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Subject: Social Science Answer Scheme Grade: VI

1. History: Ch. 2: The Early Humans
2. History: Ch. 3: Indus Valley Civilization
3. Civics: Ch. 15: The Government and its Formation
4. Civics: Ch. 16: Democracy and its Features
5. Geography: Ch. 2: Globe - Latitudes and Longitudes
6. Geography: Ch. 3: Mapping a Location

Section A

Q 1. Identify the cardinal direction marked as ‘X’. (1)

A. Northeast
B. Northwest

C. Southeast
D. Southwest
Mapping a Location – Tb pg no. 30.

Q 2. Which imaginary line divides Earth into the northern and southern (1)
A. Tropic of Capricorn

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B. Tropic of Cancer
C. Equator
D. Arctic Circle
Globe – Latitudes and Longitudes - Tb pg. no. 14

Q 3. Which is the coldest heat zone on the Earth? (1)

A. The Torrid Zone
B. The Frigid Zone

C. The Temperate Zone

D. The Tropical Zone.
Globe – Latitudes and Longitudes- Tb pg. no. 17

Q 4. Which of the following is nota feature of direct democracy? (1)

A. The powerto govern lies directly in thehands of the people.
B. People elect representatives torule in their interest.
C. This type of democracy is also known as pure democracy.
D. All of the above
Democracy and Its Features - Tb pg no. 129

Q 5. Identify the correct pair. (1)

A. Democracy-North Korea
B. Communist-China

C. Monarchy-India
D. Dictatorship-Saudi Arabia
The Government and its Formation - Tb pg no. 125

Q 6. What is the period of River Valley Civilizations also known as? (1)

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A. Ice Age
B. Stone Age
C. Bronze Age

D. Middle Age
Indus Valley Civilization – Tb pg no. 23

Q 7. Suppose ‘X’ is a place located at 30° E longitude. The time at Prime (1)
Meridian is 12 noon.
What will be the local time at X?

A. 2.00 p.m.
B. 10 a.m.
C. 12 a.m.
D. 5 p.m.
Globe – Latitudes and Longitudes– Tb pg no. 20

Q 8. Which of the following is not a feature of Palaeolithic Age? (1)

A. Palaeolithic human used crude and unpolished stone tools.
B. Palaeolithic human was a food gatherer and hunter.
C. Palaeolithic human lived in houses made up of sun dried and
burnt brick houses.
D. Palaeolithic human wore barks of trees, leaves and animal skin.
The Early Humans– Tb pg no. 14

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Q 9. Look at the source given below. What can we infer about the drainage (1)
system during the Indus Valley Civilization?

A. The Indus Valley Civilization did not havewell-planned drainage

B. Harappan people paid great attention to health and
C. There was no civil planning and organization during Indus valley
D. All of the above
Indus Valley Civilization - Tb pg. no. 25

Section B

Q 10. Define the term 'Government'. (1)

Government can be defined as 'the group of people with the
authority to govern a country or state'.
The Government and its Formation – Tb pg no. 124

Q 11. What do you understand by the term ‘grid’? (1)

The lines of latitude and longitude intersect each other to form a
network of lines on the globe called grid.

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Globe - Latitudes and Longitudes – Tb pg no. 18

Q 12. Mention any one special feature of the New Stone Age. (1)
Wheel was invented during this period which marked a major
milestone in the evolutionary history of humankind.
The Early Humans – Tb pg no. 15

Q 13. Who discovered the ancient ruins of Harappa in 1921? (1)

In 1921, R.B Daya Ram Sahni discovered ancient ruins of Harappa.
Indus Valley Civilization – Tb pg no. 24

Q 14. What are thematic maps? (1)

Thematic maps give specific information based on a single theme.
For example, rainfall distribution, population, vegetation, road,
railway network, etc.
Mapping a Location – Tb pg no. 29

Section C

Q 15. Mention any three characteristics of the lines of longitudes. (3)

 Meridians of longitude run in a true North-South direction.
 The distance between the meridians decreases towards the
Poles. All meridians meet at the Poles.
 The meridians are numbered from the Prime Meridian.
 The longitudes to the east of Prime Meridian are denoted by
the letter ‘E’ and those to the west by the letter ‘W’.
 The 180° is also known as the anti-meridian longitude. It is
neither East nor West.
 Any two opposite longitudes when joined together form a
Great Circle. Great circles mark the shortest distance between
any two places. Thus, long distance flights follow this route.
(Accept any three)
Globe – Latitudes and Longitudes – Tb pg no. 18

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Q 16. ‘Why did the Ancient Civilizations grow near the river banks? (3)
 Large populations migrated to river valleys, as the area had
surplus food and water.
 River banks were used for fishing and hunting as the wild
animals used to come to riverbanks to drink water. People got
the opportunity to do jobs other than farming.
 Annual floods near the rivers spread silt across the valleys. Silt
makes the valleys fertile forcrops to grow in.
 Rivers were used for irrigation. Irrigation brought water to dry
areas and led tosurplus farming.
 Transportation became easier.
 Rivers also served as a natural barrier since it protected the
area from surprise invasion from across the river.
 The period of the River Valley Civilizations is also known as the
Bronze Age as most of thematerial used during this period was
made up of bronze. This played an important role inthe
growth of the civilizations. (Accept any three)
Indus Valley Civilization – Tb pg no. 22,23

Section D

Q 17. Explain the significance of maps. (5)

Maps are a useful tool to study the world. They provide
detailed information about any place on the earth.
 Maps help in planning the layout of the roads, industries,
parks, residential complexes, etc.
 Maps are used by the armed forces for strategic planning.
 Maps are a useful tool for tourists.
 Navigators and pilots use maps to find location.
Mapping a Location – Tb pg no. 27

Q 18. What is democracy? Describe any four features of democracy. (5)

Democracy can be defined as a system of government by the
whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically
through elected representatives.
 Rule of the people: In a democracy, citizens assign the rights
and duties to formulate resolutions on how they should be

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governed. These decisions are made through voting process,

which they are entitled once they complete 18 years of age.
Free and fair elections are held where citizens are given the
opportunity to choose their representative.
 Equality: In a democracy, it is a rule of the majority; however,
the rights of the minorities are also taken into account. A
democratic government has to maintain evenness between
rights of the majority and the minority. For instance, when a
resolution is passed by majority but it harms the fundamental
rights of minority, in that case the resolution must be altered
in such a way that is it just and impartial to all the citizens.
 Safeguarding human rights: A democracy in its true form
supports the human rights of its citizens as mentioned in its
Constitution. These rights include freedom of following any
religion, freedom of speech, equality before the law, cultural
and educational rights and the right to constitutional
remedies. A democratic government is also safeguarding its
citizens from discrimination based on their sex race, religion or
a disability.
 Autonomous judiciary: Autonomous judiciary is a key feature
of democracy. Judiciary must be free from any type of control
from the government. Judges must be unbiased and should
deliver justice objectively.
Democracy and its Features – Tb pg no. 130


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