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UNIVERSAL ROBINA CORPORATION (URC) ‘ASTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PAPER Presented to the Faculty of College of Business Administration Adamson University Manila In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Strategic Management (ITH 2:00 - 3:30 PM) Antalan, Alia Delos Santos, Ma. Lhorena Macaspac, Iris Cadet Morales, Chrizel Palisoc, Anna May Dr. Lynn B. Garcia-Fufugal Professor December 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pages... ....cceecccceeeeeecceeeeeteseeeeceeseeeteteteeeeteeetttettteeeeee i Table of Contents. il Acknowledgment. List of Tables . List of Figures... CURRENT STATUS OF THE COMPANY Company Historical Background........... 2 Current Organization's Vision and Mission 3 Potential Clients/ Target Market and Competitors. .. 3 SWOT Analysis... . 4 TOWS Matrix... 6 PLAN YOUR STRATEGY New Organizational Goals and Objectives . 10 Strategies Formulation .. 10 Overcome Five Forces and Achieve Competitive Advantage. uu Functional Strategies Operations Operations. : 14 Finance or Accounting 15 Marketing ... 15 Human Resources THE COMPANY'S ACTION PLAN Implementation of Strategies Project Selection . 19 A. STAGE 1: Defining. 19 Strategy Goals Specification Tasks Responsibility B, STAGE 2: Planning and Organizing. Schedule Budget Resources isk Staffing C. STAGE 3: Implementing or Execution ... 26 Status Report Changes Quality Forecast STAGE 4: Closing (Evaluation and Control) ......+.+ 28 Delivery of Project Report and Output Redeployment of Resources Post Project Review... Summary of Objectives 23 2 29 Time Costs ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researchers would like to show their great appreciation to all the people who extended help and gave support in fulfilling this study. Firstly, to the Almighty God, for giving the researchers the knowledge and wisdom. He bestowed upon them the strength, patience, and perseverance they need upon completing this paper. Moreover, the researchers would like to thank Dr, Lynn B, Garcia-Fufugal, the researchers’ Strategic Management Adviser, for the guidance, support, and recommendations to make this study better. To the researchers’ friends who gave them a tap on the back whenever they are close to falling apart and block mates who also motivated them to finish this paper. Finally, to the researchers’ families, for showing their endless love, care, support, and encouragement that helped them finish this study. Also, for being the research inspiration to accomplish the requirement. LIST OF TABLES Table 1: SWOT Analysis: Internal Environment........ Table 2: SWOT Analysis: External Environment. ........s00cc0ssesscsseeeessssseees 5 Table 3: TOWS Matrix... 6 Table 4: Schedule 23 Table 5: Breakdown of Budget ..........0.:ccecsesesees cesesesesetetenenserenes 24 Table 6: Status Report. - 26 Table 7: Comparison of Planned Schedule and Actual Schedule ...........0.e+e+6+ 29 Table 8: Actual Costs Incurred .......6.csceccseescseeeeseeeee soseeesssaes 31 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Universal Robina Corporation's Implementation of Strategies ..........18 Figure 2: How we choose the valtl@.....es000 00+ 19 Figure 3: How we provide the value and How we communicate the valte........+++. 20 Figure 4: Universal Robina’s Resources. .. 24 CURRENT STATUS OF THE COMPANY Company Historical Background The Universal Robina Corporation was founded by Mr. John Gokongwei, Jr. in 1954, Before it was known as the URC that we all know today, Mr. Gokongwei Jr. started first with a milling plant for glucose and cornstarch under the name of Universal Corn Products (UCP). The business was good for a period of time. However, when other similar multinational companies were established in the country, it became a difficulty for them. That is when Mr. Gokongwei Jr. diversified into producing and marketing his own branded consumer foods in order to achieve success. With that, Blend 45 was the first locally created coffee blend and their first product under the Consolidated Food Corporation in 1961, In 1963, the company also started with poultry products and this is also the time when the Gokongwei business adopts vertical integration. Later, Robichem Laboratories were built in order to provide veterinary assistance to farm business. Furthermore, the Robina Farms also entered hog business in the late 70's. In 1966, this is when the Universal Robina Corporation (URC) was established. They created snack products under the brand - Jack ‘n jill such as Chippy, Chiz Curls and Potato Chips. They also successfully produced other snack products which are known as market leaders like Maxx, Pretzels, and Piattos. After years, the company had acquired and developed more. Aside from commodities business, through URC Packaging, the company also entered plastic business during the late ‘90s. As time goes by, the Universal Robina Corporation became more diversified and all the different companies are now organized under the URC umbrella which is divided into three focused groups. These are the Branded Consumer Food Group that includes BCFG Domestic and International; the Agro-Industrial Group that includes Universal Corn Products, Robina Farms, and Robichem; and the Commodities Group, for sugar and flour divisions. ON The vision of Universal Robina Corporation is to be the best Philippine food and beverage company, with a powerful presence throughout the ASEAN region, carrying a wide portfolio of delightful brands of exceptional quality and value, equipped with efficient systems and motivated people. The URC is committed in