?the Spookiest Halloween?

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🦇The spookiest


- Dhiti singhal

The Halloween series

It was Halloween evening.
Hailey and henry, the twins
got a party invitation for
their friend Hannah's
Halloween party. They
were getting ready for the
party. Hailey dressed up a
fairy and henry dressed up
as skeleton.
When they went up to
Hannah's house they were
fascinated by the look of
the house as it was very
scary! It was looking like a
vampire’s castle. They
knew it was decorated but
they weren’t aware that
there was something
waiting for them inside…
They went inside and were
surprised to see Hannah
dress up as a princess. She
looked very pretty. They
were talking with her and
taking a tour of the castle
(house). It was very much
fun and they met their
friends who had also come
to the party. Hannah told
them everything about the
They were having fun when the
twins saw a locked closet. They
were very adventuresome and
went to open the closet from
Hailey's hairpin because there
was no key. Hannah saw them
and tried to stop them but it
was too late. Came out of the
closet was a VAMPIRE! The
vampire saw Hannah and tried
to kill her but she stopped him
and told him an explanation.
Hailey and henry were surprised when Hannah told
them that they had kidnapped a vampire and taken its
castle for the party and would return it after the party.
The children were shocked too much. They ran up to
Hannah's parents and told them to apologies to the
vampire and ask him to borrow his castle for the party.
Hannah's parents were ashamed of themselves and
went to the vampire to ask for forgiveness.
The vampire forgave them and
allowed them to use his castle
for the party. He was then also
included in the party. They all
had a lot of fun with the
vampire. They saw him turn
into a bat then back. He then
pulled his cape in front of his
face and disappeared and the
appeared once again. It was
very much fun. Hannah and her
family were very happy.
The 🦇🎃


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