bleeding for hemophiliacs. Some people with which it was not prescribed. 00 nol give KALHRA 10 other people.

caul d rna ke th ems i tk. Contact yo u r loca I poison control cents r he rneph ilia have increased b I e ad i ng with protease in h i bitors eve n if th ey h ave the sam e co n d ition you have It may ba rm them,

or emergency room right away. including KALETRA. This Medication Guide summarizes Ine most important information

Q Talk with your doctor if you take or plan to take metronidazole • Increased risk of certain problems when you take medicines about KALETRA. If you would like more information, talk with your

or disulfiram, You can have severe nausea and vomiting if you used for the treatment of erectile problems such assildenafil doctor, You can ask your pharmacist or doctor for information

ta ke Ih ese m ed ic ines wi th KAlETRA . (Via gra®), tad ala Ii I (C ia I i S®). 0 r v arde n alii (levitra®) with abo utKAL ETRA that is writte n for health, profess i on a Is, For more

• When your KALETRA supply starts to run low, get more from your KAlEJRA: information about KALETRA call 1-800-633-9110 or go to

doctor or pharmacy. It is important not to run out of KAlETRA. The 0 low blood pressure. If you get dizzy or faint, you need to lie

amount of HIV-l virus in your blood' may increase if the medicine down. Tell your doctor if you feel dizzy, or have fainting spells.

is stopped for even a short time, The virus may become resistant o vision changes. Tell your doctor right awayi! you have vision What are the ingredients inKALETRA? I

to KALETRA and become harder to treat. changes, Active ingredient: .Iopinavir and ritonavir

• KALETRA ca n be take n with ac id red uci ng agents used 10 r 0 pen i s erecti 0 n I asti ng more tha n 4 hours .. If you are a mal e

heartburn or reflux such as orneprazce (PriioseC®) and ranitidine and have an erection thai lasts longer than 4 hours, get medical Inactive ingredients:

(ZanlaC®) with no dose adjustment. help right away to avoid permanent damage to your cenis, Your KAlETRA 200 mg Jopina'lir and 50 mg ritonavir tablets:

• KALETRA should not be administered once daily in combination doctor can explain these symptoms to you. copovidone, sorbitan monelaurate, colloidal silicon dioxide, and

with carbamazepine (Tegretol® and EPitol®j, phenobarbital • Allergic reactions. Skin rashes, some of them severe, can occur sodium stearyl fumarate. The film coating contains: hypromellose,

(Luminal®), or phenytoin (Dilantin®), in people who take KAlETRA, Tell your health care provider if you titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol 400, hydroxypropyl cellulose,

Avoid doing Ihings that can spread HIV infect:ion.KALETRA does not had a rash. when you took another medicine for your HIV infection talc, colloidal silicon dioxide, polyethylene glycOl 3350, yellow ferric

stop you from passing HIV infection to others, Do not share neeaies, or if you notice any skin rash when you take KAlETRA. oxide 172, and polysorbate 80.

other injection equipment or personal items that can haveolood • Babies taking KAlETRA oral solution may have side effects. KALETRA 100 mg lopina'lir and 25 mg ritonavir tablets:

or body fluids on them,like toothbrushes and razor blades, Always KALETRA oral solution contains alcohol and propylene glycol. Call copovidone, sorbitan monolaurate, colloidal silicon dioxide, and

practice safer sex .by using a latex or pol.yurethane condom to lower your doctor right away if your baby appears too sleepy or their sodium stearyl fumarate, The film coating contains.: polyvinyl

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News / April 15, .2011 / GA Voice m

Rest in peace: Atla ta gay cemetery plans are dead

Company now says detailed plan for gay burial section 'incorrect'

By Dyana Bagby

Plans for a gay section in an Atlanta cemetery are dead.

A spokesperson for Service Corporation Intemational, which owns Crest Lawn Memorial Park in Atlanta, said April 11 there were never plans to partition off a section of the cemetery for gay people and families. Based in Houston, Texas, SEI is "North America's largest single provider of funeral, cremation and cemetery services," according to its website.

'The information was pretty much inCOITK1," said Jessica McDunn, corporate spokesperson for SEI. "We are not planning a segregated section."

The news contradicts what John Suggs of H.M. Patterson & Son - Oglethorpe Hill told GA Voice on April 4. SEt owns H.M, Patterson & Son - Oglethorpe Hill.

Suggs, who is gay, said April 4 he was giving the interview as a spokesperson for the planned project of sectioning off part of Crest Lawn for gay people. Suggs provided detailed information, including that an architect was currently working on plans for the section.

Being buried together as families is a tradition within heterosexual families and having a gay section in the cemetery is another way for LGBT people to remain together as a cornmunjty, Suggs said.

"With so many people having children, adopting children, this seemed like a natural progression," he said. "Being surrourded by family is important to many."

Suggs said the only other known gay cemetery is in Denmark and was opened in 2008. Denmark was also the first country to legally recognize gay civil unions, beginning in 1989.

McDunn said she does not know how Suggs gO! information there were plans for a gay section.

"I think there was a miscommunication.

I'm not sure how he got detailed information," she said. "Our policy is to go through corporate when speaking to media."

Suggs said April 11 he could no longer speak

There are current(y 110 pions for a goy section of the Crest Lown cemetery in Atlonta. (photo courtezy Crest Lawll Memorial Park)

to the media and that corporate communications was now handling the story.

McDunn said SEI has owned Crest Lawn for more than 20 years. She did say that there have been talks within the company to target different

communities through marketing, including the LGBT community.

After the GA Voice article was posted at wwwrhegavoice.corn and to Facebook and Twiner, several other media outlets picked up tbe story. In Atlanta, many people spoke out on the GA Voice Facebook page against the idea of a gay cemetery.

"To segregate GLBTs into a 'special section,' although on the front end sounds like a good idea, it is not I believe this will only lead to more labeling. Is this what we are fighting against? Would they be placing a 24x7 guard to keep the place from being vandalized?" wrote one reader.

''Why exactly would there be a gay section?

Separate but equal? It makes no sense. That's segregation, Why couldn't they just be buried in the cemetery among the other graves of straight couples? I don't get it," another reader wrote ..

Did SEI back out after the apparent backlash over a gay section?

"No, I don't believe it ever was in the plans," McDunn said.

McDunn also said that the miscommunication with Suggs has been cleared up. He remains employed by the company.

New organ"zation formed to help At anta's LGBT elders

Community forum to explore aging in city's gay community

By pyana Bagby

As Atlanta's LGBT population continues to grow, resources are needed to fulfill their needs.

That's why a group of local activists has been working for several years to identify these needs. The national Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, B lsexual and Transgender Elders (SAGE) recently formed an affiliate in the city.

"About eight years ago, the Atlanta Regional Commission began a strategic plan for the cily that included GLBTelders," said Doug Carl, 49, who retired last year from his job as deputy director of the Fulton County Human Services Department.

Carl participated in the ARC strategy sessions and led the charge for Atlanta to become a SAGE affiliate.

On April 23, a community forum will be held at the Phillip Rush Center to discuss what attendees see as the needs for LGBT elders in Atlanta. The documentary "Ten More Good Years" will also be presented at the forum.

"We really want to get a movement started here," Carl said. "We want to harness existing resources and fi nd the gaps and then start Ii n king the dots."

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Carl also sees opportunities to partner with the ARC to seek state and federal funding for such investments as training mainstream health care providers, including nursing care facilities, on how to work with LG BT clients and patients.

''We've got to begin somewhere so let's start with a conversation," he said. "We've done every thing we can to bring issues to light, now let's bring them to life."

Recent national studies have shown that some elderly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people will retreat back into the closet when living in a retirement home or nursing facility because they are afraid of discrimination.

SAGE works to combat this stigma as well as address other LG BT elder issues at a national level and at local levels through its 20 affiliates in 15 sta tes.

"We want to bring leaders around the country together to find ways to reduc€ isolation and improve quality of ljfe," said Serena Worthlngton, director of community advocacy with SAGE.

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Dou_g Gurl (right) with /lis good friend, Phillip Rush. Carl said Rush, who died in 2009, inspired him to work 011 ways 10 ensure th~re ore resources {or L G BT elders inArionw. (PholO via Facebook)

Worthington said there are an estimated 1.5 million to 3 million LGBT elders in the nation.

"The trend nationally is the population is growing older every day," WorthLngton said. "Because of the stigma, many LGBT elders are more reluctant to access mainstream services. There is a need for cultural sensitivity training tor these providers."

Having an affiliate in Atlanta is thrilling for SAGE as well because of the large, diverse LGBT community here, Worthington added.

"We now have three affiliates in the South, which is very important," she said. The others are in Louisiana and Virginia.

"It's important we be everywhere in the U.S.," she said. "We are excited for the potential in Atlanta."

Carl said the creation of the Rush Center, where SAGE Atlanta is headquartered, and its resources will playa key role in ensuring the local affiliate can thrive. Carl said SAGE Atlanta is also working with Georgia's Center for Positive Aging, which includes an LGBT resources link on its website.

By the year 2030, nearly 3 million LGBT Americans will be age 65 and older -double the size of this population today, the Center for Positive Aging notes on its website, citing population figures from the Williams Institute.

"They often do nat access adequate health care, affordable hou sin g or 0 ther social servi ces that they need due to institutionalized heterosexism," states the website.

Carl's interest in helping set up resources for LGBT senior citizens began several years ago with his close friend, Phillip Rush, for whom the Rush Center is named. Rush died suddenly in April 2009. He was 55.

Before Rush died, Carl said the two began personal conversations about growing older and these talks morphed into working on the issue in a professional ca paci ty,

"What we are asking is, 'What does my community look like for me as r grow older?" Carl said.