making lives a truly fun experience. MISSION Universal Robina Corporation (URC) is one of the largest branded food product companies in the Philippines and has a growing presence in other ASEAN markets. Potential Clients/ Target Market The Universal Robina Corporation has different target markets in every focused groups that they have, In Branded Consumer Food Group (BCFG), their target market are young and millennial consumers since they offer on-the-go and on-trend snacks foods and beverages that can be consumed by these potential clients. In Agro-Industrial Group (AIG), the company’s target markets are families, hotels, and restaurants because what they offer are farm products. In Commodity Foods Group, the company's target market are families since some of the products that they offer are flour and pasta. Competitors. ‘With regard to their competitors, the URC competitors are those companies that offer similar products or alternatives to the market. According to an article by Owler, the primary competitors of URC are San Miguel PureFoods, Dole Food Company, Inc. and Fresh Del Monte. Other top competitors of Universal Robina Corporation industry are: Monde Nissin, Hero Grou Garuda Food. Juhayna, Almarai, Food Empire Holdings, Sun-Rype Products, and SWOT Analysis ‘The Analysis of the Internal Environment of Universal Robina Corporation is shown below: Brunt tree: Med Good Governance: The corporation is headed by good management and the leaders also set a good tone in building a winning culture Employees: The employees of the company are well-trained to do their tasks. The personnel can perform their job on time to meet their target production. Products: The company has wide variety of products that they offer to the public. They also have snack foods such as that are leading the market Maxx, Pretzels, and Piattos. Loyal Consumers: The company has created its brand that is well-known and trusted by the consumers Innovation: The company has shown that they can showcase their excellence by creating groundbreaking products through the help of their high and excellent research and development. Supply Chain: The company has good relationship with their suppliers. They make sure that they benefit from each other and help each other to achieve success. Market Position: The company has established a strong market position in the food industry making it one of the most Operational Performance: When it comes to foreign segment, the company has a weak operational performance. Debt Ratio: Majority of the Company's debt obligations are denominated in foreign currencies. Outdated Technology: The company lacks proprietary technology and patents, which can be a barrier to compete against rivals. well-respected and profitable company in the Philippines. Table 1: SWOT Ana alysis: Internal Environment The Analysis of the External Environment of Universal Robina Corporation is shown below: swor erie PNET Economic Growth: The food industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally, helpful in attaining economic growth and development. Growth rates and Profitability: There is an expected annual growth rate of 6.5% by the year 2020-2025 in the Food and Beverages segment. Global Markets: There is a high demand for food products in all countries. Technological Advancement: Technology has evolved and becomes part of the production process. It is one of the most significant drivers of future growth and the company's efficiency. Consumers’ Purchasing Power: There is Income inequality all over the places. This situation significantly affects the purchasing power and consumption of consumers. Table 2: SWOT Analysis: External Environment TOWS Matrix ‘The TOWS Matrix of Universal Robina Corporation is shown below: Si: Good governance Wz: Operational Performance TOWS Sz: Employees Wz: Debt Ratio Sst Products Ws: Outdated Technology MATRIX Sx: Loyal Consumers Ss Innovation Se: Supply Chain Sq Market Position [Opportunities | SO Strategy WO Strategy Scand O2 W;, Ws, and 02 04: Economic Growth The company must | The company must develop maintain a_—good| their whole operational 02: Growth rates and relationship with its | performance and adapt Profitability suppliers to. produce an| technological changes and efficient production process | advancements to maintain Os: Global Markets by having sufficient and | competitive advantage high-quality materials and | among its rivals, It must try other inputs provided by its | to be a key player in the food suppliers. Thus, an efficient | industry to attain growth production process may | rate and profit leverage. result in higher profitability, Srand 05 Since the company has already established a strong market position in the food industry, it may use this asa great strategy and opportunity to have an expansion in different countries to take advantage in introducing their offered products to new geographic areas. This action may be a good strategy to attain market development. ST Strategy WT Strategy Ty: Technological Advancement Te: Consumers’ Purchasing Power Ss, Sy and Tz The company must not be complacent for having loyal customers. To have a better market penetration, the entity must continuously improve their products and consider offering cheaper prices of their products compare to its competitors to keep their customers’ loyalty and address the issue in terms of consumers’ purchasing power differences. In addition, it must continuously invest on its employees and increase more employees if possible, to gain tax exemptions from the government. Ws. and T2 The company must diverse unrelated products would not conform customers’ preferences, that