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Computer and Information Science, Dubai Men’s College

Non-Exam Based Assessment

Cover Sheet

Project Part 2

Requirements and Design Document

Course Systems Analysis Course Code CIS 2303

Name and Design

This assessment will assess the following Course learning outcomes:


Question No. X X X

Academic Honesty Statement  

In accordance with HCT policy LP201- Academic Honesty 
• Students are required to refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty as defined
and explained in HCT procedures and directions from HCT personnel.  
• A student found guilty of having committed acts of academic dishonesty may be
subject to one or more of the disciplinary measures as outlined in Article 33 of the
Student and Academic Regulations. 
‫إفادة األمانة األكاديمية‬ 
 :‫األمانة األكاديمية‬ LP201 - ‫وف ًقا لسياسة كليات التقنية العليا‬
‫ كما هو مبيّن وموضح في السياسات واإلجراءات‬:،‫الطلبة االمتناع عن كافة أشكال سوء األمانة األكاديمية‬ ‫من‬ ‫يُطلب‬ •
 .‫ والتوجيهات الصادرة من موظفي الكليات‬،‫الخاصة بكليات التقنية العليا‬
‫من التدابير‬ ‫أكثر‬ ‫أو‬ ‫واحد‬ ‫ سوف يتعرض الى‬:‫في حالة ارتكاب الطالب أي شكل من أشكال سوء األمانة األكاديمية‬ •
 :.‫األكاديمية‬ ‫من األنظمة‬ 33 ‫على النحو المبين في المادة‬ :‫التأديبية‬

Student HCT ID:  Student Name and Signature 

Student HCT ID:  Student Name and Signature 
Student HCT ID:  Student Name and Signature 
Student HCT ID:  Student Name and Signature 
Student HCT ID:  Student Name and Signature 

Table of Contents
Project Title and Summary of Solution......................................................................................3
User Stories and Product Backlog..............................................................................................5
Requirements Analysis: Non-Working Prototype.....................................................................6
Navigation System.....................................................................................................................6
User Interface – Forms to input data..........................................................................................8
User Interface – Output Reports, Notifications........................................................................10
Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD).............................................................................12
Context Diagram......................................................................................................................12
Diagram Zero DFD..................................................................................................................13
Diagram One DFDs (One Diagram)........................................................................................14
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)........................................................................................14
Process Description Tools........................................................................................................15
Evidence of Sprint and Scrum Planning..................................................................................17

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Project Title and Summary of Solution

Fetora Online Billing System

The proposed billing system is an e-payment service which will enable customers to make
online payments through computes and smartphones. The system accepts online credit card.
Whereby, customer can easily select services and make payments. The proposed system, will
also allow accountant to generate electronic invoices and sent to customers. Easily. The aim
of this system is to automate all the operations from manual to computer bases. The system
will require internet connection to load the app on smartphones or browser windows in
desktop computers.

Functional Requirements

1. The system shall allow customer to create account and login to access features
2. The system shall allow accountant to generate reports
3. The system shall allow accountant to make follow up on invoices
4. The system shall allow accountant to calculate discounts
5. The system shall allow accountant to send invoices to customers
6. The system shall calculate tax automatically
7. The system shall allow admin to add new product or service
8. The system shall allow customer to receive notifications
9. The system shall allow customer to receive invoice]
10. The system shall allow customer to make appointment
11. The system shall verify user emails
12. The system shall allow admin to manage user roles and privileges
13. The system shall allow admin to maintain audit trails
14. The system shall generate reports in pdf and csv files

Non-Functional Requirements

1. The customer, accountant and others users must change the default password to
new password
2. Customers should not be given privileges to modify payment information
3. Accountant should not change customers transactions without customer initiation
4. After unsuccessful attempts to login, the account should be flagged
5. The system must operate 24/7 without failure
6. The system must perform a daily transaction of 100,000 without fail
7. The system must always be secure and detect any unauthorized access

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Constraint description Internal/ External