"On April 23, we hope to have a SO!t of call to charge," he added. "What happens depends on the community's response."

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News / April 15, ,2011 / GA Voice m

Pasha Nicole indicted for trafficking, 'sexual exploitation of children'

Investigation 'oncoinn' into child sex abuse charges

By Dyana Ba9by

Atlanta drag personality Pasha Nicole and go-go dancer Steven Lemery were indicted by the Douglas County grand jury this month on 18 separate counts ranging from aggravated child molestation to human trafficking.

Douglas County DA David McDade told the GA Voice that Christopher Lynch - who is known as drag personality Pasha Nicole in Atlanta - as well as Lemery were indicted April 1. Lemery danced at gay bar 8J Roosters in Atlanta under the name Steven Lang.

The two remain in Jail in Douglas County and the next step is an arraignment for the two in 30 to 60 days when they will enter a plea of guilty or not guilty, McDade said. The two are accused of keeping minors in Lemery's home against their will and forced to commit sex acts.

"This conduct is not typical in this com-

munity but it is illegal and especially when it involves minors we take this very seriously," McDade said.

McDade declined comment on whether other people in Atlanta were being investigated, but did say "the investigation is ongoing."

The investigation into n·afficking and child sex abuse against Lemery began after a minor in Alabama was taken to the hospital for injuries.

"He had been taken to seek medical attention and based on the injuries the medical facility contacted law enforcement which led back to Douglasville," McDade said.

The indictments name four separate alleged victims.

Lemery was indicted on one count of enticing a male under 16 for indecent purposes, two counts of aggravated child molestation, one count of pandering by compulsion and seven counts of human trafficking.

The indictments allege, among other actions, that Lemery performed oral sex on a child under the age of 16, and forced a child to perform oral sex on rum. He is accused of taking a male under 16 to his home in Douglasville "for the purpose of child molestation," and faces multiple human trafficking allegations that he "did knowingly maintain ... a person under the age of 18 years, in sexual servitude."

Nicole, or Lynch as she is called in COLUt

in sexually explicit conduct, to wit: masturbation, for the purpose of producing a visual medium depicting such conduct." Lynch also coerced a person under the age of 18 to "perform an act of prostitution," among other accusations in the indictment.

Lynch also faces an indictment for possession of a glass pipe used for smoking cocaine. The pipe was found 011 or about March 4, 2011- the day Lynch was arrested by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office after being spotted on a local TV station as Pasha Nicole claiming she helped police in the investigation against her housemate, Lemery, An alleged victim saw Pasha Nicole on TV and called law enforcement to report he had been abused by Nicole.

"There were statements made by Mr, Lynch (0 a local new station about how he was cooperating. Other people I would call victims saw the report and called to say we didn't have the whole story and that the rest of the story involves Mr. Lynch," said McDade.

Atlonla drag persooo; ity PCW1[}

Nicole was offiCially indiceed Aprj·/l on charges stemming from allegations !hal slle and roommate Steven Lemery kept minor:s in Lemery~ home agail15l1heir will andforced them 10 commit sex acts. (photo by Juslin Ziegler· and courtesy Douglas Coon!)! Sheriff,!; De;xlI"tment)

records, was indicted all three counts of buman trafficking, one count of pandering by compulsion, and two counts of sexual exploitation of children,

According to the indlctment, Lynch "did use a minor ... under the age of 18 years, to engage


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News / April 15, ,2011 / GA Voice m

GBT adult population estimated

More than 25 million report some same-sex attraction

By Dyana Bagby

There are roughly 9 million lesbian, gay, blsexual and transgendar adults living in the U.S. but more concrete data on LGBT population is needed to help shape public policies, according a report released April 7 by the WLiliamslnstitute.

The report - titled ''How Many People Are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender?" - finds that a good estimate of the number of LGBT American adults is about 9 million, or roughly the population of New Jersey. The approximate population of the u.s. is more than 311 million people (induding children), a ccording to the most recent data from the u.s. Census Bureau.

The report from the Williams Institute, a national think tank located ax the UCLA School of Law, also estimates that the number of people who report "same-sex sexual behavior" in their lifetime is as high as 19 million Americans, or 8.2 percent-about the population of Florida, Some 11 percent, or nearly 25.6 million Americans, say they "at least have some same-sex attraction"or more than the population of Texas.

Key findings of the report include:

• About 3.5 percent of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual and an estimated 0.3 percent are transgen dec

• "Among adults who identify LGB, bisexuals comprise a slight majority (1.8 percent compared 10 1.7 percent who identify as lesbian or gay)."

• Women are "substantially more likely than men" to identify as bisexual. "Bisexuals comprise more than half of the lesbian and bisexual population among women in eight of the nine surveys considered in the report. Conversely, gay men comprise substantially more than half of gay and bisexual men in seven of the nine surveys ,." the report states.

It is crudal LO continue to gather data about LGBT people to better understand the population, especially when it comes to shaping public policy, the report states.

"Understanding the size of the LGBT population is a critical first step to in forming a host of public policy and research topics," writes the report's author, Gary Gates.

'The surveys highlighted in this report demonstrate the viability of sexual orientation and gender identity questions on large national population-based surveys. Adding these questions to more national, state and local data resources is critical to developing research that enables a better understanding of the understudied LGBT cornmuruty," Gates said.

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9 million in U .. S.

New Jersey population: 9 million

LGBT adults living in the United Stares number about 9 millioll,. roughly the size of the population of New Jersey.

The Williams Institute report comes on the heels of a groundbreaking report issued Marcil 31 by the Institute of Medicine urging the federal government to include LGBT questions on federally funded surveys for a better snapshot of the health needs for this specific population .. [See story, page 17]

'The Institute of Medicine at the National Academies released an analysis of LGBT health research calling for federal statistical agencies to

quickly move toward LGBT inclusion in their data collection," Gates said in a statement.

'The surveys highlighted in this report demonstrate the usefulness of sexual orientation and gender identity questions on large-scale national populanon-based surveys. Better data can provide the building blocks for critical information to understand the lives of the 9 million LGBT Americans who have been historically marginalized in both society and research," Gates added.

NotlO percent after all?

But what about the oft-quoted idea that 10 percent of the population is gay?

Gates told the Washington Post the figure comes from anAlfred Kinsey study of male prisoners in 1948.

"The number stuck," Gates told the WashLng· ton Post. "Here we are, decades later, and it's still tile most prominent number cited."

The Williams Institute report also points out that detennLning tile size of tile LGBT population in the U.S. is challenging due to different survey methods, who is actually induded in the LGBT population as well as "a lack of consistent questions asked in a particular survey over time,"

Data for tile Williams Institute report was compiled from four recent national and two state-level population-based surveys conducted between 2004-2009.

Marinelli: To win gay rights, let people get to know you

MARINELLI, continued from Page 5

a softy on the issue. It took some time for me to realize that tile newfound feeling that I had for equality was a genuine feeling.

The months that followed tile marriage tour, I changed the theme of my blog from a single, marriage-oriented issue to general conservatism and then, I came out supporting the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in December and then at the end of January, I came out in favor of marriage equality.

You spent years fighting marriage equality, went on this tour and then had an epiphany and have now done a complete u-turn, What are your family and friends saying?

Because this was a long process, I was actually able to tell them on my own accord in my own timing and in a way that wasn't so surprising to them, They saw it slowly unfolding and everyone has been very supportive.

My mother was very surprised and concemed because she didn't understand why I could change like that But she was very helpful because at first, it was very di ffi cult for me to even say tile words. I was working against it for so long.

Do you feel the need to undo the damage that you may have caused?

I got into a mode where I felt that I just wanted to make the point and walk away from it because it was something that was causing me a lot of stress because it was such a personal inner struggle.

After I made the announcement, however, I received 50 many letters of support and kind words - that has inspired me to want to get up and do what r can to help tile cause. r want 10 make myself available in any way that I can to pursue the cause 0 f rnarri a ge equality,

Now that you've been in both camps, what do you feel that the LGBT community can do to advance the cause of marriage equality?

Given the fact that that most liberal people already support their cause, 1 think that the best strategy moving forward is to try to convince people like me by doing the same thing that you and your friends did in Atlanta - force people to see gay people in everyday life.

It wasn't some kind of a speech or a video or sorneihmg like that for me. It was just going there and seeing you with my own eyes ...

Maybe that kind of strategy moving forward where you just let the people get to know you. Playa game of poker Or something and let them walk away after spending that time with you and they'll say, 'These people are deserving of their civil rights."

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News / April 15, 2011 / GA Voice '"

'Historic' report calls for LGBT data in health research, records

Institute of Medicine seeks better understanding of health disparities

By Dyana Bagby dbagby@thegCNoice,com

To better understand the health of LGBT people, questions about sexual orientation and gender iden tity should be included in federally funded surveys and electronic health records, acccrding to a new report from the Institute of Medicine,

The groundbreaking report, considered "historic" by some, is another step in the federal recognition of LGBT people as a population who has its own specific health needs,

"It's easy to assume that because we are all humans, gender, race, or other characteristics of study participants shouldn't matter in health research, but they certainly do," 10M Committee Chair Robert Graham said March 31. when the report was released,

Graham is a professor of family medicine and public health sciences at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati.

"It was only when researchers made deliberate efforts to engage women and racial and

ethnic minorities in studies that we discovered differences in how some diseases occur in and affect specific populations," Graham added.

He noted, "We should strive for the same attention to and engagement of sexual and gender minorities in health research."

The rOM report, titled 'The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding," was sponscred by the National Institutes of

The report, one of the most comprehensive reports on LGBT health to date, includes information from an l8-month review that began in 2009. The report is designed to oudine a plan for the NIH to design and fund research to uncover disparities in LGBT health.

