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Nama Afzal Risman Noor Falah (KHGC18057)

Kelas/Prodi 3b/S1 Keperawatan

Mata Kuliah/ Dosen Bahasa Inggris II / H. Yun Surtiana, MA
Tanggal Jum’at 19 November 2020

Look at this health problem. Find good advice for each health problem
Problems Advice
A headache ___ 1. Take some aspirin
A toothace ___ 2. Go to bed and rest
A sore throat ___ 3. Drinks a lot of water
A cough ___ 4. Take some Vit.C
A backache ___ 5. Put some lotion on it
A fever ___ 6. Give taped water compress
A burn ___ 7. Close the mouth when coughing/ sneezing
___ 8. Don’t lift anything heavy
___ 9. Brush the teeth regularly
___ 10. See the Dentist
___ 11. Don’t exercise

Problems Advice
A headache Go to bed and rest
A toothace Brush the teeth regularly
A sore throat Drinks a lot of water
A cough Close the mouth when coughing/ sneezing
A backache Don’t lift anything heavy
A fever Give taped water compress
A burn Put some lotion on it

Masalah Saran
Sakit kepala Tidur dan istirahat
Sakit gigi Gosok gigi secara teratur
Sakit tenggorokkan Minum banyak air
Batuk Tutup mulut ketika batuk/bersin
Sakit punggung Jangan membawa apapun yang berat
Deman Berikan/tempelkan kompresan air
Luka bakar Oleskan lotion di area luka

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