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1# Business Plan Presentation

For this group assignment you have to set up a business plan. Using PowerPoint/ Powtoon/
presentation platform, present it based on the following requirements.


• Form a team of students (3 - 4 members) and make sure the team members are in
the same group (e.g.: all members are Group A1 / Group A2)
• Introduction of your group members (personal background, education, target in life,
• Introduction of type of business your group plan to set up. Your presentation
contents should include:
• group member roles and background in the business
• product/ service
• target market/ customers
• details of the product (e.g.: type, material, package, price, etc.)
• business strategy (e.g.: location, promotion, warehouse sales, pre-order, etc.)
• extra consideration for public needs (e.g.: health, safety, economic, etc.)
• Include multimedia elements in your presentation:
• font text
• images
• sounds
• video
• animation
• navigation links/ buttons
• Prepare presentation slides (not more than 15 slides) and briefly explain your
business plan.
• Present your slides in 10 minutes (for each group) and submit the slides and rubrics
for your lecturer’s reference - refer the presentation rubrics.
• All students must be punctual - marks can be deducted for any delay/ late/ exceed

Presentation during lab session, WEEK: 4

(Mark 10%)

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