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  What are the  three  (3)  things that you significantly learned from the reading?  Please start by saying '
Before reading the article,  I used to think that  (insert thought).  After reading the article,  I now think
that  (insert thought)'.

2.  What three  (3)  things about the reading are unclear to you?

3.  What three  (3)  questions that you want to ask about the reading?

1. Before reading the article. I used to think that America, being one of the most developed
countries, handles issues regarding identity and rights very well. After reading the article, I am
surprised to learn that there are still issues with concerns the people of color. Even issues from
the 1960’s still prove to be a significant issue up to today. People are still arguing over the rights
of the LGBT community and students in America who are offspring of undocumented
immigrants. I have also learned that identity can be a crucial thing when growing up maybe not
only in America, but to other countries as well. Lastly, I am also pleased with learning that not all
people are against people of color and the LGBT. Some people are becoming great advocates by
solving these issues not with protests and illegal ways but in respectful and factual litigation.

- Is it really possible for students of color and students of the LGBT community to coexist
given all these instances in the article?
- Why is the availability of in-state tuition in question for these immigrants even though they
are already accepted within the school or university?
- What are the other reasons why identity Politics are poorly given importance given the
number of LGBT students in their country?
3. Will there be a possible future for the “indigenous” part of society to be educated well and
proper in school?
If there are already laws regarding protection of the LGBT community, why are there still
prevalent issues in some schools?
Will the institution of faith be able to help solve these issues with the statement of the Pope
regarding people should be treated equal?

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