The report is "historic," according to Dr. Judith Bradford, director of the Center for Population Research in LGBT Health at The Fenway Institute and one of the committee members.

''The 10M report assembles existing research and makes reccmmendations for next step priorities. This provides a framework for identifyi ng and reducing 11 ea lth disparities am ong sexual and gender minorities and directly supports the health. of our community. It is truly historic," Bradford said in a statement.

According to the l4-member ccmmittee of health experts from universities across the na-

Documeminq sexuot orienWCion and gender identity in heo/th research could lead to discovering whether any diseases or conditions impact LGBT, says Dr. Robert Graham.

(Photo eourte~ University of Cineinom)

tion, compiling data on the health of LGBT people is difficult because LGBT individuals are a minority of the population, making it hard to recruiting enough participants in LGBT health studies to gather needed data.

Also, the stigma LGBT people face is another drawback to gathering informauon about LGBT health because many fear revealing their sexual orientation.

'The scarcity of research yields an incomplete picture of LGBT health status and needs, which is further fragmented by the tendency to

treat sexual and gender minorities as a single homogeneous group,' the committee noted.

How to improve LGBT health data

To accurately intormanon on LGBT people and their health issues, the committee came up with a list of recommendations for the N1H

• The NIH should implement a research agenda designed to advance knowledge and understanding of LGBT heaJth.

• Data on sexual orientation and gender identity should be collected in federally funded surveys administered by the Department of Health and Human Services and other relevant federally funded surveys, similar to race and gender.

• Data on sexual orientation and gender identity should be collected on electronic health records, with adequate privacy and security protection,

• NIH should support the development and standardization of sexual orientation and gender identity measures.

• NIH should support methodological research that relates to LGBT health.

• A comprehensive research training approach should be created to strengthen LGBT health research at NIH.

• NIH should encourage grant applicants to address explicitly the inclusion or exclusion of sexual and gender minorities in their samples.


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D GA Voice \ Apri I. 15, 2011 \ Voices


The Georgia. Voice

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One person at a time

NOM rally shows how we will win our fight for equality

Editorial by Laura Douglas-Bn:",vn

We did it, Atlanta,

In August, hundreds of us braved soaring tempe ra tures to stan d across the street from the State Capitol, bearing witness against the National Organization for Marriage's "Summer for Marriage" tour.

Of course, it was really a "Summer Against Gay Marriage" tour, complete with overwrought predictions of what would happen if (gasp) gay couples are legally allowed to say '1 do."

Alveda King - the niece of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and a disgrace to her uncle's legacy of mcluston and civil rights - told the assembled crowd redefining marriage by allowmg gay couples to legally wed amounts to "genocide" and will lead to the "extinction" of the human race.

Um, the assembled crowd of 35. And I genero LlSI y counted their speakers, perform ers, volunteers and even the media who stood on their side of the street,

Across the street on the sidewalk in front of Central Presbyterian Church, about 300 people gathered with signs supporting marriage equality for gay couples. The "counter wimess" followed a rally earlier at Woodruff Park for samesex marriage supporters,

The NOM protest was among the most poignant 1 have covered in my 14 years as a journalist in the LGBT press.

To be certain, other protests targeted more dire or pressing issues, like the bombing of the gay Otherside Lounge, or the 2004 state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, The NOM tour came to Atlanta as gay marriage was already banned in the state, and was not tied to any specific pending legislation or other crisis.

And I have attended plenty of gay rallies that drew larger crowds, from Pride parades to marches on Washington.

What made the NOM protest so inspiring was the huge contrast between the two sidesin message and numbers - and the dear implication that in tile battle for hearts and minds, we are winning.

Those who turned out to support love out-

LouiS Marinelli says AI/anta ~ coumer-praes: /0 tile 'Summer {or Marriage 'rour made him stan rethinking his opposition to gay marriage. (Plroto by qyana Bagby)


See video of the "Unity" sonn at the NOM Allanta rally at

numbered those who turned out to deny it by a margin of approximately 10 to 1.

In an interview, NOM Executive Director Brian Brown attributed the low turnout to supporters being intimidated by the possibility of facing counter-protesters. NOM had claimed pro-gay picketers harassed its members in other cities.

Organizers of the Atlanta counter-protest s peci fically instructed parti ci pants to remain quiet during the NOM rally so they could not be accused of being disruptive. They mostly followed the recommendation, except when a NOM entertainer sang an ode to "unity" - including a call to "spread love" ~ during which they held hands, cheered and sang along.

The impromptu Sing-along was a perfect, moving moment.

Apparently, it wasn't only pro-gay attendees like me who thought so.

"We are building an army of two million activists across this country. We are already at 750,000," Brown said at the rally.

Now he'll have to lower his grossly inflated tally to 749,999.

Last week, Louis Marinelli, the NOM strategist who conceived the tour, effectively de-

fected, penning a blog about how he now supports civil marriage for gay couples.

As Marinelli discusses in an interview on Page 5, the turning point for his conversion to, as one cornrnenter called it, "the right side of history" came right here in Atlanta.

"If my transition from opponent to supporter of same-sex civil marriage was a timeline, Atlanta would be indicated by the first point on the line," he wrote on his blog.

We often refer to Atlanta's "LGBT community." In reality, we are not one community, but many LGBT communities, often in conflict with each other about which issues should be our focus, what strategies we S110uld use to pursue them, and which organizations or people should speak for us.

The rally and counter-protest were organized by Atlanta's Queer Justice League, MEGA Family Project and Georgia Equality - three organizations that don't always use the same approaches to our common fight for equality. They were also attended by many who had no prior affiliation with any of those orga~ nizations, but who didn't want NOM's anti-gay road show to go unanswer-ed.

But instead of arguing amongst ourselves, which too often derails our progress, we all spoke out ~ and our many voices joined in one message.

Louis Marinelli heard us loud and clear. Slowly but surely, the rest of the world will too.

Voices / April 15, 2011/ GA Voice m

Gay public sex gives bigots ammo to use against us

Re: "Lesbians having sex ,in Columbus State library are arrested" (Apr,jIB, 2011)

A Library is Likely the emptiest place anyone could go to get it on short of a hotel room.

Why is this the type of story that always comes out of Columbus? How many stories of LGBT interest will WRBL actually 11m that don't reinforce negative stereotypes held by many in my conservative hometown?

They should have been arrested! There is a time and a place for everything! And, if they are going to have sex in a public venue then they are "outing" themselves, not the media.

I know we shouldn't have to be held to a higher standard, but I wish people would think before they act. Why do I get the feeling this is going to be thrown around by some folks as "See? See! Gays are all a, bunch of promiscuous freaks having sex in front of children in a library! This is why homosexuality should by should be illegal," of course, in complete denial of the fact that heteros get caught doing this from time to time too. People don't need to be giving bigots more ammo.

I'm disgusted that my hometown news diannel has sunk to sum low standards and stereo-

Editor's note: These comments on Georgia Voice articles were submitted via our website and Fa,cebookpage ( Want to weigh in? Follow us there or submit comments on our website.

typical assumptions. Why is it that when straight people get caught it doesn't make front page news? Heaven forbid two women have sex.

LGBT job bill is good news, but sad that we even need it

Re: "Bill introduced to ban job bias against LGBT state employees in Ga. " (March 31)

Do you think it has a snowball's chance in hen of being passed in Georgia? I don't. Not in this state and probably not in my lifetime.

Let's keep trying, though.

I wonder why this has to be a bill and made law - oh, yeah, intolerant jack-wagons can't get their heads out of the Stone Age. Wake up, employers: If they are qualified, hire them,

This is awesome! Congratulations to Rep ..

Drenner and all the co-sponsors for moving this leglslation. On a side note. __ Do we really need to continue to note Rep. Drenner's status as "Georgia's first openly gay Slate lawmaker and one of two lesbians currently serving"? Hasn't our "acceptance strategy" moved us past all that?

If gays join GA boycott over immigration, who gets hurt?

Re: "Gay organization joins in c-all for national boycott of Georgia" (April 7J

An LGBT boycott of Georgia will only hurt the LGBT businesses and events in Georgia and Atlanta. The idiots who support this bill don't represent Atlanta, and were elected by the rural redneck parts of the state that most LGBT Georgians avoid too.






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f1\ GA voice \ Apri 115, 2m1


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A&E / April 15, .2011 / GA Voice BI

.. by Ryan Lee


lesbian characters and story lines. With all of the euphoria surrounding gay marriage these days, it can be easy to forget that gay and lesbian relationships can be just as screwed up as straight couples.

Leave it to "Nurse Jackie" to remind us, as one of the main characters, Dr. Fitch Cooper (Peter Facinelli), prepares to face trauma caused by his lesbian mothers.

''We'n: going to have some problems with Coop and his gay moms, and it destroys him, because parents are parents whether they're gay or they're straight," co-creator Brixius told TV Guide.


'Iuesdays at 8 p.m, on Fox

The Super Bowl of gay programming is just a few days away, as two of the biggest forces in gay pop culture - Lady Gaga and "Glee"merge on April 26. All of that queerness could not possibly be squeezed into a single hour, so the show is granting 90 minutes to Mr. Shuster's class performing Gaga tunes.

LGBT characters, plots proliferate on the small screen

As inane as reality shows can sometimes be, they seem to have created a new standard for LGBT visibility on TV. The tokenized "gay character" has extended beyond shows like "The Real World" and "Survivor," so much that it's almost ucfarhomable for a new show to not include a queer character.

While having an LGBT "slot" in programs risks being patronizing, reality-based and scripted shows have become more sympathetic and authentic in U1I"ir portrayal of LGBT life.

