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TG-5000 GYROCOMPASS @ SERVICE MANUAL TOKIMEC INC. SG-003 MARCH 1988 KEiki contents SECTION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 Introduction 1.2 design Feature 1.3 General Daseription 1.3.1 Master Compass 1.3.2 Transmission Box 1.3.3 Repeater compass 1.3.4 Equipment Data 1.4 Detailed Description 4.1 Master compass 1.4.2, Transmission unit 1.5 Principles of operation 1.5.1 North Seeking Action and Damping 1.5.2 Speed Error 2.5.3 Follow-up system 1.5.4 Pedestal unit 1.5-5 Transmission Circuit 1.5.6 Alarm system SECTION 2, INSTALLATION 2.2 General 2.2 Master compass 2.3. Transmission Box ATTEN DIX Ls 1 13 La 14 16 M6 143 aa Lu a2 1-28 433 aan 145, 22 24 ata SECTION 3. OPERATION 1 Starting 2 stopping 3.3 cara Lighting 3.4 Speed error correction 5 Power source alarm 3.6 Repeater synchronization SECTION 4. TROUBLESHOOTING 4 4 43 1 General 2. Teoubleshooting chart 4.2.1 Rotor heel fails to turn 4.2.2. Vertical Servo system fails to follow-up 4.2.2 Horizontal Servo System fails to follow-up 4.2.4 inverter fails to oscillate 4.2.5 Master Compass fails to Slew properly in Slew Mode 4.2.6 No synchronized operations availables on all Repeaters. 4.2.7 and Servo system fails to follow-up neve echnical oata 4.3.1 Resistance Value 4.3.2 Voltage Value SECTION 5. MAINTENANCE 1 General 2 Routine Inspection 3 Periodical Inspection 4 Sensitive Element Replacement 40 “9 4-10 i210 4-10 sn 5.5 Vertical servo Motor B4 (11S) Replacement 5.6 Worizontal Servo Motor 2 (118M) Replacement 5.7 Transmitter 87 (ISNT) Reptacenent, 5.8 Adjusting 5.8.2 SECTION 6. Horizontal Ring bast-West Direction balance transmitter 87 (1SNT4) Zeroing Inverter P.¢.B, adjustment Horizontal Servo Amp. Gain VR (RLA) Dajusement Vertical Servo Ang. Gain VR (R62) adjustment Vertical Servo Amp. Damping VR (R48) Adjustment 2nd Servo Amp. Gain VR (R04) adjustment 2nd Servo Ang. Speed Error Correction value Adjustment (R74) Adjusting the Constant Error with the Suspension wire een PARTS LISTS 6.1 General 6.2 Drawings SECTION 7 DRAWINGS TRANSMISSION Box Fig. 1.0 16-5000 GYRO COMPASS EQUIPMENT a-o SECTION 1 svenaL INFORMATION 1.2 IwrRODUCTION ‘his manual describes the structure and accurate oper ation and maintenance procedures of the 16-5000 Gyrocom- pase IE Properly operated and maintained, this gyrocompass can be used over a long period of time with satisfactory results ‘ro maintain the designed performance of the instrument, you axe to replace certain component parts of the gyrocon~ pass periodically as they will wear out or fail to operate accurately due to normal but repeated use. In such cases, do not fail to follow the instructions contained in this nenual. ffowever, should any difficulties arise while repaix~ ing oF adjusting the syrocompass, be sure to contact our to Hiei service engineers as unqualified handling of the runent may seriously affect ite performance. When antici- pating any such problens, do not fail to report your find= ings to our field engineers beforehand so that the time and money spent can be Kept to a minimun. Furthermore, be sure ko keep a record of the operating conditions and trouble cor recting procedures of the gyroconpass for future reference. 2.2. DESIGN FEATURES ‘the gyrocompass is an indispensable instrument for navi- gation as it functions as a true direction finder by seeking and continuously alligning itself with the meridian using the earth's rotation and gravitational effects. we have manufactured the TG-5000 Gyrocompass following the developnent of Sperry-type MK.iM and NK-EN gyrocompasses in addition to MK-ES, TG-100 and similar other models devel~ oped by our company. The TG-5000 Gyrocompass is undoubted~ ly superior to the above ones as the highest quality techni- gues are incorporated in its development and manufacturing process ‘the fundamentals of the gyrocompass are not different from those of the conventional ones. tlowever, the follow Ing new techniques are introduced in realizing these funde~ nentals ‘the suspension wize Eloating method has been introduced zo support the gyroscope greatly improving the accuracy of the compass. ‘the electrical pick-off devices have been installed betveen the gyroscope and gyro container to detect 3 different electrical signals (gyro tilt, azimuth follow up system error and