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Important Message from the RCM Chair

Dear RCM Community,

The Riverina Conservatorium of Music (RCM) has recently been in the media associated with the announcement of
an ongoing ICAC investigation.

The RCM is not under investigation, nor is there any suggestion of impropriety in the way that the RCM has worked in
our community or with government. We would like to provide background for you around the circumstances behind
the investigation.

We begin with a brief note about the RCM itself. The RCM is a community-based organisation providing music
education and performance services to the Riverina. We provide music education programs to support people of all
ages and backgrounds. A major aspect of our work involves the provision of music education programs to public
schools across the Riverina. The RCM is funded by the NSW State Government through the Regional
Conservatoriums Grants Program managed by the NSW Department of Education. We are the largest professional
arts organisation in the Riverina.

The RCM employs over 40 professional music education staff as well as administrative/support staff. We teach
approximately 1500 students and provide hundreds of public concerts for our students and community. We are a
not-for-profit charitable company limited by guarantee. Governance is by a Board of Directors made up of locally
elected community members.

The announcement last week concerns the background decision making processes of government relating to the new
home for the RCM at 1 Simmons Street, Wagga Wagga. A summary of the history of the relocation of the RCM is as

● The RCM was advised in 2013 that Charles Sturt University (CSU) would be selling South Campus,
requiring the RCM to find alternate accommodation. The South Campus had accommodated the RCM since
it was established in 1981. The RCM was also advised that the long-standing financial support by CSU
would end.
● RCM contacted government through the local member seeking assistance to find alternative
accommodation. There is precedence for regional conservatoriums such as the RCM to be housed at no
cost in vacant government buildings. The matter was urgent, and involved negotiations with CSU, Wagga
Wagga City Council, and government to find a suitable new site.
● On Friday 16th February 2018 the former local member for Wagga Wagga Mr. Daryl Maguire announced the
relocation of the RCM to 1 Simmons Street. The site was vacant and regarded as surplus to the needs of
government. Under this announcement the government would provide the following support for the RCM:

- 1 Simmons Street would remain the property of the NSW Government; and made available to the RCM and our
community under a lease arrangement similar to that provided by CSU to the RCM in the past;
- An allocation of $10 million was provided to repurpose the main building on the site for music education programs;
- Project management, design and construction would be managed by the NSW government through Property NSW,
ultimately through Public Works Advisory.

● The South Campus site was eventually sold in 2018 and is now under redevelopment as a major aged care
facility for our city and region. Under an agreement between CSU and the new owner the RCM can only
remain on the site until the refit of 1 Simmons Street is completed. The RCM is currently working on South
Campus surrounded by an active construction site. It is anticipated that the RCM will relocate to 1 Simmons
Street around the middle of 2022.
● The original proposal to government on the relocation to 1 Simmons Street had a second stage. This
involved the removal of the other older buildings on the site, and their replacement with a recital hall to
support our city/region and the programs of the RCM. That required additional funding of $20m. The
proposal was supported in 2018 in an election promise delivered to our community by The Hon. Don Harwin
MLC, NSW Minister for the Arts. Under standard protocols a business case is a requirement to justify that
investment into the Simmons Street site, and is currently before government.

It is important to note that under these processes no funding has come to the RCM.

The redevelopment of the site is totally the responsibility of the NSW Government through Property NSW. The RCM
will have access to the site under a lease arrangement with the State Government under conditions similar to those
provided in the past by CSU. It remains the property of the NSW government and will be maintained by them into the

It is also important to recognise that while the RCM is not under investigation we remain extremely concerned by the
reputational damage and misinformation now circulating in the press and wider community. We look forward to
continuing our work for our city and the Riverina community.
We are very thankful for the ongoing support of Dr Joe McGirr, our current local member, and for the wider support of
our council and community for our work in this city and region.

Dr Andrew Wallace,

Chair, Riverina Conservatorium of Music.

6th October, 2021

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