with SyandT; The company must also invest on technological breakthroughs to further improve and increase their market advantage. Table 3: TOWS Matrix PLAN YOUR STRATEGY To become the top corporation in the industry of snack foods that provides a wide variety of products that are loved by people of different ages in order to be known not just in ASEAN region but worldwide as well. To also use its influence through different programs that will help consumers as part of doing its responsibility to humanity. OBJECTIVES © To build bigger connections in order to reach out globally. ° To innovate a brand that offers natural and preservative-free snack products ° To penetrate different target markets though the improvement of existing product lines. ° To facilitate programs intended for the betterment of the people and environment. Strategies Formulation MARKET PENETRATION This strategy entails the improvement of marketing and sales promotion in order to acquire a bigger share in the market. Through market penetration, engagement to the market using existing products will be enhanced, This strategy can help the company increase its market share and gain a competitive advantage over other companies. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Through product development, the company will be able to persuade the market to consume and purchase their products which will increase the sales of the company. This strategy can also help in innovating new products that can help prevent substitute products to enter the market. This strategy also entails diversification and offering new set of products that will be beneficial to the company. MARKET DEVELOPMENT 10 ‘The company has to expand and offer products that are new and innovative in order for people to consume and purchase their products, Strategies are needed to be developed to prevent getting affected by existing hindrances in the market. This could be an advantage especially if the company wants to become leading in the snack food industry. Overcome Five Forces and Achieve Competitive Advantage Universal Robina Corporation operates both locally and internationally. It is known to be highly competitive in the food industry. It appears to have a more significant advantage in some business aspects, like implemer g strategies that result in higher profitability. The company owes its success to its critical success factors such as product innovation and quality, distribution, sales, marketing, price competitiveness, and customer loyalty. However, there are five (5) forces that Universal Robina Corporation needs to consider and overcome to att: and sustain its competitive advantage. These five (5) forces will be discussed below. 1. Competitive Rivalry Universal Robina Corporation's competitive rivalry status is indicated as strong. The Philippines is dominating when it comes to food manufacturing with over the top twenty (20) top players. Zach of them is contributing to the total 40.1 percent total output in manufacturing. Competition in the food and beverage industry remains intense. The most concerning factors on the food industry's competition are product quality, brand recognition, brand loyalty, service, marketing, advertising, price, availability of products and the ability to get its product widely distributed, Since there are numerous key players in the food industry, the target market is one of the most crucial factors to consider when evaluating the significant fluctuati n that includes their movements, preferences, and ad developments, such as the current trends from time to time, With the rival firms’ brand positioning, they must develop and introduce brands from time to time. However, this would also depend on the marketing and advertising of these firms. Most firms spend on marketing strategies by widening their distribution channels, un such as retailers and wholesalers. Nowadays, there is a growing development among these distribution channels. Hence, the firms are also watchful of their competitive distribution channels as there is an adverse effect on both ends. To overcome this concerning issue and sustain the Universal Robina Corporation's competitive advantage, the company should produce better quality products. Also, it should invest in product branding to easily be recognized by many. It must also continuously improve its service, marketing, advertising, price, product availability, and distribution. 2. The Threat of New Entrants Universal Robina Corporation's status in terms of the threat of new entrants is indicated as moderate. These new entrants’ threats include the low switching cost, customer loyalty, and high cost of brand development. New entrants may threaten the established food manufacturers because consumers’ buying decisions can easily be influenced depending on the companies’ marketing strategies where they avail their consumed products. This situation may make consumers shift from one company to another. The cost of brand development is high, making it difficult for new entrants to quickly and to directly compete against existing rivals in the industry, especially those with the strongest brands, Government and legal requirements in entering the business have long been highly indicated because of the many requirements to establish a business, making the new entrants not easily compete at the same level with those existing food companies. Despite this fact, established food manufacturers should not be complacent about their status. They must still continuously adapt to inevitable changes because these will have a significant impact on their success or failure. 