Speech Role of The Youth in Nation Building

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To all guests, students, and organizers of the Baguio Students Summit 2021, a pleasant
day to everyone. Before I begin my message, I would like to congratulate you in celebrating the
9th Baguio Students Day.
Since time immemorial, it has been proven that the youth has a very important role in
building a great nation. Particularly, Article II, Section 13 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
states that:
“The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall
promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It
shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their involvement
in public and civic affairs.”
But all efforts in nation building must begin in every small settings such as the barangay,
the schools, and the local community. With the participation of the youth in good governance
as well as the implementations of various measures that promote societal wellness, the
objective of having a proactive community has been an easy task to accomplish.
Every country considers the youth as its asset. They are willing to learn and adapt in
every situation in order to achieve their goals. The development of a country depends on the
extent of the active participation of the youth. They are the building blocks of every nation.
A community that has an energetic and enthusiastic youth will always produce a
productive society. In smaller settings such as the local communities that we belong to, the
youth also serves as the foundation in building a harmonious environment. With this being said,
it is imperative to maintain good discipline among our youth. To achieve this, the programs for
the youth must be implemented accordingly. Our youth deserves our support and guidance.
Indeed, our leaders trust and rely on our youth for they can bring social reforms and
improvement in the society. Today, the youth serves as the partners, tomorrow the torch shall
be passed and the youth may become our leaders. Thus, the trust and confidence that are
accorded to the youth must be rewarded with utmost importance and respect. As a youth
representative, I challenge every student and youth to consider our role in nation building as an
opportunity to further prove that we are indeed the nation’s best hope in creating a better
nation. Let us participate in the various activities and programs of the government and other
non-government agencies for the benefit of everyone.
In our current situations, we face many challenges amidst the pandemic. However, the
youth remain to be vigilant and active in battling the sickening effects of the difficult situations
that we are currently experiencing. We continue to provide support and assistance to the local
government as well as our local communities in every possible way that we can. We also
provide guidance to our fellow youth by engaging in different social media platforms to give
lectures and seminars that tackle the immediate needs of the youth such as mental health and
social awareness. We are creative, resourceful and hopeful.
Despite the pandemic, the youth is believes that we can all surpass the challenges that
we are facing. We are not discouraged to perform our tasks and roles as a major component in
building a great nation.

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