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  What are the  three  (3)  things that you significantly learned from the reading?  Please start by saying '
Before reading the article,  I used to think that  (insert thought).  After reading the article,  I now think
that  (insert thought)'.

2.  What three  (3)  things about the reading are unclear to you?

3.  What three  (3)  questions that you want to ask about the reading?


1. Before reading the article, I used to think that self and identities are a simple concept to
understand. That it is a rather “only about me” thought. However, after reading the article, I
now think that identities are more than just traits and characteristics. They are social relations,
social role and membership in a certain group that can define who my self is. I have also learned
that my self and identities can influence the things I do and the choices I make. I also thought
that when I am defining myself, I can simply put it as things that can describe me. However, I
have also learned that I actually define myself in terms of what was relevant in my time and
place. This definition of defining myself helped me realized more things I never thought of

2. The three things that may still be unclear to me are the following:

- The stability of “self” and “identity” having contradictory evidences that are both proven to
be true.
- Dual processing models
- Identity based motivation

3. The three questions:

 Why is self as complicated as the researchers in the readings describe?
 How can we justify the understandings of these researchers and philosophers if they are
based on what they have observed through other people?
 How can we simplify the dynamic construction of Identities for better understanding?

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