Lesson Ten Making Money

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Lesson Ten ( 10 )

Making money
1.What is saving for the future ? ‫ما هو التوفير للمستقبل؟‬
to put some money into pension plans to save for our retirement to enjoy a
good standard of living when we are older .

2.As children, what do we learn about saving ? ‫ما الذي نتعلمه حول التوفير؟‬
to put some money aside to buy something bigger later on.

3.When we start work, where are we encouraged to put money ?

‫في ي مكان يشجعوننا ان نضع اموالنا؟‬
When we start work, we are encouraged to put money into pension plans .

4.Why do we put money into pension plans ?

‫لماذا نضع اموالنا في االستثمارات التقاعدية (صندوق التقاعد)؟‬
We put money into pension plans to save for our retirement so that we can
continue to enjoy a good standard of living when we are older .

5. Why is investing in stocks and shares a risky business ?

‫لماذا االستثمار في السندات واألسهم عمل خطر؟‬
Because there are no guarantees and many people lose a lot of money as well as
gain it .

6. How can banks make our money less or more interest?

‫كيف تجعل المصارف فائدة اموالنا اكثر او اقل؟‬
According to the longer we leave our money with them.

7. How can some savings accounts benefit people ?

‫كيف يمكن لحسابات التوفير ان تنفع الناس؟‬
They can benefit people who don‟t need to access the money .

8. Who are financially-minded people ?

‫من هم الناس ذوي العقول التجارية (المالية)؟‬
They are people who follow the markets invest in stocks and shares .

9. Who are the specialists ? ‫من هم االخصائيون؟‬

The specialists are the major players in the game of making money .

10. How can money also be made ? ‫كيف يمكن ان نكسب المال أيضا؟‬
Money can also be made through investing in property .
11. Which type of investment that is becoming more and more popular in the
UK ? ‫ما هو نوع االستثمار الذي اصبح اكثر شهرة في المملكة المتحدة؟‬
Money invested in property .

12.Why should people save money for the future ?

‫لماذا على الناس التوفير للمستقبل؟‬
to save for their retirement and can continue to enjoy a good standard of living
when they are older .

13. When do people get a lot of interest of their saving accounts?

‫متى يحصل الناس على فائدة كبيرة من حسابات التوفير؟‬
When they leave their money longer in the saving accounts.

14. How can people invest their money?

‫كيف يمكن للناس استثمار اموالهم؟‬
in savings accounts, pension plans, stocks and shares or property .

15. How can people get benefit of their money?

‫كيف ينتفع الناس من أموالهم؟‬
by saving accounts and leave money there for a long time .

16. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment ?

‫ما هو االستثمار االكثر شعبية في المملكة المتحدة؟‬
The investing in property .

17. As children, we put some money aside …………………… ( Complete )

to buy something bigger later on.

18 When we start work, we are encouraged to put money into a pension plans…
to save for our retirement to enjoy a good standard of living when we are older.

19. Savings accounts benefit people ……………………… . ( Complete )

who don‟t need to access this money .

20. Financially-minded people who……………………….. ( Complete )

follow the markets invest in stocks and shares .

21.When we are children, ……………………….. ( Complete )

we are taught the value of saving .
22.We can get more interest if ……………………….. ( Complete )

we keep our money in our account for a long time .

23.Investing in stocks and shares, ……………………….. ( Complete )

is fun for some people

24.If you buy property, ……………………….. ( Complete )

you may get a lot of money when you sell it .

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