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ACCOUNT NUMBER: 201610030125




DATE: 06/10/21

The future of humanity is affected more by problems that the state cannot solve than
at any other time in history. Climate change, poverty, financial instability, terrorism,
overpopulation and refugee flows, water scarcity, the disappearance of fisheries are
all examples of global problems that must be solved. Cooperation between
countries. At first, each question seems to have nothing to do with the next; the
questions seem to come from all directions in different ways. We know that in the
world there are too many problems that cannot be changed or fixed, then we will see
what are the first 5 global problems that exist in the world


There are many reasons for poverty in the world. Although progress has been made
in reducing extreme poverty in recent years, the number of people who suffer from it
in the world remains very high. There are more than 1.3 billion people living in
poverty in the world and half of them are under 18 years of age. In general, we
understand poverty as the lack of economic means of a person, but in the 21st
century the term has acquired a greater dimension. Defining it only in terms of
income level does not give a real vision of the situation you are suffering from. State
town. To understand it better, we must speak of multidimensional poverty, which
takes into account the lack of rights and access to basic services such as water and
sanitation, health, education and adequate food.


Currently, many of the reasons for poverty are those historically inherited, further
aggravated by the passage of time. If we observe them, we will realize that each of
them have a common trait and that is that they produce a difference:

 War conflicts and violence.

 The effects of global warming.

 Lack of correct medical help.

 The lack of entry to education.

 Lack of access to drinking water and sanitation.

 Nutritional deficiencies in food intake.

In several cases, the case of poverty can be perpetuated depending on the

components that accompany it. In this sense, the place of origin, being a man or a
lady, belonging to a defined ethnic group or belief, the socioeconomic components or
the lack of involvement of the more developed nations towards those who remain in
development are determining components that condition that, many people who live
in conditions of extreme poverty, do not manage to get ahead despite the efforts they

Another clearly determining component of poverty on the planet is today's business

model applied by many of the huge multinational organizations, since their behavior
does not help the development of poor nations, because first world organizations use
workers and local producers as cheap labor and as suppliers of low-cost raw
materials. This investment in the nations of the South, which may well be the engine
of their development, ends up becoming a totally new cause of poverty in these
territories. In other words, which certain authors such as Arghiri Emmanuel or Samir
Amin define as unequal barter, an interaction in which a territory sees more cost than
the one it delivers to another territory. A situation that will not be resolved until, as
Emmanuel and Amin point out, a global cost is not constituted that makes
commercial collaborations truly equal.

I think that as people we have to contribute a little bit to those people who
really have nothing. Sometimes we waste money, being able to support those
who need it most.

Overpopulation is a phenomenon in which the number of inhabitants of a specific

place is exaggeratedly high, which produces economic, accessibility, health
problems, among others. However, in ecological matters, overpopulation is
understood as the aftermath of the environment that the spoken number of people
produce on the space in which they live.

This phenomenon is capable of creating inconveniences such as, for example:

weakness of energy and natural resources, growth in pollution, animals at risk of
extinction, low life expectancy, growth in energy consumption, less independence
and privacy, prohibitive laws, among others.


Increase In Birth Rate

Unlike what happened in the era of our own ancestors, in which epidemics were
constant, ignorance of many pathologies was common and entry to medicines was
fundamentally impossible; at present we have the possibility of discussing a lower
number of deaths around the world. This, in parallel, creates a fundamental increase
in the birth rate of nations. According to the UN (UN), every minute about 350 babies
are born internationally.

Every Time There Are More Waves Of Migration

The need shown by several people to give up their places of origin or residence to
go to other regions is increasing. This process gets the name of migration and is
frequently shown for political or economic reasons. Although historically wars led
many of the first waves of migration, today the truth is not far enough from these
historical facts and, furthermore, it is currently considered one of the reasons for

Preference For Localities

Living in the city or living in the capitals of the nations is the desire of many people
who, for this reason, travel to the main metropolises of the countries. This has
created a fundamental increase in the population of these localities, which in parallel
has led to a truly alarming urban concentration.


Deforestation and felling of trees: To meet the needs with these resources or to
build houses or other constructions, deforestation is one of the consequences of
overpopulation that not only damages forests or natural ecosystems, but also
biological diversity.