"It doesn't feel like we're soldiers for anything anymore, we're just here telling stories that incorporate gay people in organic ways, and that' s all rever wanted," Liz Brixius, the co-creator of "Nurse Jackie," told TV Guide earlier this month.

"I just wanted to be able to co-exist with the rest of the world," she adds.

LGST characters are co-existing on so many programs that your DVR will get quite a workout trying to keep up with all of the shows this spring. Here are a few highlights that are making this television season one of the queerest ever:

''Modern Family" Wednesdays at 9 p.m, on ABC

Not to be outdone by another hit show, "Modern Family" also has a Lady Gaga-themed episode planned for this spring.

Jessie Tyler Ferguson, who plays one half of the adorably dopey gay couple Mitchell and Cameron on the breakout sitcom, gave a teaser during a recent appearance on "Live with Regis & Kelly."

"Mitchell, my character, wants to go to the Lady Gaga concert, and Cameron is supposed to go with me but he's sick in bed and he's expecting me to Slay home and take care of him," Ferguson says. "And so I kind of, maybe, drug him a little bit so I can sneak out and go to the concert."

Tile Super Bowl of gayprogrammi'lg is just a few days away, as two of tile biggest forces ill gay pop culture - Lady Gaga and "Glee" - merge all April 26. (publici~ photo)

"Drop Dead Diva"

Season 3 premieres in June on Liferime

In a ripped-from-the-headlines storyline, the upcoming season of "Drop Dead Diva" win include an episode about a lesbian teen encountering resistance to her plans to take a female date to prom, with lesbian comedian Wanda Sykes guest starring ..

allty seri es a bou t a pair of gay ci ty slickers who move to upstate New York to operate a farm, the stars - Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge - seem as unfit for each other as they are for farm Ii fe, and thei r epic re lati ons hi p struggles are what reality TV junkies crave.

''The Glee Project"

Premieres Sunday. June 12. on Oxygen

Reality TV was credited at the beginning of this article with amping up the gay presence on television, and on June 12 "The Glee Project" promises to take queer programming to new heights. The new series on Oxygen is a nationwide search for campy singers, with the winner scoring a recurring guest role 011 the next season of "Glee."

"The Fabulous Bleekman Boys" Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on Planet Green

Veering off the beaten channel, ''The Fabulous Bleekman Boys" just started its second season on Planet Green, an affiliate of the Discovery Channel, While it's supposed to be a re-

''Nurse Jackie"

Mondays at 10 p.m, on Showtime

Troubled relationships are also on the horizon on "Nurse Jackie," which features several

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A&E / April 15, ,2011 / GA Voice m

by Steve Warren

5 lng's not 50 fever- 5

Outside of festival. season offers little new for us at the movies

While we may be infected with spring fever in our private lives, it's not the best season to expect to see our LGBT passions reflected on movie screens.

At one end of the scale, if 2011 holds any blockbuster gay films - dunk along the lines of ''Milk,'' "Broke back Mountain" and ''The Kids Are AU Right" - they are waiting to be released during award season at the end of the year.

At the other end, the distributors of smallerbudget movies try to maximize their potential by building word of mouth at the big three queer summer festivals: Outfest in Los Angeles, Newfest in New York and Frameline in San Francisco. Others will hit the fall festival circuit in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and other cities.

The Atlanta Film Festival (April 28-May 7) will premiere four LGET features and two programs of shorts in its Pink Peach section, plus a few others that sound gay-ish.

We'll cover them in more detail in our April 29 issue" but if you like to plan ahead you should check me festival schedule for "The Seminarian" (4129, 514), the comedy (duhl) "Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same" (4/30, 517), "We Are the Hartmans" (starring Richard Chamberlain) (4130), "Without" (511, 514) and ''Vacation!'' (5/2).

Also look for documentaries "I Am" (5/2, 5n), "Disabled but Able to Rock" (5/4, 517), "Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption" (517) and "What's the Name of the Dame?" (511), the last featuring drag queens doing ABBA songs. Men's shorts will screen April 30 and May 2 and women's shorts April 30 and May 3.

Two out directors will be represented on local screens this spring. Francois Ozon's "Potiche" (4/15) stars Catherine Deneuve as a '70s housewife who learns it's never too late to discover her grrl power. There's not much gay content but (spoiler alertl) her artistic son (Jeremie Renier) comes out-ish ill the end. Rob Marshall ("Chicago") directs the fourth in the campy series, "Pirates of the Caribbean: On So-anger Tides" (5120),. which adds Penelope Cruz to the Johnny Depp-led cast

A 10-year-old boy is bullied at school in the Oscar-winning Danish film "In a Better World" (4122). In "Beginners" (probably June) 75"yearold Christopher Plummer comes out to his son (Ewan McGregor) about being gay and having terminal cancer.

Fashionistas may be interested in the documentary "Bill Cunningham New York" (5113), about an octogenarian photographer who's be-en covering Manhattan's couture scene since models wore animal skins instead of animal-skin prints.

Judging by ritle alone, it's easily the queerest ~Im of the season: 'Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same'stars Lisa Haos (left) as Jane, a shy retail emp/oyee who falls in love witl! Zein>: (S!I.SIlT! Ziegler, right) without realjzing she is an alien, It screens April 30 and May 7 at the Atla11to Film Festival. (Pho!O by No: Bouman)

As un-gay as he can be, Atlanta's own Tyler Perry dons the plus-size drag again for "Medea's Big Happy Family" (4122), while Ken Jeong will presumably be as gay as he can be again in "The Hangover, Part II" (5/26).

A steady stream of DVD releases will provide a budget-friendly alternative to a night at the movies, and watching at home allows you to indulge your spring fever if the films trigger an attack.

They include at least four alumni of last year's Out on Film: "Violet Tendencies" (due 5124), "Undertow" (611), "Children of God" and "From Beginning to End" (both 6n). Gregg Araki's "Kaboom," which played here recently, drops May 31.

PBS will premier€ the documentary "Stonewall Uprising" on April 25, the day before its DVD release.

Hollywood's "summer" begins any day now. Expect plenty of eye candy of the beefcake variety, beginning with Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson and Vin Diesel in the locally. filmed "Fast Five" (4129) and Chris Hemsworth as "Thor" (5/6). But don't expect a lot of gay-positive plots or messages - unless the studios already reached their annual quota of homophobia in "Your Highness."

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A&E / April 15, 2011 / GA Voice fiI

IW':'Uil by Jim Farmer

Stages bloom with

Diverse offerings include drama, comedy, musicals and even puppets

Theater fans looking for LGBT·themed shows thls spring won't be disappointed. From Oscar Wilde to naked bodybuilders to puppets, the season is hopping,

Gay playwright Jim Grimsley'S "Mr. Universe," presented by 7 Stages May 26 to June 12, is one of the don't-miss shows of the next few months. Grimsley's 1987 play is about a hooker and 1:\'10 drag queens who find a naked man in the streets of New Orleans, alone and bleeding, and decide to take him home.

The production stars Doyle Reynolds and Don Finney, both openly gay, and is directed by Del Hamilton. According to Grimsley, this is the first local production of the play since its original bow at 7 Stages.

Actor's Express is staging the gayest play the company has done in a while: David Hare's "The Judas Kiss" (May 12 ~ June 11).

Dealing with the relationship between Os-


501 Amslerdom Ave., NE I Ailonla. GA 30306 I 404·813·5400


car Wilde and his lover Basil" during Wilde's Lndecency trial, i,t stars Ashley and Clifton Guterman and is directed by David Croweall three are gay. This is Crowe's first show at the Express since the gay-themed "Beautiful Thing," and Ashley is excited about Crowe's return and his own role as Wilde.

"It's my first time on stage in seven years," he says, "and it's great to be directed by David."

Atlanta audiences apparently can'! get enough of "Avenue Q." The naughty musical with a human and puppet cast, as well as a major gay character, will be performed at Horizon Theatre May 20 ~ July 3, a year after being staged at Cobb Energy Centre, this time with a local cast.

"Rent," another beloved show, is back June 1()"'26, courtesy of Atlanta Lyric Theatre, East Village twenty-somerhing artists, some gay, fill the cast in a musical that holds up remarkably well

Another popular musical making an encore


Robert Steiner-Stergas, LMT

Atlanta gay playwright Jim GrimsJrzy~ 'Mr Universe' opens in Mqv. (Photo via Facebook)

~.1is summer is "11,1" Color Purple," adapted from the book from Alice Walker. Unlike the movie of die novel, the lesbian relationship between Celie and Shug is not watered down. The musical had its world premiere at the Alliance, then moved to Broadway and won a Tony for actress LaChanze. It stages June 15--19 at the Fox.

No LGBT content is present in the touring version of "Hair" but its tale of hippies midst the sexual revolution of the turbulent '60s will draw crowds May 17~22 at the Fox. It's corning to town via the Broadway Across America series.

'11nJ il. 11"1'

'The Judas Kiss'

May 12 - June 11 at Ador's Express


May IN2 at Fox Theatre

'Avenue Q'

May 20 - July 3 at Horizon Theatre

'Mr. Universe'

May 26 - June 12 at 7 stages


Ju ne 10-26 at Strand The at re

'The Color Purple'

Ju ne 15 -19 at Fox Theatre

'The Great American Trailer .Park Musical.' June 17 - July 16 at Onstage Atlanta

'Tea Partf

June TBD at Ansley Park Pla,yhouse

After the success of their long running "Peachtree Battle," John Gibson and Anthony Morris are opening a new play called "Tea Party" in June. It's a world premiere comedy with a political backdrop and laughs, says Gibson.

Also be on the lookout for Onstage Atlanta's "The Great Trailer Park Musical" June 17 ~ July 16, directed by DeWayne Morgan, which combines high camp and musical hijinks.

