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a. Description

-Singkaban,” Filipino word for decorated bamboo arch, is used as a welcome signage of a town, city or
village in the country. It is widely used as decoration during town fiestas in Bulacan. In the celebration,
Singkaban also refers to “Sining at Kalinangan ng Bulacan”

b. Historical Background

-Bamboo art is also a leading handicraft business in Malolos, Hagonoy, and Meycauyan. Elaborately
designed bamboo arches adorn streets and church doors during town fiestas. One will also see these
embellished bamboo arches during Santacruzans and parades. Every second week of September, grand
bamboo arches are displayed on the streets to celebrate the Singkaban Festival.

c. Artist

-Rolly Alcantara

d. Process used

- Bamboo is primarily used in creating a singkaban, and the art is most prevalent in the old towns of
Hagonoy and Malolos.


a. Description

-is an all-weather sleeveless “jacket” gear worn by man while working in the farm. There are two (2)
types of kanayi, the Dinung made from stripped vuyavuy leaves and the Tadidi made of banana leaves. It
cools the body on hot working days and keeps warm on rainy and cold days.

b. Historical Background

c. Artist

- the Ivatans

d. Process Used
- shredded voyavoy leaves or Philippine date palm


a. Descrption

-is a woman’s headgear which is used as a protective gear from rains and the sun’s heat while working in
their farms. It is an all-weather protective gear. It is cool on hot season and warm on rainy and winter
season.One of the endemic clothing of the Ivatans is the vakul. A vakul is a headgear designed to protect
the wearer from sun and rain.

b. Historical Background
-Before Spaniards arrived in the Philippines, Ivatans built their houses from cogon grass. These homes
were small, well-situated, and designed to protect against strong winds. One of the endemic clothing of
the Ivatans is the vakul. A vakul is a headgear designed to protect the wearer from sun and rain.

c. Artist
- The Ivatans

d. Process used
- It’s a long, laborious process to make the vakul. The palm leaves are dried under the sun, shredded into
thin parts and woven carefully. It can take a month for a weaver to finish making one vakul.


"Praying Mother & Child"

a. Description

- A composite painting with pvc wire strips used to decorate the hair of the mother and child's blouse.
Within the mother's hair is the classic Batanes image of a stone house. Behind them should be the Sabtang

b. Historical Background

c. Artist

- Pacita Abad

d. Process used

1. If you were an artist, which of the two kinds of art would you most likely use? Why do you say so?

-If I were an artist, I would likely use Contemporary art because they are much more focused on
social/society. They usually reflect or comment on modern society using new techniques and materials,
such as videos/technology. While Traditional art is cultural artwork. Traditional artists work organically
within a community.

2.How can you promote region’s-

a. Traditional art?

-I can promote my region’s traditional art by making use of social media through posting and sharing
traditional arts in our region.

b. Contemporary art?

-I can promote my region’s contemporary art by making use of social media through posting and sharing
contemporary arts in our region and by participating in today’s artwork.

3. What are the usual subject of your region’s

a. Traditional art?

-The usual subject of my region’s traditional art are depends on the artists who paint or create sculptures
tend to be influenced by the things that surround them, depending on where they reside.

b. Contemporary art?

-The usual subject of my region’s contemporary art are children, women, or the environment, such as
Tokwa Penaflorida's 'Diwata'. It can also be a combination of any of these.

4. What is the usual theme of your region’s

a. Traditional art?

-Any of the themes present now were undiscovered, in art, as a means of expression during this time.
This meant that art and artists created art that was very similar.

b. Contemporary art?

-Common themes that might be examined include: identity, the body, technology, globalization,
migration, society, culture, memory, the passage of time, and artistic critique of sociopolitical

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