This constraint is internal within
the organization. Therefore, its
Cost-This refers to the project budget. The success of any
important to point out that. From
software project depends on allocated budget. For instance,
the cost analysis benefit, the
resources, equipment’s and material will require sufficient
organization should provide
enough funds that will complete
the budget
This constraint is internal. In order
Time-This constraint affects the deadline of the project. For
to avoid project delay. The critical
instance, the proposed Fetora system is expected to be
path will be calculated then
complete in the next minutes. However, based on the scope
enough resources allocated to
of the project. The deadline might be extended to allow
tasks so that to finish within set
development team to test and correct bugs.
Technology is a result of external.
Technology. Technological advancement affects greatly the
Adoption of latest technology is an
system. Therefore, as a way of mitigating technological risks,
advantage since the system will be
It’s important to use advanced technology in implementing
intergraded with more secured
the system
development plugins/libraries

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User Stories and Product Backlog


Main user
1. As a customer I want to create an account and High
login so that I can access features
2. As a customer I want to be able to receive Medium
notifications so that I know what is happening
3. As a customer I want to receive invoices directly
into my account notification High
4. As a customer, I want to make appointment to
the accountant so that I can easily seek help or High
incase I have a problem

Accountant 1. As an accountant I want to generate various High

reports so that a can easily analyze data.
2. As an accountant, I want to send invoices to High
customers so that they can view their payments.
3. As an accountant I want to calculate discount so
that I can set new prices higjh

Product Backlog


1 Send invoice 1 Accountant 3rd may 2020 7th may 2020

2 Calculate discount 1 Accountant 8th may 2020 10th may 2020

3 Add customer 2 Admin 12th may 2020 13th may 2020

4 View products and 3 Customer 14th may 2020 15th may 2020
5 Calculate expenses 3 Accountant 16th may 2020 17th may 2020

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6 Print report 2 Accountant 18th may 2020 19th may 2020

7 Manage users 1 Admin 20th may 2020 26th may 2020

8 Generate reports 1 Accountant 28th may 2020 30th may 2020

9 Send emails 1 Accountant 2nd June 2020 14th June 2020

10 Suspend accounts 1 admin 15th June 2020 17th June 2020

Requirements Analysis: Non-Working Prototype

Navigation System

Navigation System

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User Interface – Forms to input data

Form 1

The form is used to record billing details

Control-Item Reason for Use
Used to display drop down list. The combo box has been used to
Combo box
display consumer numbers in the first field
Text filed Used to accept input data
Label Used to identify the function of a particular field

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Form 2

Used to calculate bills to be paid
Control-Item Reason for Use
Used to exit / calculate bills to be paid
Frame control Used to group items
Label Has been used to identify the functions of the field

Form 3

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Used for recording Consumer details
Control-Item Reason for Use
Text area Used to accept defines a multi-line text input control
Text field Used to accept data input from the user
Frame control Used to group all items in the form
button Used to update, exit or cancel

User Interface – Output Reports, Notifications

Report 1

customer reports. The system will benefit the organization since it will show them their

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total number of customers/consumers

Report 2

User Logs report. The report will benefit Admin since it will enable him to monitor all
users accessing the system at any given time

Report 3

Invoice reports. It will benefit the billing officer since it allows the organization to view
all the paid, date paid and receiver details.

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Requirement Models

Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD)


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Context Diagram
Context Diagram

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Diagram Zero DFD

Data Flow Diagram – Level 0

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Diagram One DFDs (One Diagram)

Data Flow Diagram – Level 1

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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ER Model

Process Description Tools

Decision Tree

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Decision Table

Action 1 2 3 4

Correct details filled Y Y - -

Must have all details Y N - -

Enter correct details Y Y Y N

Verify account Y Y Y N

Account created successfully y y y y

Structured English

If the customer wants to create account. He /she must have all required details. The details
must be correctly entered and verified successfully. Thereafter, the account will be created.
If the details are not correctly entered. The system will prompt the customer to enter
correct details again.

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Evidence of Sprint and Scrum Planning

Fetora system project

Date: 16th may 2020 Time 3:00 p.m. Location: Room B4

Meeting Agenda
1. Discussion on system requirements
2. Implementation
3. Design approaches


User Interfaces design Developer

3:00 P.M 20 minutes
Wire frames Designer
3:20 p.m. 30 minutes
Mock-up screens Designer
3:50 p.m. 20 minutes
Requirements presentations Analyst
4:10 p.m. 30 minutes
Implementation demonstration Developer
4: 40 p.m. 10 minutes

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