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Delicio 5 Ita ian optio 5

Plus, how to avoid being called 'coupon trash'

I kept reading about Ncni's Deli on all the Best Of lists but had never been. "Nani" is a derivative [Tom "Nonna,"which means grandmother in Italian, and many of the recipes were originated by the owner's Sicilian grandmother.

We went late after our Atlanta Executive Network meeting and were starving. I'm not in college anymore and J can't do late night Taco Bell. Noru's is an excellent alternative to the typical greasy after-hours gut bombs you get on Ponce. The place was full of urban hipsters, GSU and Agnes Scott students, and maybe gay couples - you can't always tell these days. If you live in Midtown, it's worth the drive.

The place used to be an old school grocery store but has transformed into a very relevant downtown destination that stimulates your eyes with architectural nuisances. This is an excellent first date place. You know that awkward

first 20 minutes where you want to ask "what's wrong with you?" but instead you make small talk? Say, " I love the shiny jagged slate floor and I'm a sucker for fed exposed brick," and you'll impress your date or long time partner. It's always a good idea to have subjects rehearsed when the conversation lags.

Now on to the food. It's polished, classic Italian cafe fare that tastes like someone in the kitchen gives a damn, Noni's is an excellent lunch spot with their arnsenal pressed paninis, like the Nom served on clabaua with rich imported Italian meats and scratch-made fries .. Or cry the classic muffuleua with salami and green olive salad on focaccla

I don't care if the militamgym queens hiss at me: I'll always love pasta. You can go light and refreshing with chicken, basil mint peste and whole wheat penne, or splurge with kitchenmade tagliatelle and pancetta - Italian bacon - cream sauce. I couldn't speak while indulging in this bowl of love. I also adore the classic baked chicken and eggplant parmesan with melted cheese. On a nice day, choose the patio with a soothing fountain. There's also a unique Italian wine list

We also tried the sirn.ilar chain Figo Pasta. It was fine but not as good. The caesar lacked any discernable flavor until I squirted lemon juice on it and the Gnocci was slightly gummy. The mushroom cream sauce was pretty good. I only ale there once so I can't give a definitive review. I did try a friend's carbonara - pasta with bacon - which was delicious. I would go back because the prices are very reasonable and the service was efficient and friendly.

For upscale Northern Italian try La Pietra Cudna. This place has numerous glowing reviews and accolades for a good reason. It's a special occasion place if you're on a. budget, but we ate lunch there and found it very affordable, plus we had a Scoutmob coupon. The chef-driven boutique menu has unique items you won't find anywhere else like black spaghetti with rock shrimp, hot sausage and scallions. I had the creamiest, transcendental lobster risotto with big meaty chunks of Maine lobster.

r mentioned Scoutmeb (scoutmob.corn) and you shouJd really sign up if you're not a member. You will be emailed 50 percent off coupons for Atlanta restaurants. There is usually a $20 limit. You pay nothing to get the deals, so it's a no brainer. They've saved me lots of money.

As a fanner server I must remind you to tip on the original amount and not the discounted amount. You don't want to be labeled "coupon trash," now do you?


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Non!'s Del!

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Figo Pasta

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La Pletra cuclne

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WYlW_ la p let racuc i na .co m

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A&£ / Ap[riI15. 2011 / GA Voice m

m GA voice \ Apri 115, 2m1



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A&E / April 15, ,2011 / GA Voice iii

Spring bossoms w:th LGBT events

From HRC gala to MondoHomo queer fest, plenty of parties for gay Atlanta to support

By Jim Former

An Oscar-winning actress is one of the highlights of a spring full of special events for local LGBT organizations. Grab your calendars, folks - "spring event season" is officially up and running,

The 24th annual Human Rights Campaign dinner, set for May 14, will feature an Oscar winner and an Oscar nominee. Mo'Nique, who won an Oscar for the film "Precious," and Lee Daniels, the first African-American gay man nominated for a Best Director Oscar for the same movie, will both be on hand for one the spring season's biggest gay events.

Mo'Nique will receive the AJly for Equality Award, while locals Jeff Cleghorn, an attorney and activist against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," will be given the Humanitarian Award and Paul Plate, executive director and CEO of Positive Impact, will receive the Community Service Award.

MondoHomo, established in 2007, promises to be a queer mecca over Memorial Day Weekend with its usual assortment of artists, music, movies, burlesque and more. An April 17 fundraiser for the live-day event-WigOut - will bring out wigs aplenty. This all-day outdoor event will feature drag and burlesque with performers such as Ruby Redd, Dax, Little Foot Jones and Devin Liquor: OJ Vicki Powell will be on hand, while the Atlanta Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and Atlanta Radical Fairies will provide carnival games and a makeup table.

AJso on the festival schedule, LGBTsci-fi and fantasy fans will gather May 13-15 for the national Gaylaxicon 2011 hosted by OutiantaCon. The guest of honor for this year's event is Amber Benson from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

He.lping fight HIV

Several signature spring events benefit HIV research, prevention and treatment.

Benefitting the AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta, the 21st Annual Uncork a Cure event on April 28 will feature wine tastings, dishes from 25 Atlanta restaurants and a silent auction.

'TWo days later, another important local HJV organization, Positive Impact, holds

its spring fundraiser. According to Michael Baker, director of advancement for the group, Party With Impact for Positive Impact will be a catered event at a. private home celebrating the organization's 18th year of service.

"It should be a great event at a beautiful home," he says of the April 30 party.

Another hot ticket will be YouthPride's Night on the Boulevard, which will feature a night of classic movies - "Sunset Boulevard" and "Mildred Pierce" -as well as local celebs and a fed carpet. Proceeds from the May 20 event go toward YouthPride's HIV prevention program.

More for your gay agenda

If you see folks running in purple attire later this month, don't be alarmed. The Purple Dress Run on April 30 will benefit the Atlanta Bucks Rugby team. From May 19-21, the Bucks host the "Acceptance Tour" by professional mgby player Ben Cohen, an outspoken gay rights supporter

PFLAG Atlanta's Out in the Garden fund-

Mo'N/que, who won an Oscar for the film 'PreClOlIS,' will receive the Ally for Equality award a( (he Allanta HRC Dinner on May 14. The gala is one of tile largest LCBT events of tile spring seoson. (photo courtesy HRC)

raiser May 14 will raise money and amplify the group's local presence, according to co-president Conal Charles. This is PFLAG Atlanta's first event of such a large scale. A OJ will be on hand, as will hors d'oeuvres and mixed drinks.

Other notable events this spring include the Joining Hearts' Change of Seasons Tea Dance (April 17), benefiting AID Atlanta and Jerusalem House, with DJ Mike Pope and DJ David Knapp; and PALS Pet Cotillion (May 1), hosted by radio personality Vikki Locke, where a new spokespet will be crowned. Bowlers of all skill sets will be participating in (and watching) the Dixie Invitational Bowling Tournament (April 21-24) as well.

Finally, it's not an official lesbian event, but the Atlanta Dream women's basketball team kicks off its season in early June. The Dream got to the WNBA championships in 2010 before losing to the Seattle Storm. The Dream has developed a local following and will kick off the season with a June 5 home game against the New York Liberty.

Spring events

Fo r mo re LGBT evenl s, v I s II "calendar"


JoinIng Hearts Change 01 Seasons Tea Dance April 17, 4-9 pm at Georgian Terrace Holel

659 Peac hi ree SI.. Alia n ta GA 30308 \'Iww,joininghearts,org

WigOul with MondoHomo

April 17, 2 p.m.·midnighl st Friends on Ponce n6 Ponce de Leon Ave,. Alta nia,GA 30306

Dixie Invi.ta.ti.onal.Bowling Tournament April 21: - 24 al Bru nswic k Zone - No rcross 6345 Spalding Drive, Norcross, GA 30092 www,dixiebowl.ol"Cj

Uncork a Cure for ARCA

ApM I 28, 6"9 prn, at The Fou"d ry al Puritan M i" 915 Joseph £. Lowery a I;vd .. Attanta. GA 3Cf318 www,

Party With Impacllor Positlvelmpacl April 30. 7 p.m

Home of Randy NeVI, Esq. & Dr. Russell Tippi n s 4 Po I 0 0 rive, Atlanta, GA 3Cf309

\VWW, posil i veimpact·all ,0 I"Cj

Purple Dress Run for AtI'anla Bucks April 30, 1 pm, Route b&qins at M ixx 1492 Piedmonl Ave, A tta nla, GA 30309 www,purpledr€:.srun.orq


PALS Pet Cotillion

May 1. 3-6 pm at Piedmonl Bark

501 Amsterdam Ave .. Attanla. GA. 30306 www.palsatlanta.o rg

o utla n!<lCon 20 ll-Gaylaxi con 2011 May 13-15 at Holiday Inn Seleci-Perimeler 4386 Chamblee·Ou nwoody Road

Atlanla. GA 30341

\'IW\'l,OU I la n lacon.erg

Oul. in the Garden fundrai ser lor PFLAG nta, May 14, 7 pm at Private residence in Grant Park

Atlanta HRC Dinner

May 14. 5 p m. at Marriott Ma rqu i s 265 Pea chtree 51, Atlanta. GA 30303 www.atlantahrcdinnewrg

Rugby superstar Ben Cohen's 'Acceptance Tour' May 19·May 21

\Vww.altantab u cks ru gbyo I"Cj

Night on Ihe Boulevard lor YoulhPride May 20. 8 p m. at Ansley Pa rk P layhoose 1545 Peachtree St..Allanla. GA 30308 wwwyoulhpridaorg


May 26 - 30 at Va ri ous area I ocalio rs


Atlanta Dream sea so n op ener June 5, 3 pm

Philips Arena

225 P,eachl fee SI.. All a eta GA 30303 \Vww,altantad'ream. n el

m GA voice \ Apri.115,. 2011 \ Commu nity


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'Uncork a Cure' so ARCA can keep fighting HIV

The AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta is one of the leading HI ViAl OS research facilities in the nation and is at the forefront of conducting clinical drug trials in the treatment and prevention of the disease.