Higher Unemployment Rate: As is logical, the unemployment rate in the most

populated regions is often higher than the rest of the countries due to the number of
individuals who compete with each other to obtain a job and to be able to enjoy an
ideal quality of life.

Lower Quality of Life: Commented on quality of life, overcrowded metropolises

tend to have low quality of life indices, due to the fact that there are greater problems
in the entrance to certain products or services, on the latter, it is common to exceed
their use and, depending on the commitment of the governments and the entities in
charge, appropriate action plans are activated for their inhabitants.
Increase In Energy Consumption: As more people are in a territory, naturally
energy consumption will be high. In overpopulated regions one of the main problems
is the fair supply of electricity, a resource that has undoubtedly become essential
throughout the world.

Crime and Vandalism: In the midst of the aftermath of overpopulation we were

able to find crime and vandalism, which are practiced thanks to the complexity that
many people show to obtain jobs and, in opposition, to the ease of obtaining
resources that they visualize when committing their crimes .

I think that overpopulation has a lot to do with poverty, for example, here in
Honduras the poorer a family is, the more children it gives them to have and
that in the long run affects everyone, because they cannot give them the life
they deserve due to poverty. lack of employment

Let's start at the beginning. The greenhouse impact is a natural process that
enables the Earth to conserve the elementary conditions to host life: the atmosphere
retains part of the Sun's heat; Without the greenhouse impact, the world's average
temperature could be minus 18ºC.The atmosphere is made up of different gases
that, in the ideal proportion, do their job. The problem is once that people's
occupations increase the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and it
retains more heat than the primary one, causing the average temperature of the
world to increase and generate what we popularly call climate change.

This alteration is due to natural reasons and to the action of the human being and is
created on all climatic borders: temperature, rainfall, cloudiness, etc., at quite
different time scales.

Currently there is an almost generalized scientific agreement around the initiative

that our way of elaboration and energy consumption is generating a universal
climatic variation, which will cause, in parallel, serious impacts both on the earth and
on socioeconomic systems. Global warming hurts us all. The potential effect is
monumental, with predictions of a lack of clean water, monumental changes in
conditions for food production, and increased death rates from floods, storms,
droughts, and heat waves. The Synthesis Report assures that "global warming is
verified internationally and that the warming of the climate system is unequivocal.
Starting in the 1950s, several of the monitored changes had no antecedents in the
last decades to thousands of years and the impacts of global warming have already
been felt in recent decades on all continents and seas. Global warming is not only an
environmental phenomenon but with profound economic and social consequences.
The poorest nations, which remain the least prepared to deal with rapid changes, will
be the ones to suffer the worst consequences.

The effects of global warming are already being felt, and will get worse. Climate
change has already reached around 1 ° C relative to pre-industrial levels. Every half
level (or even less) of climate change counts.

It is essential to remember that not one of the lists of effects of global warming is
intensive. It is quite possible that heat waves become more frequent and last longer,
and that rainfall becomes more intense and ordinary in many areas. The seas will
continue to warm and acidify, and the universal mean ocean degree will continue to
rise. Unless governments take action, global warming will continue to harm us all.
However, it is possible that its effects are much more pronounced in specific groups,
for example, societies that are subject to agricultural or coastal means of
permanence and in vulnerable, disadvantaged or discriminated individuals.


Because all people deserve the same defense. Living beings are born with
fundamental human rights that, however, are seriously threatened by global
warming. While global warming puts the lives of all people at risk in one way or
another, it is more likely that those who suffer its worst effects are discriminated
individuals. All of us deserve defense in the face of this global threat.

Because by acting we do not lose anything and we have the possibility of winning
everything. Fighting global warming gives us the possibility to put individual peace
first by ensuring the right to a healthy environment. At the same time, this will help us
to improve human rights, exemplifying, by enabling the entry of more people to
cleaner and cheaper energy resources and generating job opportunities in new

Since we have the reasoning, the power and the ability to stop global warming.
Many individuals continue to strive to come up with creative, inspiring and innovative
resolutions to tackle global warming. From individuals to organizations to
metropolises, internationally there are people destined to produce policies,
campaigns and resolutions that safeguard individuals and the world. Native peoples
and minority societies have been developing sustainable ways of living in their home
environment for centuries. We have the opportunity to learn from them and, with their
consent, use their expertise when proposing our initiatives to find a different way of
interacting with our world.

we as people must worry about climate change because in the future we do not know how it
will affect the planet more.