3. Bargaining power of suppliers Universal Robina Corporation's status in terms of the bargaining power of. suppliers is indicated as weak. Almost all resources in manufacturing the products in the food industry are coming from agriculture. Some companies acquire their plants to have their sources of raw materials and so that the supply chain will be ina 12 much easier process. This action increases producers’ options in acquiring raw material, thereby reducing the bargaining power of suppliers. The company must consider having the right and fixed suppliers to maintain the same quality products and reduce costs on availing their needed supplies. 4. Bargaining power of buyers Universal Robina Corporation's status in terms of the bargaining power of buyers is indicated as weak. In whatever industry, consumers are among the top priorities since they are the primary source of every company's profit. This case is the same as the food and beverage producers. Customers’ bargaining power is determined based on the packaging, location, and recipe of the products. These indicated factors establish product loyalty and strong buyer preference. The high accessibility of the product information from the internet and websites greatly influences the buyers’ purchasing decisions. There is a weak bargaining power among the consumers because, despite the same product segments and lines, there are still food companies that have a diversified and unique packaging and ingredients of the products. Due to the high tendency of product loyalty, the industry's key players compete primarily in product innovations. However, this may vary when consumers’ preference trends affect their actual purchasing power. 5, The Threat of Substitutes Universal Robina Corporation's status in terms of the threat of the substitutes is indicated as moderate. Players in the food industry have almost the same products and line of segments. Hence, products could be substituted based on consumer preferences and trends, and other variables to consider. The high performance among the substitutes alarms individual producers to introduce more products in the market. Dominants in the market are being imitated either in their packaging or recipe, However, it is a determinant when it comes to consumers’ substitution decisions, According to some studies, Filipino families spend almost 5,000 pesos of their monthly income from purchasing grocery items. Products from established companies make switching cost low because of brand loyalty 13 the dominating the consumers’ buying decisions. Most manufacturers make their products and even the substitute ones available among the distribution channels. Producers diversify their distribution channels to make their products readily available to the consumers. They widen their networks and grab the latest technological breakthroughs in order to make products readily available. It must be noted that although there are substitutes for most of the products offered by food companies, some consumers also search for good quality products and their benefits. Therefore, food companies should consider both the quality of products they offer and assure that they are worth the price. Functional Strategies Operations OPERATIONS Production and Operations Department 1. Cost reductioi The production should be as efficient as possible without making the quality of the products sacrifice. The companies should ensure that the resources and materials being used are maximized and minimal amounts or none should be wasted. This is to ensure that the companies’ costs are utilized properly. In addition, unwanted and unnecessary costs will be prevented. 2. Improvement of Operations The products being offered should be produced using the most beneficial way. The company must know what production techniques or strategies should be applied in order to maximize the full potential of production, This may include mass production in a short span of time which may result to higher efficiency and effectiveness. This strategy also entails the improvement of machines in which the company may consider repairing or purchasing a new one. FINANCE OR ACCOUNTING 14 Accounting and Finance Department 1. Cost-benefit approach The company should always keep in mind that the benefits that they will get in a certain expenditure should be greater than the cost that they incurred, Through this, they will be able to get the most out of their expenses. The company should also make sure that the expenses are effectively and efficiently managed. MARKETING Marketing Department 1, Development of new markets The company must be able to identify the new market that they want to penetrate so that appropriate marketing strategies will be applied. Plans according to the type of market will be executed. This may include introduction of new products or applying a different marketing strategy to existing products. 2. Product labelling The labels of the products offered by the company can affect the perception of the consumers. As a response, the company should develop labels that can differentiate and will give them a competitive advantage. HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resource Department 1. Training programs for staff and employees This is to ensure that the staff and employees of the company are competent enough to be able to make the company’s goals into reality. The staff and employees of the company must have the suitable skills in order to do their job effectively and efficiently. 