Tle 9

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Name: _____________________________________________________________ Score: __________________________

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter only. (2PTS.)

1. It is the state of having weight spread equally so that you do not fall.
a. harmony b. balance c. cord
2. A thin layer of metal that has been added to the outside of something.
a. waxing b. fixing c. plating
3. It is made out of thin slices of bread in different shapes.
a. canapé’s b. bread c. biscuits
4. It is still a classical form of presentation.
a. appetizer b. Rich hors d’oeuvres c. mise en place
5. It is a small pieces or portions of highly seasoned food.
a. appetizer b. fish fillet c. buffet

B. Identify the following. Write your answer in the space provided before the number. (2PTS. EACH)

__________________________ 1. a plant that has large levels that are eaten especially in salads

__________________________ 2. a substance found in foods (such as meat, milk, eggs, and beans) that is an important part of the
human diet.

__________________________ 3. the quality of something that you can taste

__________________________ 4. meat (beef, ham), poultry, fish and shellfish, salami, luncheon meat, bacon, eggs, hard cooked,
cheese cottage cheese, aged or cured types.
__________________________ 5. a mixture of raw green vegetables (such as different types of lettuce) usually combined with other
raw materials.
__________________________ 6. a usually herbaceous plant (such as the cabbage, bean, or potato) grown for an edible part that
is usually eaten as part of a meal.
__________________________ 7. dried beans, potatoes, macaroni products, grains, bread (croutons)

__________________________ 8. a type of pant (such as a pea or a bean plant) with seeds that grow in long cases (called pods);
these seeds eaten as food.
__________________________ 9. the seeds of plants (such as wheat, corn, and rice) that are used for food.

__________________________ 10. one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.

___________________________11. It is the process of offering the appetizer to guests in a stylish and pleasing manner. It requires
skills, style and creativity.
___________________________12. A well-presented platter with a limited choice of simple or more expensive foods.

___________________________13. It is a French term which means “set in place” that is you have everything ready to cook and in
its place.
___________________________14. It is served between the soup and fish course.

___________________________15. It may consist of two kinds of cold meat, such as ham, smoked beef, peppered ham.

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