horizontal follow up system error) and funetion as the input of each sexvo system. ‘The supporting plate that supports the movable element of the phantom yoke containing the sensitive elenent is mounted on 4 new shock absorbers to absorb vibrating shocks as the vessel moves or shifts direction. If, for sone reasons, the power supply to the syrocompass As Aizcontinued, the master compass can still continue to operate normally by automatically switching to the energency power source (DC24V) he speed related errors are corrected by the master conpass card indicating the sane reading as that of he repeater card the electrical elenent of the gyrocompass represents # group of total solid state units that are connected by plugs 1.3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ‘the 76-5000 Gyrocompass consists of the Naster Compass and Transmission Box 1.3.2 MASTER COMPASS As shown in Fig. 1.0, the Master Compass consists of the compass and pedestal unite, The compass unit uses the earth's rotation and gravitational effects to seek and align itself with the meridian to point to true north, vheress, the pedestal unit simply supplies pover required for operating the conpass unit. 4.3.2. TRANSMISSION Box As shown in Fig. 1.0 the transmission box consists of a tranemission circuit for transmitting the diraction shown by the master compass to the repeater unit, a speed related error correcting circuit and an alarm circuit for adjusting ‘the power of the vessel when failure occurs. 1.3.3. REPEATER COMPASS A signal desued from the Transmission Box may be used to Repeater the Ships leading wherever disired on the ship. Nith this system as many as 12 of these Repeater Compasses may be connected to the Transmission Box, any of which will faithfully indicate the Ships Heading specified by the Master Compass aaa wm wea ae @ EQUIPMENT DATA TADLE 3.1 Master Compass compass Unit accuracy ~ Angulay Preedom =---===-"~ Damping Factor Damping Period Rotor Speed -=~=~ Rotor voltage ~ Rotor Frequency GENERAL SPECIFICATION Rotor Current -~ Pedestal Unit input Voltage ~- (ain) input voltage (Back up) voltage Toleranc! ueansmiesion Box output voltage Repeater Compass 10.5" uae 30 £58 (at lat. 35.5") 77-35 min (ae dat. 35-59) 12000 =.p.m. (synchronous speed) anovac 400i 0.4a starting 0.228 Running 120, 125, 220, 380, 440vac (50/60 36) 2avpc, 6a Staxting 2.58 Ronning soova 108 asv or Tovoc up to 12 TABLE 1.2. TG-5000 GYRO COMPASS ACCURACY AND INCO'S PERFORMANCE STANOARD ACCURACY (IN LAEITUDES OF UP TO 60°; LATITUDE Ox6.1 incon. 424 (x1) |penrormance [7558000 | ries STANOARD | SEROCOMERSS |Reevenet i) tel aman 6 Hes,|? HRS. (SEEN) sercuns [Saris taser | Sreouie- save 3.2) 1 Terri armas 20.2" SSebtod tome ye a Snack 20:75 * ab Repeatasterny | IRAE aanaw go." or *sermce o.25" x by ont BRAoR (5.2) (a) herman 2 HRS. (SEEN) SSebtnase comme |e ane . ai owanse Penronanct|Soupeaon SpBeAzrowne = tS.2) (61 wera rairame 90.5" Conortton |esercue vom? | 4y6 yo peron’ ay ovmanze|2?° * aoe Exottz08 (ef) tb), tea) [WERT wana 0.3 Penconsnsce| (81 om BERRORCE IO ooe pore 24° * Gee face ona EWefon- [enon owoes con a Ee Ekven”|brnsons\sommery UNGniron |Bxeecseos as siz + VARIATIONS OF POWER SUPPLY, MAGNETIC FIELD, HUMIDITY, ‘TENPERATURE, VIBRATION ETC’ 1.4) EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 1.4.2 MASTER COMPASS As mentioned in the previous chapter, the Master Compass consists of 2 Compass and a Pedestal unit. (refer to Fig. 7.1) COMPASS UNIT ‘the compass unit is the heart of the gyroconpass system. Every single component of this unit has been manufactured fron materials selected very carefully to ensure the high est degree of precision and reliability of the instrument. Therefore, a thorough knowledge as to the construction and proper operation and maintenance procedures of the master Conpass is the only means of ensuring the excellent accuracy of the instrunent over a long period of tine. As shown in Fig. 7.2, the sensitive element containing the gyro motor is installed at the center, then a mounting ring 4s inetalled around this to support the sensitive ele- ment. As this is done, @ horizontal ring is mounted to support the exterior of the mounting xing. Then, the phan ton yoke is installed around it to support the horizontal ring and sensitive element the shaft in the upper section of the horizontal