Dr. Melanie Thompson, AReA's founder and principal investigator, says the nonprofit is currently undertaking new studies, including research on drugs not licensed yet for HIV, a drug for lowering cholesterol for those with HrV, a Hepatitis C study and a new research program set to be rolled out soon for AfricanAmerican men who have sex with men. Another study deals with a single pill that combines three drugs for those who have never taken HIV medicines.

ARCA was also selected last year as the only site for the first therapeutic trial ever conducted using an HIV vaccine candidate from Geo Vax. Geo Vax vaccines are being studied for Hlv prevention, but ARCA is the only facility using the same products for treatment of HIV positive people.

While ARCA receives federal money for its research, many people think pharmaceutical companies dole OUt money [0 ARCA, Thomp-

'Uncork a Cure' fundraiser

for AIDS Research Consortium of .Atlanta April 28, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The Foundry at Puritan Mill

916 Joseph lowery BlVd .. Allanla, GA 30318 I'IWW_U ncor kacu re.orq

Vlww.a rcatla ntaorn

son said. That's not so.

"Many people think we get sponsors from pharmaceutical companies and they have deep pockets - but they'd don't share that with us," Thompson said. "Some studies we do are not reimbursed."

That's why it's important to hold fundraisers. AReA's largest fundratser, Uncork A Cur-e, is set for April 28 at The Foundry at Puritan Mill. The event is "critical" in ensuring A RCA's future, Thompson said,

"The money raised all goes to SUpp0l1 our research. Having the support of unrestricted funds is needed for the critical infrastructure support for our clinical trials," Thompson said.

This year marks the 21st annual Uncork A


It's time to sweat, Atlanta

Nicholas Jacobs, 27, started teaching fitness classes when he was a teenager, following in his mother's footsteps.

"My mom was an instructor for the YMCA and when I was young I started taking classes and then teaching classes myself when I got older," he said.

Jacobs moved to Atlanta in 2004 and is originally from the "cornfields of Ohio" - or the small town of Lancaster, Ohio. Fitness has always played a major role in his life and led him to teach classes at LA Fitness. Now Jacobs is ready to take his career one step further:

Although he works fulltime as an account executive for Creative Loafing, he is launching his new side business, Sweat Atlanta. 111e new business kicks off with a free boot camp Saturday, April 16, at the Regal Hollywood 24 on 1-85. While this may be an odd location, Jacobs,

Sweat Atlanta

wIVw.!a ce book.comlsweatall Spring Bool Camp free launch April 16., 9 am

Regal. Hollywood 24

3265 N ortne a st Ex presswav Access Chamblee, GA 30341

who is gay, says thete is plenty of parking as well as green space. The boot ramp will also include movie ticket giveaways for participants.

After this weekend, the boot camp will relocate to its p€lTI1anent home at Lillian Webb Park, S College SL, Norcross, Ga., 30071. The boot CM1p will be held every Saturday at 9 a.m.

Jacobs tell off the fitness wagon for a few years, he said, and his weight shot up to about 200 pounds. Wanting to change how he felt and looked, he rejoined a gym and lost 45 pounds. And he regained his love for working out with others,

"Fitness is reaUy my passion," he said, "I have a way of making fitness fun."

Jacobs is now certified as a personal train-

Wine and food are on top for ARCA'S Uncork a Cure fundraiser_ (Photo by Dyana Bagby)

Cure event. It is expected to draw more than 700 people. Distributors and restaurants donate all the wine and food, so the money raised can go back to fully support ARCA's mission.

The event includes a silent auction and this year for the first time a live auction, There will also be a red carpet with photographers taking pictures as people arrive. This year's emcee is India Hines of AM 1570 WlGO.

Money raised from Uncork A Cure also goes to fund AReA's free HIV testing program.

"This is a terrific night for wine and food and it's all for good cause," Thompson said.

- Dyana Bagby

Nicholas Jacobs says his passion for {itnessled him [0 open his new business, S\<lea! A(/omo_ (Cow1esy pboto)

er and certified to teach boot CM1pS as part of opening hls new business, He also still teaches three times a week at LA Fitness.

"I love music, so I always have a good selection. Breaking a sweat can actually be fun," Jacobs said. "I like teaching, training, helping people. I like being able to partner with a woman who is trying to shake off that last bit of pregnancy weight or the man who can't get rid of his love handles - and then just be so proud of their accomplishments," he said.

And group fimess is the best way to work out for Jacobs, he said.

"One hour on 11 treadmill to me is torturous, but I love being in a group, having people interact with me," he said.

- Lryana Bagby

Community / April 15, 2011 / GA Voice AD


Robert Sherer:

Blood, censorship and a man's inner thighs

By Dyana Bagby

Robert Sherer is known around the world for his provocative artwork, including a series called "Blood Works" that incorporated HlVpositive and HIV-negative blood into botanical illustrations.

Exhibits of his male nude drawings have been censored four times, but in 2007 he won the Lorenzo de Medici medal for his homoerotic wood-burnings, He is an art professor at Kennesaw State University and is working to endow a scholarship far out LGBT students.

Sherer and his partner, William cash, are now featured in the book "100 Artists of the Male Figure" by E. Gibbons. Cash and Sherer appear at Outwrite Bookstore & Coffeehouse on April 21 to sign copies of the book.

GA Yoke: Do you have a favorite part of the male anatomy and why?

Robert Sherer: In recent years I have developed a taste for L'interieur de la Cuisse [the inside of the thigh]. I find it to be the perfect a fternoon snack.

What does it mean to you to collaborate with your partner and be featured in this new book?

Actually, William and I do not collaborate with each other in the truest sense of the word - we inspire and drive each oilier but artistically we are two very different beasts. The book presents a global sampling of the finest living male figure artists - we are very excited to be amongst them.

What's the best part about teaching? What's the worst?

The best part of teaching: those moments when I have qualitative evidence that I have positively impacted the lives of my students. The worst part is witnessing my brilliant LGBT students being disowned by their families, thus preventing them from completing their education and realizing their dreams. I have only two enemies: ignorance and stupidity, Teaching is where I do battle with both of rhern.

Why did you decide to use actual blood in your "Blood Works" series? What is the message you intended with these works? How did you get the blood?

The "Blood Works" series resulted from an accident with a razor blade. I suddenly found

Roben Sherer ~ artwork is included in the new book, '100 Mists of the Male Figure.' (Counesyphoro)


Book launch of E. Gibbons'

'100 Artists of the Male Figure'

Tn ursday. Ap ri I 21, 7·9 D m

Outwrile Bookstore & torleehouse 991 Pi e d mont Ave .. Alia "tao GA 30309

myself with a jar of my blood and decided to experiment with it. Very quickly I realized that blood is the perfect medium for addressing issues of race, tribe, family, gender, sexuality, privilege, etc. I now bleed a wide range of volunteers for my pictures.

What's a typical weekend like for you and William?

Quality time: not getting out of bed until whenever; our work at "Petite Versailles": our backyard garden; a great dinner and then studio in the evening. We tend to avoid tedious social events and people -we don't feel the need to soda! climb.

How did it feel to be censored (or your work? Angry? Or did you feel, ''Well, I'm in good company"?

1 felt anger, hurt, threatened, self-censorious, and defeated .. It is a terrible offense to demonize someone's art, their deeply felt expressions of their life story. Even now, when 1 pick up a paintbrush I hear those voices telling me that it is not OK to explore the gay aesthetic. Because they see you in the press, people think it is glamorous to be a censored artist, but they don't realize that you are in very real legal trouble,

Who is your favorite artist?

I have my favorites in almost every style, genre and medium. There is, of course, the guy who dug up my backyard ...

What's your guiltiest pleasure?

Since Judeo-Christian programming didn't have a profound impact on my life I find no relationship between guilt and pleasure. Nevertheless, I should probably consider my consumption of Creme Brfilee.

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m GA voice \ Apri.115,. 2011 \ Calendar


Traxx Girls' annual All White Anniversa ry Pa rty is haste d by models and actresses The Glenn Twins, lae Heckard from "The Game" and King Magazine's cover model Sheneka Adams. Also features OJ Small Wonder, OJ Dimples, OJ E, 'MC Cadillac and introducing Suga. At the new XS Ultra lounge (aka XCess Ultra Lounge (; Bistro), 708 Spring SI.. Atlanta, GA 30308,

C literati OJ)en No-M lc feat u re s s po ken word on the third Thursday of every

ma nt h. Hosted by Ka ren G and Th erssa Davis, this month's special guest is Brook Blander. 7:30 - 9 p.m at Charis Boo.ks

s More, 1189 Euclid Ave. NE. Atlanta, GA 30307,

The At la nta Gay Men '5 Ch orus performs "Divas 2: Opera Revisited," 8 pm Friday and 2 pm and 8 prn Saturday at Conant Center for the Performing Arts at Ogletho' rpe Un ive rs ity, 4484 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA 30319,

Friday, April 15 .~ Sunday, April 17

The Dogwood Festival celebrates its 75th anniversary with an artist market, music, food and even a nine-story Ferris wheel. 'Entertainers for the three'day Atlanta spring tradition include gay rocker Diane Durrett on the acoustic stage al7 p.m. Saturday. All weekend in Piedmont Park.