15 2. Stability of tenure The skilled and well-trained staff and employees should be maintained by the company because newly hired individuals require trainings that the old staff and employees have been through. This is also a response to the security of the currents staff and employees’ tenure. They will be motivated to do their jobs knowing that they are secured and will not lose their jobs easily. 3. Appropriate salaries and wages The staff and the employees of the company must be well-compensated. They should not be taken advantage of, They should be paid fairly according to their jobs. This is also a way in order to keep the staff and employees that are important to the success of the company. 16 THE COMPANY’S ACTION PLAN ORO ecm) Meenas Omen CRC CROCE Cel tenes fa Scan) ere Mae ete ter tae RIeeeTne nC meae eae torte o PRC nen Rau CR ITT| PR aance RUE ene Cheecnts budgeted costs of the project. The production committee shall be able to oserataas a Cine conocer cen eran ty ENC a NEI et sniteat ci Cot rnte Ree cht eee coeS eMC CeCe eet Ro rotre enter y ieee nt Rerec okay Telefe esti [te emnetcee RUE eenn cee! Pepe R Mocha ene sas DE eee the construction of facilities, ensuring the eM R CRE MN Caen cata Seem kerr ccm xy rcanat ett rene een mene eee meer Ente Figure 1: Universal Robina Corporation's Implementation of Strategies PROJECT SELECTION Shifting to healthier poultry products in organic farming. 18 Stage 1: Defining Strategy Figure 2: How we choose the value HOW WE CHOOSE THE VALUE Understand Select Define value target benefits/ desires price ‘Segmentation Value Proposition 19 Capel Ee ‘ ur Business Model 20 Figure 3: How we provide the value and How we communicate the value Goals Universal Robina has marked a strong topline and profit growth for the past years of operation, URC continues to uphold its vision to make the company a leading food & beverage sustainable enterprise from the Philippines. With the growing population of health-conscious Filipinos, the goal of the company is to provide a healthier option in terms of poultry products, URC’s Agro-Industry (AIG) group is among the biggest and most profitable agro-industrial food businesses in the country today with its own Research and Development arm, exploring advancements in animal feeds, breeding, and farming technology. Specification The pioneering conglomerate firms, Universal Corn Products, Robina Farms Piggery Business Unit, Robina Farms Poultry Business Unit, and Robichem Laboratories are now headquartered in AIG. Under this division, the Robina Farm has been a supplier to large hotels, groceries, restaurant chains, and kitchens at home for the premium selection of pork meats and table eggs. From its current rearing practice, the company aims to solidify more its sustainable “farm to fork” practices to ensure better-controlled quality assurance to its meat and poultry products. Aside from the “no hormone, no antibiotic residue” policy applied to the farm, the need for outside time and comfortable housing shall be employed. Organic products are labeled whether the farm where the products are grown is adhering to the protocols for organic standards. Tasks 1. Conducta strategic plan to implement the proposed project. 2, Designate committees that will be in charge in undertaking each plan of action. 3. Construct the most applicable layout of the restructured farm setting. 21 4, Make a budget proposal for the overall funding needed in the improvement project. 5. Acquire the needed materials in re-constructing the farm facilities including the new equipment, materials, and workers for the project. 6, Employ a monitoring team that would oversee the whole re-construction process. 7. Conduct an evaluation model that could track the implementation and outputs of the improvement project. R pili 1. Management The management is responsible for the overall management of the implementation of the proposed project. It includes the initiation, planning, execution, monitoring & controlling, and closure phases of the whole project cycle. That includes the identification of project constraints and problem statements. Also, the detailed estimation and scheduling of the costs and activities. Additionally, the acquisition, development, and management of the production shall be properly controlled by the management team, 2, Production The production committee is responsible for the re-construction of the farm facilities. The reconstruction includes the housing required for groups of swine and the poultry house that has exits accessible to all chickens. The committee is also responsible for employing efficiency on the whole process to ensure the meeting of deadlines and saving costs of construction. The production team will be in charge of the inventory count of materials used including all the equipment that is being amortized, 3. Accounting & Finance The accounting and finance committee is the one responsible for the safekeeping and proper utilization of the budget with adherence to the financial 22 plan, all the cash flows during the completion of the project. The committee shall monitor all the expenses and keeping of documents necessary to prove the financing activities undertaken that comprise the creation and monitoring of accountability policies. 4, Human Resource The human resource committee will oversee the employees included in this project. The committee shall be responsible for hiring workers for the reconstruction; conducting orientation regarding the contracts specifically the working conditions, duties, benefits, and standards to adhere to. Moreover, they are responsible for the salaries and wages of all the employees associated with the completion of the project. They'll be handling and dealing with all the employee related matters that will arise during the whole project cycle. 