yoke is supported by the supporting plate through ball bearings. The whole supporting plate that houses the sensitive element is mounted on 4 shock absorbers. It is also shielded by « protective cover Now, we will describe each component part of the instrun ment in details. {a)Gyrosphere As shown in Fig, 7.2, the gyzosphere is the most impor kant elenent of the master compass and is 108mm in diac meter. This contains a 30mm thick gyro rotor having a Aianeter of 98mm that rotates (approximately 12,000 z.pen.) on ball bearings installed between the rotor and the rotor shaft. The rotating direction is clock- wise when seen from the south side of the gyroscope (where the lead wire is seen coming out of the shaft). ‘A specially superior quality grease is used in lubri- cating the ball bearings that support the rotor. The rotor is balanced so precisely thet almost no vibration As detected to affect its performance. towever, ify for some reasons, you fail to adjust the rotor balance effectively, it will cause errors due to rotation rela~ ted vibrations. Besides, the rotor is so constructed that the position of ite center of gravity is not af- fected by the elasticity of the shaft caused by varia~ tions in temperature conditions. The rotor is fixed to the frame by using the pillow block. ‘he motor used for the gyro rotor represents a 3-phase squireleage induction motor. The inpst power source employs single phase short waveforms which are conve: bed to S-phase waveforms by the condenser to start the tthe primary coils of the pick-off device are attached co the north and south sides of the gyrosphere which are then divided by a capacitor and energized by the Gixferential voltage. Besides, the input power supply kerninals are installed at the east and west sides of the frame ‘the gyrosphere is also used to enclose the motor in 2 vacuum stage by using the frame and two covers A small anount of helium is, then, injected to disst- pate the radiant bent of the motor. When inmerged in oo ro) highly viscous silicon Liquid, the center of buoyancy Of the gyzosphere coincides with its center of gravity je that point, the gyrosphere is adjusted in a vay that See gravity reaches @ level greater than sts buoyancy. in addition, the gyroscope is suspended from the upper srg of the container by 2 suspension vires at a position ‘slightly above the center of gravity. Suspension Wire as shown in Fig. 7-4, the gyrosphere is suspended fron the upper end of the container by two suspension wires At the sane tine, the suspension wires are also used to function as lesd Lines to supply power to the gyro cecor. ALL the contact points between these wires end metal are insulated by ceramic. Sensitive Blenent as shown in Fig. 7-5, the sensitive element consists ae the upper and lover’ containers housing the highhy Shseous silicon liquid. A sintered metal alloy piste for regulating the expending/contracting characteris” tice of the silicon Liguia due to the variations of Cenperature conditions, is fitted as a cap at the $07 cf the upper container. ‘Then, @ tangent screw mechanism ve set at the suspension vire nounting locations te check the torsion of the suspension wires, Besides, che upper container is provided with a sensitive level citer to point out the tilt of the rotor. The sradua” wien of the above meter corresponds to two ninutes of eile per one scale h seniaphere shaped clearance adjusting mechansss 38 Tnstalied at the botton of the lovex container £0 Os toa) errors generated by rolling and pitching of She (ad el w ship. You can also use this device to move the adjust~ ling mechanism up and down by rotating the shaft so that the clearance between the gyroscope and the said necha~ nism can be controlled properly ‘the sensitive element is set to the mounting ring which ks supported by the horizontal axis of the horizontal ring. If required, you can easily remove this sens. tive elenent from the mounting ring. Pick-off As shown in Fig. 7.5, the primary coils of the pick~ off device are connected ina series to the north and south sides of the gyroscope whereas, the secondary coils are attached to the mounting plate of the upper container at positions just opposite the primary coils nis pick-off device can detect 3 different electrical signals (gyro tilt, azimuth follow-up system error and horizontal