Midtown Atlanta Shop & Dine W~k continues through Sunday, with discounts at restaurants. niQht

c lu bs., re ta i I stores, and m ore. You ca n also enjoy lhe Midtown Tour 01 Homes on Saturday and Sunday. www.midtownatlantashopanddineweekcom,

Friday, April 15

"A Jihad for love," Parvez Sharma's documentary about lGBT Muslims., screens at the Third friday Film Series. Suggested donation $1-$10 sliding scale. 7-10 p.m. at first Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta, 470 Candler Park Dr., NE, Atlanta, GA 30307

Sacred HeARTS is a fine arts and performing

arts be nef i t for the Alia nta Sisters 01 Perpetua I Indulgence, the non-profit "nu ns" dedicated to community service and activism. 7-10 p.m at Jungle a:nd includes Iree admission to Dragnigue, wh ich lollows. Jungle, 2115 faulkner Rd., Atlanta, GA 30324,

Professional intimacy and relationsbip coach Maria Stewart presents "$ex Is Powerful: Empowering Your Sexuality In & Out of the Bedroom:' 7:30 prn. at Charis Books (; More, 1189 Euclid Ave. NE, Atla nla, GA 30307,

Saturday, April 16

Join the MEGA Family Project for a play date with LGBT families at the playground at Piedmont Park. Bring your own picnic lunch. 10 am to I am

The M ISlER Community Center lor gay and bi men offers a 8usiness Attire & Manner Workshop, the second in a tbree-nsrt series on job placement skills. InterviewinQi Skills follows on April 23.1·2 prn at MISTER. 139 Ralph McGill Boulevand, Atlanta, GA 30308,

Stacy Pershall reads from "Loud in the House

of Myself," her "mordantly funny" memoir that includes anorexia, bipolar and borderline personality disorders, suicide attempts and tattOOing. 5:30 prn, at Charis Books & More, 1189 Euclid Ave. NE, Atlanta, GA. 30307,

The Death and Taxes Poetry Extravaganza is hosted by gay poet .Fl"anklin Abbott and includes 10 powerful voices. 7:30-9 prn at Bound To Be Read Books, 481-B flat Shoals Road, East Atlanta Village, A tl a nta GA 30316.



There are two ways to add your events to our on I ine and print calendars. Submit you r inlo to www,theGAVoice,com or e·mail detaus to

Friday, April 22.

Direct from the UK, the Freemasons make their Atlanta debut. DJ Lydia Prim spins an opening set portion of door charge goes to JOining Hearts. The Heretic, .2069 Cheshire Bridge Road, Atlanta, GA 30324, www.heret.icatlanta .. com

Looking for more events? Visit our website tor our extensive daily calendar, including nightlife

I schedules and community organization meetings, provided by our friends

Heretic Backroom B u rlesq ue presents the

Armo rettes from 8·10 p m. to PA LS. fo II owed by DJ l yd i a Prim at 10 p.m. at the He ret i r; 2069 C hesh i re 8ri dg.e Road, A tlanta GA 30324,

The 22nd annual Boy·butante Ball caps a week of activities raising funds for HIV services in Northeast Georgia. This year's Iheme is "Han ky Tonk Ho-Oown." Doors open 9 prn at the 40 Wall, 285 W. washington St.. Athens, GA 30601. for the week's full schedule, vis i t

Local singer'songwriter Barry Brandon's band Stiletto Effect and rocker Eryn Woods conclude their tour with a show for hometown fans. 10 pm at HiQhland Ball room, 644 N. H ighla nd Ave .. A tla n ta Ga 30306

Recall Atlanta's former fetish club at Mon Cherie's "The Chamber" Reunion including burlesque, fetish performances, drag skits and more. 10 p.m at The Masquerade, 695 North Ave. NE. Atlanta, GA 30308,

Wear your sexy underwear or pajamas for the UltraViolet .Black Out with .DJ Sin. Morera. 9 prn at Jungle, .2115 Faulkner Rd., Atlanta, GA 30324,

The 80dy Heat Femme Tour features erotica writ-

e rs. pe norm e rs and da nee rs, in clud i ng A II a nta ns Kathleen Delaney and Va.gina Jenkins, and special Quest Margaret Cho. 9 pm at First Existential lst, 47D Candler Park Dr., Atlanta, GA 303D7, search "Body Heat femme Tour" on facebooKcom

The quarterly Fetish Night returns to the Eagle, this time with a dual theme of Uniforms and Cigars. The Atlanla Eagle, 306 Ponce De Leon Ave. Allanta, GA 30308,

Sunday, April 17

Mondo Homo hosts the second annual WigOul, an all"day outdoor event fealuring drag and burlesque performers, OJ$' Vioki Powell and Homosexual., carnival games and more. 2 prn, to midnight at Friends On Ponce, 736 Ponce De leon Ave., Atlanta, GA 30306,

Atlanta Police Department LGBT Liaison Brian Sharp speaks to the PHAG Atlanta Third Sunday meeting. 2:45' 5 p.m at First MeC, 1379 Tullie Road Nt Atlanta, GA 30329"2308,

Dueling DJs Mike Pope and David Knapp spin for Change of Seasons, the spring party for Joining Hearts, which raises funds for housing for people impacted by HIV. 4-9 prn. at Georgian Terrace Hotel, 659 Peachtree SL Atlanta, GA,

Btlcky Motter and Sonia Tetlow perform in alund' raiser for the Atlanta Queer Lit festival. 6 p.m at Eddie's Attic, 515 N McDonough St, Decatur, GA 30030,

Monday, April 18

Walch "RuPaul's Drag Race" at 9 p.rn at Einstein's., 1077 Juniper SL, Allanta, GA 303D9, Or catch the show at

Calendar / April 15, 2011/ GA Voice fFI

Blake's on the Park, 227 10th St., Atlanta, GA 30309"

'Niesha Dupree's Stars of the Century celebrates its 12th anniversary. Show time at 11 prn, at Jungle, 2115 Faulkner Rd., Atlanta, GA 30324,

Tuesday, April 19

Join the Wome n 's 0 utdo or Netwo rk lor in d 0 0 r rock climbing. 7 prn at stone Summil3701 Presidential parkway, Atlanta, GA 30340,

M EGA Family Project hosts a new support group for prospective adoptive parents. 7-8:30 pm at the MEGA Family Project office space at the Rush Center, 1530 Dekalb Avenue. Suite A. Atlanta, GA 30307. www,

Wednesday, April 20

Journalist and former amateur boxer Mischa Merz reads from "The Sweetest Thing: Inside the World of Women's Boxing." 7:30 p.m. at Charis Boo,ks & More" 1189 Euclid Ave. NE. Atlanta. GA 30307.

KeSha brings her "Get S!eezy" lour to the Tabernacle, and you know she will 9 prn. at 152luc,kie SL Atlanta, GA 30303,

OJs Sam Rothstein and Last Season Skechers return with their Big Primpln' party, dubbed Dre Day. 9 pm at iii a rvs 128.7 Glenwood Ave .. At I a n tao GA 30316,

Thursday, April.21

Th e gay At la nta Execut i ve .Netwo rk p rese n ts Jeffery Halter. author of "Selling to Men, Selling to Women." 6:30 - 9 pm at Hadson Grille Midtown., 942 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30309, www,

Catch an art opening by Robert Sherer and William Cash with the book launch of "100 Artists of the Male Figure." 7 p.m at Outwrile Bookstore & Coffeehouse, 991 Piedmont Ave.., Atlanta, GA 30309, w\

MEGA Family Project's Coming Out Support Group. a free service for adults, meets 7·S:30 pm at the MEGA Eami Iy Project office space at 1530 Dekalb Avenue,

Su iteA. At 10 nta GA 30307. Th e sa me nigh! at the s a me time is the group's "Waiting for t'he Stork" Prospective Parent Meet Up.

Expect d ra ma as Chari ie Shee n bei ngs his "My Viol en! Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an OptiOn. Tour" tour to Atlan ta sam at the Fox Thea tre. 660 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 3030B,

Chris Coleman's Indulge party hosts a Britney Spears CD .releaseparty [rom 9 p.m to midni.ght at W Hotel- Midtown, 18814tl'l Street Atlanta, GA 30361: email

Thursda~ Ap'il21~ Sunday, April 24

Hundreds of LGBTbowlers descend on Atlanta lor the annual Easter weekend Dixie Invitational Bowling Tournament. Say howdy during tournament pla.y at

B ru nsw i ck Zone No rcross. at th e host hote I A tl a n ta Marriott Buckhead, and at host bars Tripps, oscers. Atlanta Eagle and' Jungle.

Monday, April 18

Don't be a drag, be a queen as Lady Gaga. brinns 'Born This Way'" to Atlanta. 8 p.m at the Arena at Gwinnet! Center. 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, GA 30097,

Friday, April 22

The Atlanta Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce hosts its Fourth Friday mixer. 5:30 -1:30 p.m at

the Artmore Hotel, 1302 W. Peachtree SL Atlanta. GA 30309, www.a!

