ANA PHY Lab Activity 5 Integumentary System

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Laboratory Activity #5: Integumentary System

Name: Sittie Hafza A. Macabato ________________________________

Student #: 21-01904 Date: September / 11 / 2021

I. Complete the following statements in the blanks provided. Write your answer in your answer
1. Radiation from the skin surface and evaporation of sweat are two ways in which the skin helps
to get rid of body heat.
2. Fat in the hypodermis tissue layer beneath the dermis helps to insulate the body.
3. The waterproofing protein found in the epidermal cells is called keratin.
4. A vitamin that is manufactured in the skin is d.
5. A localized concentration of melanin is freckle.
6. Wrinkling of the skin is due to loss of the elastic fibers of the skin.
7. A decubitus ulcer results when skin cells are deprived of oxygen/blood flow.
8. Cyanosis is a bluish cast of the skin resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood.

II. Using the key choices, choose all responses that apply to the following descriptions. Enter the
appropriate letter(s) and term(s) in your answer blanks.
A. Stratum corneum
B. Stratum basale
C. Stratum granulosum
D. Stratum lucidum
E. Papillary layer
F. Reticular layer
G. Epidermis as a whole
H. Dermis as a whole
1. Translucent cells, containing keratin D. Stratum Lucidum
2. Dead cells A. Stratum Corneum
3. Dermis layer responsible for fingerprints E. Papillary layer
4. Vascular region H. Dermis as a whole
5. Epidermal region involved in rapid cell division; most inferior epidermal layer B. Stratum
6. Scalelike cells full of keratin that constantly flake off A. Stratum Corneum
7. Site of elastic and collagen fibers H. Dermis as a whole
8. Site of melanin formation B. Stratum Basale
9. Major skin area from which the derivatives (hairs, nails) arise G. Epidermis as a whole

III. Using key choices, complete the following statements. Insert the appropriate letter(s) or term(s)
in your answer sheet.
A. Arrector pili
B. Cutaneous receptors
C. Hair
D. Hair follicles(s)
E. Sebaceous glands
F. Sweat gland (apocrine)
G. Sweat gland
1. A blackhead is an accumulation of oily material produced by E. Sebaceous Gland.
2. Tiny muscles attached to hair follicles that pull the hair upright during fright or cold are called
A. Arrector pili.
3. The most numerous varieties of perspiration gland is the G. Sweat gland (eccrine).
4. A sheath formed of both epithelial and connective tissues is the D. Hair Follicles.
5. A less numerous varieties of perspiration gland is the F. Sweat gland (apocrine). Its secretion
(often milky in appearance) contains proteins and other substances that favor bacterial
6. E. Sebaceous glands is found everywhere on the body except the palms of the hands, soles of
the feet, and lips, and primarily consists of dead keratinized cells.
7. B. Cutaneous receptors are specialized nerve endings that respond to temperature and touch,
for example.
8. F. Sweat gland (apocrine) becomes more active at puberty.
9. Part of the heat-liberating apparatus of the body is the G. Sweat gland (eccrine).

IV. This section reviews the severity of burns. Using the key choices, select the correct burn type of
each of the following descriptions. Enter the correct (letter and term) answers in your answer
A. First-degree burn
B. Second-degree burn
C. Third-degree burn
1. Full-thickness burn; epidermal and dermal layers destroyed; skin is blanched C. Third-degree
2. Blisters form B. Second-degree burn
3. Epidermal damage, redness, and some pain (usually brief) A. First-degree burn
4. Epidermal and some dermal damage; pain; regeneration is possible B. Second-degree burn
5. Regeneration impossible; requires grafting C. Third-degree burn
6. Pain is absent because nerve endings in the area are destroyed C. Third-degree burn

V. Match the choices (letters and terms) with the appropriate descriptions. Write your answer in
your answer sheets
A. Acne
B. Cold intolerance
C. Dermatitis
D. Delayed-action gene
E. Lanugo
F. Milia
G. Vernix caseosa
1. Skin inflammations that increase in frequency with age C. Dermatitis
2. Cause of graying hair D. Delayed-action gene
3. Small white bumps on the skin of newborn babies, resulting from accumulations of sebaceous
gland material F. Milia
4. Reflects the loss of insulating subcutaneous tissue with age B. Cold intolerance
5. A common consequence of accelerated sebaceous gland activity during adolescence A. Acne
6. Oily substance produced by the fetus’s sebaceous glands G. Vernix caseosa
7. The hairy “cloak” of the fetus E. Lanugo

VI. Discuss each of the following

a. Redness or erythema
Erythema, any abnormal redness of the skin. Erythema is caused by dilation and irritation of
the superficial capillaries; the augmented flow of blood through them imparts a reddish hue to
the skin. Erythema may arise from a great variety of causes and disease conditions. Blushing is
a transient form of erythema.
b. Pallor or blanching
Pallor is paleness; want of color; while blanching is the act by which something is blanched.
When something blanches, it typically indicates a temporary obstruction of blood flow to that
c. Jaundice or a yellow cast
Jaundice is a condition in which the skin, whites of the eyes and mucous membranes turn
yellow because of a high level of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment. Jaundice has many
causes, including hepatitis, gallstones and tumors.
d. Bruises or black-and-blue mark.
A bruise, or contusion, is skin discoloration from a skin or tissue injury. This injury damages
blood vessels underneath the skin, causing them to leak. When blood pools under the skin, it
causes black, blue, purple, brown, or yellow discoloration. There’s no external bleeding unless
the skin breaks open.

VII. Draw and label the parts of the skin. Illustrate both the Epidermis and Dermis.

VIII. Draw and label the parts:

a. Hair and Hair follicle
b. Nail Structure

NOTE: FOR DRAWINGS: You should draw and submit your own drawings. Do not download drawings from
the internet. FOR NON-DRAWING ITEMS: You can type it. Make sure they are still arranged according to
order prescribe in Activity Sheet.

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