follow-up system error). Horizontal Ring las shown in Pig. 7.6, the mounting ring to which the sensitive elenent is mounted is held in the horizontal ping and the horizontal ring is held in the phantom yoke. servo follow-up mechanism is mounted the horizon on the west side of the horizontal ring to follow-up the movements of the yfascope around the horizontal ring. Besides, the amplifier of the horizontal follow= tp system is also mounted on the west side of the hori- zontal ring Phantom Yoke As shown in Fig. 7.2, the phantom yoke supports the horizontal ring and sensitive element. This phantom yoke is, in turn, supported by two bail bearings provided in the central housing of the support plate At the North side of the horizontal ring is located the oil damper which stabilize the gyro against the ship's rolling ané pitching the azimuth gear and slip ring are attached to the uP- per section of the phanton yoke. The azimuth gear is the last gear of the follow-up system which, in combi- nation with the azimuth follow-up system amplifier, ferve motor and intermediate gear of the base plate Constitutes the azimuth servo follow-up mechanisn, Ghe slip ring assembly which is provided for connect Ing the electrical cixcuits between base pists and phantom yoke is also used to connect the single phase Gyro power supply (110V, 490 #2) with the pick signal. the linear pick-off device which ts used to detect crroneous azimuth signals for correcting the speed felted errors is attached at the top of the phantom yoke, Now, the signals detected by the Linear pte ate device and the correction signals assigned to the trangnission unit are both input to the second servo amplifier indicating the corrected azimuth on the compass card. {g)_ Support Plate as shown in Pig. 7.7, the supporting plate houses the we able element of the phantom yoke and supports the deimuth. servo follow-up mechanism, amplifier, empli= fier power supply unit, brush assenbly (synchro erans— nutter), iLlumination lanp and bese Line assenbly 1-10 ‘The azimuth sexvo followup mechanism houses the azimuth motor (2-phase servo motor 118M), synchro transmitter (15Cx4) ané gearing mechanism in one metal bracket. The azimuth motor represents the driv- ing element, whereas the synchro transmitter transmits the azimuth signal to the correction servo unit and the gearing mechanism conjoins the above mechanically. besides, the speed error correcting azimuth servo follow up mechanism, also houses the azimuth (2-phase servo motor 115M), 90x non-contact transmitter (aswra) and gearing mechanism in one metal bracket ‘The azimuth motor represents the driving element, where~ as, the non-contact transmitter transmits the azimuth signals to the repeater unit and the gearing mechanism conjoins the above mechanically. The supporting plate is, itself, mounted on 4 shock absorbers to absorb shocks and vibrations as the vessel moves or shifts direction (hd Binnacte As shown in Fig. 7.2, the binnacle houses the complete unit an@ consists of a base that contains the shock absorbers and a cover. The binnacle is designed as a drip-proof structure ‘the cover of the binnacle is provided with @ glass (2200) though which you can read the compass card. PEDESTAL UNTT The pedestal unit supplies power to the main syro compass system and consists of txo parte: one for the master compass and the other for the repeater compass. the TolJowing details this pedestal unit. (Sse Tig. 7-1) Leu (a) wb) te Power circuit ‘the power circuit is mounted on the back wall of the pedestal unit and consists of a step down transformer, rectifier circuit, a smoothing capacitor, and fuse fox che repeater power, and it supplies 24v 0.C. to the ir verter circuits, and 70V D.C. for the repeater power. he transformer can be adjusted to correspond with the voltage variations of the power source, This adjust- nent and confirmation will be nade by inspectors and inverter Circuit, he inverter cizeuit is mounted on the front lid of the pedestal unit and creates a stable and 2 uniform acer veeive current both in voltage and frequency. The inver- ker circuit is made up of a printed circuit board, a transistor diode to stabilize the voltage, oscillator transistor, and an output transformer, end are mounted on a single board together with the sequence circuit and the detective part of alarm cfxeuit, To obtain tthe requized voltage and frequency, adjust with the VR (varsable resistor). sequence Circuit the soquence circuit consists of a single circuit board, tinder the printed circuit boara for the inverter, This circuit creates sequence signals which control the sequence of the follow-up system of the master compass chich functions at the manent of starting. The sequence Gignals also contyol the system when setting up in & short period. 