Pollution is the existence in the environment of substances or resources harmful to

living beings and ecosystems (living beings). There are different types of pollution,
however they practically have the possibility of dividing them into: air pollution, soil
(land) pollution and water pollution.

The air you breathe is critical to life on Earth. All living organisms require this source
of oxygen to exist. However, there are several resources that have the possibility of
filling it with impurities that have the possibility of causing discomfort in individuals,
plants and animals. Once the land and water are contaminated, we also have the
possibility of having problems. Soil contamination is the existence of human-made
chemical compounds or other variation to the natural environment of the soil. The
water from the polluted rivers that is used in the irrigation of crops, damages the
fruits and vegetables that serve us as food. Once river water is filled with waste such
as garbage or soap scum and chemicals from factories, it loses its initial properties
and cannot be used for drinking, cooking or bathing at the moment.


In the air situation, the proportion of smoke released by industries and cars should
be kept under control.

Try to use the bicycle more often and walk every day. Every year in your locality the
'Car Free Day' is celebrated so that we think and act on the issue of environmental
pollution. To protect the water, the ideal is to avoid that each of the harmful
substances come into contact with it. Consume less disposable products, be more
ecological. In other words, understanding that what we do or do not do to the
environment influences our own lives and our future.

we always have the bad habit of dirtying a place, knowing that polluting damages the
planet. we must change that and try to be cleaner in terms of throwing the garbage in
its place, recycling, being less harmful to society

Water is essential and now we need it. 70% of the world is made up of water, however,
according to National Geographic data, only 3.5% is sweet and 0.025, drinkable. Hence, the
unequal distribution of this resource worries the governments of the entire planet. The
figures indicate that around 2,200 million individuals on the planet do not have access to
safe drinking water services; 4.2 billion do not have safe sanitation services and 3 billion do
not have the essentials to wash their hands.


Pollution. We refer to both freshwater pollution and land or air pollution, because the
pollution can seep into the water and can also damage the air.

The drought. Thanks to the climatic emergency, the appearance or development of

droughts is promoted, which means that over a long period of time there is no rain, thus
causing a shortage of water for human consumption as well as for crops or industry.

Uncontrolled use of water. Both on a large scale, in factories, and on a small scale, in our
homes, in some cases we waste water and do not remember that it is a limited resource.


The scarcity of water on the planet is an inconvenience that can increase and that creates
serious consequences such as the following:

Pathologies. The scarcity of water and the lack of adequate purification systems order to
resort to contaminated water sources that have the possibility of causing pathologies. Based
on WHO data, it can be ensured that contaminated water can transmit diseases such as
diarrhea, cholera or polio. Water pollution causes well over 502,000 deaths from diarrhea a
year. In addition, the lack of water can lead to dehydration and create further complications.

Whim. Water scarcity can harm agriculture, livestock and industry, thereby creating food
shortages and cravings.
Disappearance of plant species. Plants require a huge proportion of water to grow and
once water is scarce they dry up and disappear.

Conflicts The scarcity of resources is at the beginning of several conflicts on the planet and
implies the movement of individuals to other territories to discover safe places in which to

Water scarcity is a global problem that has serious consequences for the environment and
for individuals. Water for refugees is also a little good and it is in our power to protect and not
waste this essential resource for life.

All these global problems go hand in hand each one because they all affect us
equally and we must take better care of the planet, take care of water, take care of
ourselves. value everything, we have because we don't know how long it will last.
The severity of predation and pollution, as well as the constant increase in the
impoverished population, have forced the development of concrete policies to
contain the process of environmental deterioration, even if not constantly with the
expected success.


ACNUR. (s.f.). UNHCR ACNUR. Obtenido de

E., C. (2018). Obtenido de
universidad eafit. (2021). Obtenido de

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