5. Marketing The marketing committee is responsible for the promotion and advertisement _of the improvement project done in the company. They'll be in charge ofcreating publicity materials that could help widen the range of possible customers. Included in their duties are the magazine, newspaper, billboards, and social media posts that are helpful tools in boosting the image and spreading the word of improvement regarding the project. Stage 2: PLANNING & ORGANIZING 23 Month 1 Planning the project. Designation of working committees Month 2 * Designing the new layout # Submitting budget proposal Month 3 * Acquisition of the needed materials and equipment * Hiring of working personnel for the reconstruction Month 4 * Working on promotion and advertisement mate © Reconstruction Proper Month 5 + Evaluation process Table 4: Schedule Budget The budget comprises all the cost of materials and equipment needed in reconstructing the farm facilities, paying off the workers, and the advertisement and promotion costs. The machine and equipment will be handled by the construction company hired along with the project engineers. The cost is in contract between the managements and agreed to construct the three chicken poultry houses located in the San Miguel, Bulacan farm of URC. The other expenses allocation serves as the contingency fund for the other unspecified expenses, P, 0 Cine cost Err Materials & Equipment 3 1,200,000 3,600,000 Laborers 150 7,000 1,000,000 ‘Advertisement & 3 50,000 150,000 Promotional Materials (Other Expenses = 250,000 250,000 24 Total: 5,000,000 Table 5: Breakdown of Budget Resources Universal Robina Figure 4: Universal Robina’s Resources © The materials and equipment needed to execute the construction will be provided by ° the construction company hired through a contract. The construction will be sphere headed by the project engineers included in the contract. The human capital or the manual laborers that will work in the site were all hired by the human resource committee. They shall be screened thoroughly and must have passed all the qualifications set by the HR committee. The advertisement and promotional materials will be done by the in-house marketing committee. From the brainstorming and conceptualizing of ideas up to the final drafting of publicity materials will be done by the marketing committee. The budget to be utilized in the project will be coming from the company’s working capital and developmental fund, 25 The possible risk that the project will encounter is not meeting the deadline. The construction of the said farm facilities may not be completed on the target date because of underlying factors such as weather and laborers productivity. Since the construction will be on the supervision of the contracted company, the production committee shall ensure that there is efficiency among the construction team, Strict monitoring shall be imposed each day so to meet the target level of completion on the facilities. The risk of not meeting the deadline could cause additional expenses and delay the promotion dates. This could also result to slow productivity and investment return to the company. Staffing The selected project of the company shall comprise 150 labor workers for the construction of farm facilities. There would also be engineers coming from the contracted company that would sphere head the project. The production team also that manages and monitors the overall work process. There are also marketing team that would document the construction for company files and promotional materials. The accounting and finance committee also that manages the budget for the project. Stage 3; Implementing/Executing Status Report A status report should be the responsibility of the management, which was updated from time to time to monitor the progress and changes made, if any, on the course of action. Month 1 Planning the project COMPLETED © Designation of — working) COMPLETED committees Month 2 * Designing the new layout COMPLETED ‘+ Submitting budget proposal COMPLETED 26 Month 3 © Acquisition of the needed] COMPLETED) materials and equipment ‘+ Hiring of working personnel for | COMPLETED the reconstruction Month 4 * Working on promotion and| COMPLETED advertisement materials. «Reconstruction Proper COMPLETED Month 6 Evaluation process COMPLETED Table 6: Status Report The highlighted section in the status report represents the activity that was added to the planned schedule as deemed necessary by the company. Changes During the implementation of the project, the project manager decided conduct the quality and safety control, prolonging the reconstruction proper a month longer due to the defects detected and repairs needed. The quality control ensures the conformance to the original design, as the existing design aims to achieve the best output of the project. While safety control ensures the safeness of the facility. Defects in the facility can result in a very large cost if not corrected during the construction. Quality In the execution of the project, the Management plays an important role in the assessment and implementation, making sure that everything is correctly done and aligned with the plan and the timeline set to achieve the goal and objectives made. 7 The changes made ensures the quality of the output. Although a planned schedule was made, errors along the execution of a project are unavoidable and may arise unexpectedly. The assurance of the quality of the project may add cost to the implementation as minor defects may require a reconstruction or repairs but it will lessen the costs to be incurred due to