1-2 0 (a) Switch Panel ‘the avitch panel ig mounted on the front Lid of the pe~ destal unit, and consists of a start-stop switch for the gyro, an adjusting knob for Light, a slew switch, and fuse. ‘The fuse can be replaced from inside the panel 1.4.2. TRANSMISSION Box ‘he transmission box transmits an azinuth signal created by the master compass to each repeater compass, and consists of a step-anp, transmission circuit including repeater panel, an alarm circuit to warn of power source problems, and = collector pane! to input information for speed error correc~ tion to the master compass. (See Pig. 7.8) (a) Tzaneniseion cireuit ‘the transmission cixcuit consists of a printed circuit boaré for the step-anp mounted on the inside of the door of the box an@ the repeater panel mounted on the front section in the box. ‘The signals generated fron the no-contact transmitter, and the repeater power, are fed into the step-anp in this circuit, by which the input signals are transduced into driving signals for each repeater motor. The maximum capacity of the repeater compass to connect circuits is 12 (b) Alara Circuit he alarm cicuit is made up of a buzzer installed on the door, an alarm ewitch (used to halt warning] #it- ted in the collector panel, and = lamp whose detecting section is located in the master compass and activates ‘the buzzer and lamp whan it detects © trouble on the power source. It also activates the buzzer and lamp in the event of resetting (c) collector Panel the collector panel consists of an alarm switch, a lamp, LAT (Latitude) setting knob to revise speed errors, and a speed setting knob. 1.5 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 1.5.2. NORTH SEEKING ACTION AND DANPING ACTION ‘the principles of gysocompass can be understood by reading the classical dynamics. ‘Therefore, to avotd going into the details of mathematical formulations, we will con- ‘cinue our Aiscussions on the assumption that the users are well avare of the nechenical characteristics of the gyzo~ scope. The GYROSCOPE is defined as an object having # cer tain wass and expanse that rotates around a fixed point. ordinarily, you may consider it as a flywheel rotating with high speed, When possessing 3 axial freedom of movenents, te is known az a free gyroscope. Hereafter, we may sone~ ‘tines call it a gyzo rather than a gyroscope, The 3 axial freedom of movenents inplies that the gyroscope can fxeely rotate around 3 given axes (A, Band C in Fig. 2.5-1) 1-u ” Fig. 1.5.1 Gyroscope ‘The rotations of the gyroscope around axes A, Band C are respectively known as spin, heading select and tilt rotations. This type of free gyroscope possesses the following characteristics (assume that the gyroscope is supported by its center of gravity). (2) the spin axis of the gyroscope rill continue to point to the same direction as long as no torque is applied fron outside (2) When adding any outside torque, the spin axis will start rotating at an angle 90° apart from the direc- sion of the force being added. (As can be seen in Fig. 1.5.2, if force F is added to che spin axis, the torgue will occur at the airection indi- cated by the arrow and the gyroscope will rotate in a manner that the spin direction coincides with the direction of the torque}. The first characteristic of the gyroscope Leas ks known as GYROSCOPIC RIGIDITY (or gyroscopic inertia) land the second one is called GYROSCOPIC PRECESSION. Now, we will show how gyroscopes function as the compass. North WD se N gorizontat Vertical Fig. 1.5.2 Precession Pig. 1.5.3 apparent Rotations, About Vertical Gyro between, axis Bguster and Pole As shown in Pig, 1.5.3, assume that the spin axis of the free gyroscope is set almost horizontally at position A of the north latitude by the meridian of that position. Now, assume thet after a certain period of tine, the posi- tion A moves to B due to the rotation