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GOOD AFTERNOON, EVERYONE. When we talk about how to describe life, the answers is easy to formulate although it
may vary from one person to the other. For me life is a treasure, easy as that. However, when it come to the question,
what is life, no one has been able to answer it as a matter of fact. No living being has found out the truth about life,
where it came from and where it goes once di/. The origin of life is as mysterious as the universe. But there are various
hypothesis and theories throughout history that aimed to find the mystery behind what life is. And I, yusra matabalao,
am here to discuss some of the notable ones them.

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Before that, let us first characterized a living body or a body that has a life. A living body is a highly organized, complex
system. Highly organized siya kasi bawat part ay nagfa-function uniquely. Meaning walang part ang may same na
function kaya walang overlapping of functions and importance kasi every part has its own purpose to serve to enable a
living body live. Yun din ang reason bakit complex siya. As every part is unique, the system that lets them function
properly is complex.

A living body has a mechanism for energy partitioning or organization because we it uses this energy to maintain life. We
get energy from the food we eat and the oxygen we inhale, and our body distribute them appropriately with the rest of
the parts of the body to enable them to function.

Then, a living body has the capacity to grow, develop and reproduce. A living body’s growth and development do not
only pertain to the physical aspects but to the mental, social and cognitive aspects as well. We also develop enough to
reproduce and give birth to a new life.

Another, a living body must be capable of homeostasis must be able to interact and adapt to its environment.
Homeostasis the tendency to maintain a stable, relatively constant internal environment despite changing external
environmental conditions,

Finally, a living body is predominantly made up of carbon-based molecules and depends on water. Ito na yung sinasabi
nila na uminom 8-10 glasses of water a day kasi our body is made up of over 70 percent water. Sabi nga ni mimiyuuh,
drink your water guys.

At dahil tapos na tayo sa characteristics of a living body. Let’s see if it is possible to know how life originated on Earth
through these characteristics.

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Now, let’s differentiate abiogenesis and exogenesis.

ABIOGENESIS is also known as synthetic biology. It is the science that deals with the creation of life out of non-life. It
believes that life on Earth was created out of nonlife substances such as the molecules of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur,
oxygen and hydrogen that existed in primordial ocean. So sabi ni abiogenesis is nag originate daw ang life sa dagat nung
sinauna pa masyado na panahon. Yung mga molecules of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen na galing sa
mga sinaunang dagat ang nagbuo sa buhay.

Ang nag-o-oppose kay abiogenesis is si exogenesis. EXOGENESIS is also known as panspermia hypothesis. It proposes
that microscopic life may had been brought to Earth from outer space by meteors or other extraterrestrial bodies and
that life exist throughout the universe.
Sabi ni abiogenesis, sa dating dagat daw nag originate si life habang si exogenesis naman kay galing daw sa kalawakan.
And, that there are other life forms na bukod pa sa atin dito sa earth. And, kilala natin sila sa tawag na mga aliens.

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So yung earth dati is very different from the earth of today obviously. Mas fresh ang hangin dun sa earth dati and mas
madaming life forms kesa sa earth natin ngayon na puno ng basura and pollution and, marami nang extinct na ibang life
forms. Bale, scientists of today searched for locations in today’s earth that were similar to the early earth. And, deep-sea
or the sea that is roughly 36,200 feet deep, meets the conditions of early earth where hydrothermal vents and volcanoes
are located. Accordingly early earth, where life started, is very similar to deep-sea.

And, the following are the characteristics of earth, number one, deep sea has active volcanoes, number 2, it has
reducing conditions, in which oxidation is prevented by removal of oxygen and other oxidizing gases or vapours, and
which may contain actively reducing gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and gases such as hydrogen sulfide that
would be oxidized by any present oxygen. Number 3, it has a temperature of -350C around the volcanoes, decreasing to
4C in the surrounding seawater and, Number 4, it has abundant extremophiles.

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Extremophiles are organisms that thrive in environments with extreme conditions, such as those with high temperatures
and pressures. An example of this is the helicobacter pylori, the one in the picture at the slide. It lives in our stomach
and our stomach is very acidic but this extremophile can still live in it despite being under such conditions.

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The Iron-Sulfur World Hypothesis, proposed by Günter Wächtershäuser, a German chemist, which states that
life on earth may have begun in those hydrothermal vents which exist in the deep-sea.

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Another, in 1923, Alexander Oparin, Russian biochemist, hypothesized originally that the early Earth conditions
promoted the synthesis of simple inorganic molecules into organic molecules in order for life to evolve. And by 1929,
John Burdon Haldane, a British-Indian biologist, also had the same theory as Alexanders’s through their “primordial soup
theory.” As the two theories were established, from then on, many scientists started to validate the Oparin-Haldane
hypothesis but were unsuccessful because their experiments failed as it lacks a certain key component which is electric
spark. But in 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, American chemists, used electric spark to simulate lightning in early
Earth’s atmosphere.

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To illustrate the experiment setup of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, the photo you can see in the slide
illustrated it and was able to satisfy the environmental conditions of early earth. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey used
CO2 or Carbon Dioxide, CH4, commonly known as Methane, NH3, which is Ammonia, and H2 or dihydrogen, without
oxygen as oxygen is not yet free in early earth, to satisfy the reducing condition requirement of early earth. The high-
voltage electrodes provided electric spark to represent the rampant occurrence of lightning at the time. After a matter
of days, the organic compounds such as amino acids started to form, demonstrating that the conditions of early earth
replicated by the experiment synthesize organic molecules out of inorganic molecule. Organic compound such as the
ammino acids formed from the experiment are one of the building blocks of life.
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Now as amino acids were formed already, how exactly did they evolve through million of years in the early earth
into more complex compounds such as the DNA and RNA which are the blueprint of life?

In 2009, John Sutherland’s group in Cambridge University, U.K., demonstrated that Hydrogen sulfide and
Hydrogen cyanide, both known to be present in the primordial ocean, can be transformed into nucleic acids and lipids
under the presence of water and ultraviolet light in an essentially reducing conditions.

As of now, scientifically explaining how life originated on earth is still a long way ahead. But one things for sure, we will
witness big discoveries about the origin of life as time passes by.

For the last slide, thank you all for listening and I hope you learned something.

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