faulty equipment and facility in the future. The quality and safety assurance are obtained from the inspectors and quality personnel purposely hired for the service. Forecast The success of the project will be determined by the future sales turnover. The company have benefitted from the project once they were able to reach a wider target market, The determinant of the project's success will only be the revenue from the sales of the company to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy employed. An increase in sales resulting to higher revenues and eventually the return of investment is expected by the company. Stage 4: Closing (Evaluation and Control) The evaluation is the process which will critically examine the strategy and project implemented and how well it has been progressing. Delivery of Project Report and Output ‘SPECIFIC COURSEOF | Month | Month | Month | Month | Month | Month ACTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Planning the project Designation of working committees 28 Designing the new layout Submitting budget proposal Acquisition of the needed materials and equipment Hiring of working personnel for the reconstruction Working on promotion and advertisement materials. Reconstruction Proper Conduct quality and safety control Evaluation process regents MED viene MED. seu Table 7: Comparison of Planned Schedule and Actual Schedule 29 There are two possible scenarios after the implementation of the project. First, the project is successful and the second would be if the project is not successful. If the project is successful, objectives were achieved, and goals were attained. The company would increase their sales as they were able to reach a wider market. In this scenario, the management shall use any excess budget in other departments that requires further attention. In the instance that the project has failed, and objectives and goals were not attained, the management shall evaluate the project on where it has gone wrong and determine if the project shall be re-designed or discontinued. POST-PROJECT REVIEW Upon achieving the formulated objectives and goals of this project, the company was able to not only increase its sales and revenue, but also developed a good relationship to its consumers. The company was able to produce a different and healthier variation of product resulting to a bigger market. This was done by responding to the trends and consumer's needs of a healthier option. The success of this project is measured on how well the consumers respond on the strategy implemented. After the effective implementation of the project, the company will figure out how to maintain the benefits derived from the project. The company shall continue to monitor the trends and consumer's demands for continues development of the product and maintain good consumer relationship. Summary of Project Objectives 1. Conducta strategic plan to implement the proposed project. 2. Designate committees that will be in charge in undertaking each plan of action. 3. Construct the most applicable layout of the restructured farm setting. 4, Make a budget proposal for the overall funding needed in the improvement project. 5. Acquire the needed materials in re-constructing the farm facilities including the new equipment, materials, and workers for the project. 30 6. Employ a monitoring team that would oversee the whole re-construction process. 7. Conduct an evaluation model that could track the implementation and outputs of the improvement project. The above-mentioned objectives have been successfully achieved by the company. Time Due to the changes, the addition of conducting a quality and safety control in the implementation stage of the project made the reconstruction proper extended by one more month, making the actual timeline inconsistent with the five-month target timeline for the project that was set by the management. Costs The actual costs incurred in implementing the project are shown below: Materials & Equipment 3 1,200,000 r Laborers 150 P7,000 1,000,000 ‘Advertisement & 3 50,000 150,000 Promotional Materials Other Expenses = P150,000 150,000 Quality and Safety ~ 200,000 200,000 Control service Total: 5,100,000 Table 8: Actual Costs Incurred The costs of implementing the project are still within the price range of the formulated budget despite the additional expenses incurred. The materials needed for the 31 repairs due to the defects detected was already available in excess to the materials bought for the building of the facility. REFERENCES About Investor Relations Program - Universal Robina Corporation. (2014). Retrieved from utirprogram.html Company Profile, (n.d.)._—-Retrieved_ December 08,2020, _—from https://www.ure.comph/about-us/profile JG SUMMIT TEAM. (2018). From Farm To Fork: How URC-AIG Is Making Its Way Into Every Filipino Home. Retrieved from Farm To Fork With Robina Agri Partners ( Quality Control and Safety During Construction - Universal Robina Corporation. (n.d). Retrieved from Project Management for Construction: Quality Control and Safety During Construction (cmuedu) 32 Universal Robina Corporation. (n.d). Retrieved December 08, 2020, from https: //www, Urmila, K (nd). Functional Strategy. Retrieved from: https: // strategy/21042#:~:text=Functional%20strategies%20are%20made %20within, higher%20levels%200f%20an%20organization.&text=Functional 20strategies%20must%20be%20developed,%2C%20R%26D%2C%20and %20human%20resources Working at Universal Robina Corporation company profile and informati Philippines. (nd). Retrieved. December =—«08,,-—=—2020,-— from https: //www, 33

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