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Internal Medicine oral sets:

Set no1:

Heart murmurs, auscultatory findings in different valve diseases.

Signs and symptoms of chronic heart failure

Patients with palpable thyroid nodule with symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: indications, patient preparation
Anemias: classifications
Set no 2:
Acute dyspnea: differential diagnosis
Pharmacotherapy of chronic heart failure
Differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment in anemia of chronic diseases

Set no 3:

Chest pain: differential diagnosis

Treatment of chronic heart failure, beyond drugs

Risk factors of thyroid cancer in patients with nodular goiter

Esophageal achalasia

Detailed etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Set no 4:
Patient with chest pain: diagnostic algorithm
Treatment of pulmonary edema
Indications for thyreidectomy and radioiodine treatment in patients with
nodular goiter
Hiatus hernia: clinical picture, diagnosis, and treatment
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment

Set no 5:
Diagnostics of peripheral edemas
Risk factors of coronary artery disease
Autoimmune thyroid gland diseases
Gastritis: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment
Hemolytic anemia: classification, etiology, and treatment

Set no 6:
Internal Medicine oral sets:

Hypoxia and cyanosis

Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Thyroid storm: sings, symptoms, and treatment
Peptic ulcer disease
Thrombophilia: definition, types (acquired and inherited), and treatment

Set no 7:
Syncopy and presyncopy: diagnostic approach
Pathogenesis and clinical features of ischemic heart disease
Treatment (pharmacological and dietary) of hypoparathyroidism
Gastric cancer: symptoms, treatment
Acute leukemias: definition and classification, diagnostic procedures

Set no 8:
Palpitations: management
Secondary prevention of coronary artery disease
Causes of hypercalcaemia
Inflammatory bowel disease
Treatment of acute leukemia

Set no 9:
Fever of unknown origin
Invasive treatment in cardiology
Hypercalcaemic crisis: sings, symptoms, and treatment
Irritable bowel syndrome
Multiple myeloma: etiology, epidemiology, classification, clinical
symptoms, diagnosis,
treatment, and complications

Set no 10 :
Headache: differential diagnosis
Clinical presentation of acute myocardial infarction
Clinical features of primary hyperparathyroidism
Colon and rectal cancer
Hodgkin’s lymphoma: clinical symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and

Set no 11:
Treatment of acute coronary syndrome with persistent ST segment
Clinical setting of adrenal crisis
Internal Medicine oral sets:

Diverticular disease
Chronic myeloid leukemia: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy

Set no 12:
Hepatomegaly: common causes
Treatment of acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST segment
Excessive cortisol secretion: etiology
Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy: indications, preparation
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: epidemiology, classification, prognosis, and

Set no 13:
Diagnosis of abdominal pain
First onset of atrial fibrillation: treatment
Pheochromocytoma: clinical findings and diagnostic procedures
Acute hepatitis
Disseminated intravascular coagulation: etiology and treatment

Set no 14:
Dysphagia: causes
Atrial fibrillation: thromboembolic complication
Incidentally discovered tumor of adrenal gland: diagnostic procedures
Chronic hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease
Hemophilia: etiology, classification, complications, and treatment

Set no 15:
Nausea and vomiting: causes
Narrow QRS complex tachycardia: management
Indication for surgery of adrenal gland tumor
Cirrhosis and its complications
Thrombocytopenia: definitions and classification

Set no 16:
Diarrhea: causes
Wide QRS complex tachycardia: management
Addison disease: signs, symptoms, and laboratory tests
Acute liver failure
Blood products (PRBC, platelets and FFP): standard indications for
transfusions, risk
associated with transfusion
Internal Medicine oral sets:

Set no 17:
Constipation: causes
Risk factors of pulmonary embolism
Acromegaly: screening and diagnosis
Acute cholecystitis: symptoms, diagnostics, and treatment
Classification of myeloproliferative neoplasms, treatment of primary
polycythemia (PRV)

Set no 18:
Gastrointestinal bleeding: management
Clinical presentation of pulmonary embolism
Treatment of acromegaly and large pituitary gland tumors
Acute pancreatitis
Leucopenia: etiology

Set no 19:
Jaundice: causes and diagnostics
Treatment of pulmonary embolism
Excessive prolactin secretion: reasons, sings, and symptoms
Chronic pancreatitis
Eosinophilia: etiology

Set no 20:
Abdominal swelling and ascites
Cardiac arrest: mechanisms, treatment
Evaluation of treatment (supplementation) in Hashimoto and Addison
Pancreatic cancer
Bone marrow failure symptoms and etiology

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