Easter Weekend gets underway with DJ Karios O'La Paz at Jungle, 2115 Faulkner Rd" Atlanta, GA 30324,

Saturday, April 23

En] oy lh e Pre- Ea ste r Egg Colo ring and Bonnet Contest. 4-7 p.m. with bonnet contest at 6 pm at Woofs. 2425 Piedmont Rd" Atlanta, GA, 30324,

OJ Ralphi Rosario spins and Power lntin!ti performs at Jungle, 2115 Faulkner Rd., Atlanta, GA 30324,

OJ Mike iPope spins allhe at the Heretic, .2069 Cheshire Bridge Road, Atlanta, GA 30324,

OJ Power Infiniti spins at 4 am at Kion, membership required. 2241 Faulkner Rd.. Atlanta, GA 30324

Distri ct H.ou se Moth e r OJ Sederick a ndDJ Maestro spin hip hop and house music for the grand opening 01 the new XS Ultra Lounge (aka XCess Ultra Lounge &. Bistro), 708 Spring st, Atlanta, GA 30308,

Bedlam presents Mad Mad Masquerade. inspired

bV the combination of a classic masquerade and an insane asylum. 10 prn at My Sister's Room, lZ7l Glenwood Ave .. Atlanta, GA 30316,

Feel the "NV." Party all night with OJ Sean Mac from 10 p.m. -1:30 a.m. and DJ/Producer Manny Lehman

I ro m 1:30 am to 7 am at 714 Sp ring St. NW, All a, nta, GA 30308.,


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D GA voice \ Apri.115,. 2011 \ Calendar






The Rolli.ns School of Public Health at Emory University is hosting a study about male couples and HIV testing.

We're looking for male couples over

18 years of age who have been together for at least three months.

Participants must be willing to take part in two HIV testings and a 45 minute counseling session now and again in three months. Participants receive $50 each at each session.

Search "men testing together. " on

For more information contact

Jasper Barnes, 404-849-5534 or II "

Calendar! April 15, 2011! GA Voice IQI


Sunday, April 24

The Armorettes Easter Drag Races are a campy. beloved AUa nta tr ad i tion. Do n you r best bon n et and turn out for games and mayhem. Regislration begins at 2 prn: races start at 4 p.m. at Burkhart's Pub,I492 Piedmonl Ave., Atlanta, GA 30309,

Ove rna ul wi t h OJ/Producer Ma rti n Fry goes pri me

! i me on Ea ster Su nday. 9 p, rn to 3 am a I 714 Spri ng St NW, Allanta, GA30308,

Monday, April 25

Mystery writer Josh Aterovis signs "The Truth of Yesterday," his new book featuring gay leen sleuth Killian Kendall. 7:30 prn at Outwrile Bookstore & Colteeh a use. 991 Pi edmont Ave" A I I an tao Gil 30309. www_outwrilebooks_c-om

Tuesday, April 26

Si ng your hea rt out at the i nl a mous Ma rv-o ke. 9 p.m. at Mary's, 1287 Glenwood Ave" Atlanta, GA 30316. www_marysatlanta,com

Wednesday, April 27

Join in the 19th annual Dining Out for Life. when

a 1m ost 100 resteu ran Is will don ale 20 percenl or more of your ch eck to Open Ha nd wh i c h prov ides meals to people wil h H IVan doth er seriou shea II h concerns. For I ist of rests u ra nts and more i nfonmation. v i sit www.

di ni ngo utforlife_com/atlanta

Sex ed ucator an d a clivi st Su s ie B ri g ht sig ns her memoir "Big Sex, Little Death." 7:30 pm al Outwrite Bookstore & Coffeehouse. 991 Piedmont Ave .. Atiallta, GA 30309,

The au eer Litera ry Fi ctlo n Book G rou p hal ds its monthly meeting. with author Nairne Holtz in atten· dance to read and discuss "This One's Goinq to Last Foreve r •. " 7 pm at C ha rls, 1189 Eu cl i dAve. N [ All an ta GA 30301, www.chariscircle;org

Stiletto Effect and E rvn Wood s pe rform wilh Nit kV Click. 10 p.m. at Vinyl. 374 West Peachtree St NW.

Alia n ta GA 30309

Thur.sday, April 28

Enjoy "Bears Sing for the Children," with perter-

rna ncesby Scott Free (Ch i cago), "Roc k Cub" (C i ncin na t i), Gordon Michaels (BasIon) and Elijah Black (NYC) to benefit CHRIS Kids. Show al8 prn, followed by dancing at 10 prn with OJ Calvin and OJ Mike Pope. JunQle, 2115 Faulk.ner Rd. Atlanta, GA 30324, jungleclubatlanta.oom

Unco rk a Cure is a ga I a evenin g of win e, food taslin gs, and live and silent auctions. all 10 raise lunds lor ARCA. I he AlaS Resea rcn Consortium of Atla nta. 6-9 p m. et The Foundry at Puritan Mill. 916 Joseph [ Lowery Blvd .. Atla nta GA , 30318, www,uncorkscure;org

Saturday. April 30

The manly men of fne gay Atlanta

B u c ks rugby tea m don I roc ks lor the Purple Dress Run. the team's annual fu nd rai se [, wit h a portion of proceeds benefitting the MISTER Community Center. Starts at 1 p.m at Blake's, then hils Bla ke's, FROGS Cs n tin a, <In d ends with cookout al I he Ea gl e.'


Friday, April 29

The FI R E Pa rty ce leb ra tes FEN U X E Magazine'S first anniversary. Congratulations, boysl 8-11 p.m at Bill lowe Arl Gallery, 1555 Peachtree St., Suite 100. Atlanta. GA 30309,

Ii re pa rty.eve nt b I

Friday, April 29- Sunday, May 1

At la n ta SM S olida ritv p resen Is Sp ring I n The South. the annual 8DSM education weekend, with 23 classes schedul.ed. Runs through Sun d ay at the Eag Ie and 1763, I

Saturda.y, April 30

Party with Impact is the annual signature event to raise funds for Positive Impact, which offers H IV testing an d me Iltal hea It h servi ces lor p eo pie im pacted by H IV. I nelu de s bar a nd catering by Radial Cafe. 7 prn at the home of Russell Tipp i ns an d Ra ndy New. positive i m

tormer Atlanta poet MendV Knott reads from her book "A Little Lazarus." 7:30 p.m at Charis Books (, Mo re., 1189 Eu did Ave. N Eo AI I a n ta GA 30307, www,

EnJOY Women of Rock in the .Round wilh Caroline Aiken, Donna Hopkins and Diane Durrett .• 8 prn al Eddie's Attic, 515 N McDonough SI.., Decalu~ GA 30030,

Jacob Gallman, REA.LTOR" 404-874-6357 jgallnlan@14west. com

convenient to 1-285.1-85 and HWY78.

Offered at $90,000

m GA Voice \ Apri.115,. 2011 \ A&E


1 25 Clai.rernont Ave, Suite 150 Decatur, GA 30030 404-836-1120 wvvw. hlrnonestop. com


_ orne and away

Does choosing time apart mean you're growing apart?

Preppy had been out of town for about eight hours before I completely reverted to bachelorhood. 1 stayed up until three in the morning watching honor movies. I used every dish in the house and washed none of them. I sat on the porch smoking like a freight train and didn't dump the ashtray until it actually caught on fire. I slopped shaving. I drank a lot. He was gone for a week. If he had been gone for two, I would have transformed into latecareer Ernest Hemingway.

Preppy takes trips with his friends. They go to the beach, to the mountains, and various concerts performed by jam bands whose songs are each a half-hour long. I don't begrudge these trips, because he works incredibly hard at a job that exists in normal society, where there are hours, and one is aware of when the work day is complete. I am a writer. I do not have hours, 1 have deadlines. 1 have no idea how long it will take to complete an assignment. That's like asking someone how long their emotional breakdown is going to take. It's just done when it's done, man.

There are two problems when Preppy is on vacation. Thing one: I am insanely jealous. I would love to take a vacation. I'm not all that interested in the jam bands, but would flat-out love a trip to the ocean. I suffer from a severe deficit of fruity frozen drinks in my life. Haven't I earned a little freakin' time in a cabana chair? So hearing about the fabulous time he's having with super-fun people makes me hate fun in general. If there ain't enough fun in the world for me to get some, then by God we Just need to ShUI the whole system down.

Thing two: My absence from these delightful getaways does not make the experience miserable for my husband, and I really think it should. I don't need it to ruin his whole vacation; I'd just like a little pining. Some keening, like Irish people do at funerals. A wistful sigh where he says, "This would be so much better if Topher were here." We talk every day when he's out of lawn. Never once has he ex-

TopherPayne is an Atlanta·~sed plavwriq ht a nd the author of the oook"Necessary Luxu ries: Notes on a Semi·Fabulous Life." Find OLlt more at

pressed, "I wish you were here," because, well, he doesn't He has friends and various SITing Cheese Incidents to keep him entertained.

Every summer for the last quarter-century, my mother has gone on vacation with her sisters. No husbands or children allowed. I don't recall my father ever pouting about it, wondering why they had so much fun without him. He knew exactly why: they all got to act like madwomen and not hear anyone say "Mama Mama Marna" for a few days.

Daddy took his trips as well, going skiing and such. My parents say the reason we never took family vacations is because they discovered we all got along better if we had some time to miss each other a bit. But this scenario is completely different, Because I'm totally fun. Why the hell doesn't he wanna go to the beach for a week wlth ME? He's gonna skip the opening of my play to go to something called Hangout Fest? Seriously? I am not okay with that.

Is it really the end of the world that he can't be at my show because of prior commitments to the Honey Island Swamp Band and Railroad Earth? I concede it is not. The actual problem isn't my husband's recreational activities away from me - it's my lack of any away from him.

The key word here is recreation. r have plenty that keeps me busy away from him, but that's different. I don't stop. And when one goes a long time without stopping, one begins to resent the people who do. I am aware the situation is of my own creation, but I shouldn't be held accouruable. I can't be trusted to sleep or shave when left to my own devices, you think I'm capable of successfully planning a holiday?

After years of asking ''Why don't you want me there? Won't you miss me?" what I wart to say is, "If you don't get me out of here, 1 don't think I'll ever stop." It is an incredibly humbling moment in building a life with another person - discovering a truth about yourself that you need their help to charge.


April 15, ,2011 / GA Voice m

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