of the earth. As @ result, the spin axis of the free gyroscope, will point to a different direction due to the effect of Gyroscopic Rigidity as shown in the figure. This means that it will point to a direction apart from the meriéian of that posi- tion. Now, to let the spin axis constantly point to the north, you are to rotate it to the direction of the rotaq tion of the earth by a ratio that is proportional to the ratio of the earth's rotation we that particular position now, to rotate the spin axis, you are to use the Precession of the gyroscope. a-is zo apply Precession to the spin axis while maintain ing it to a horizontal position, apply force to the spin axis as shown in Fig. 1.5.2. As the turning xate of precession is proportional to the applied force, you can naintain the spin axis on the meridian surface by select~ ing an appropriate force. (the turning rate of the earth's rotation for a certain position on earth 1s explained as below. In position A in Fig. 1.5.4, 4£ you assume @ as the turning rate of earth's axial direction, the vertical directional component for that particular position can be expressed as 2 sin (where, A represents latitude). Here, as the spin axis is ina horizontal position, be sure to express the turning rate of Precession at the horizontal surface by 9 sin 4.) Fig. 1.5.4 Earth's Vector between North Pole and Equator now, let us discuss about the precession causing structure, As details of this structure has been described in Chapter 2, therefore, we wil 1e container before proceeding to the 1 only briefly discuss about the structure in the functions of Precession Suspension Pick-off Pick-off # " Gyro’ Gyrosphere pig, 1.5.5 Simplified Diagram of Sensitive Slenent Fig. 1.5.5 illustwates the principles of sysoscopic operation as the container is viewed from the east side chich contains a gyro rotating in a high speed. The syro- Sphere ia suspended in the container by a suspension wire eon the upper end of the container. The Tover end of the suspension wire is connected to the gyrosphere at a poste tion higher than its center of gravity looking like @ pene Golun in the container. The container is then filled with highly viscous fluid to minimize the novenents of the pene dolun, Now, the horizontal, azimuth and tilt (distance! pick-off devices are installed at the crossing of the exten” Plone for the gyfosphere and container spin axes which axe 1-38 used, respectively, to convert the relative angular ais placements around the horizontal axes of the syrosphere ‘and container into electrical signals, to detect the rela~ tive angular displacenents around the vertical axes end to find out the relative displacements of the spin axial divection of the gyrosphere corresponding to the container Now, the outputs of the horizontal and azimuth pick~ off devices are anplified and added to the horizontal servo and azimuth servo moters respectively to maintain the engu~ lar displacements around the horizontal and vertical axes of both container and gyrosphere to zero. Then, the tilt pick-off output is added to the azimuth follow-up system this is the suspension wire is twisted, and this creates 2 torque about the vertical axis. Namely, this is = damping torque to suppress the effects of oscillation of the gyro about the meridian. in euch a structure, Fig. 1.5.5 shows that the north end & ascends only by @ angle corresponding to the horizon~ tal plane H-H!, whereas B represents a position on the syxo- sphere separated from position A by 180°. In the sane Figure, positions A’ and Bt on the container are always kept on a straight Line with points A and B on the gyroscope by using the functions of horizontal servo systen and like the gyro, the container tilts only by 9 angle corresponding to the horizontal surface Hei". At this point, the suspension uiize corresponds to the vertical Line and the gravitational force acts on the gyro generating torque around the horizon tal axis and precession around the vertical axis. Za this manner, the north seeking operation is carried out. Now, let us explain this north seeking operation by means of an exanple. Place the gyrocompass on the equator, et the spin axis horizontally and the north end to the cast. Then view this gyro from the south side, (Pig. 1-5 6) 1-19

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