Tatco M2posttask

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Answer the following questions cogently but honestly.

1. How would you describe yourself?

2. What social pressures help shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?

1. How would you describe yourself?

I considered myself as a talented person, I can play instruments, I can draw and paint. But, one thing I
discovered about myself that I loved the most is that I found out that I can dance. And that is the time
when I dreamed to be a world-class performer. But sudden changes happen when I can’t dance
anymore because of my ribs. My parents told me that I should stop dancing or it’ll get worse. Other than
that, I am a honest person, I always want things to be fair especially in class. I stay calm under pressure. I
can’t say no to my friends. I get shy when people treat me because I don’t want them to waste their
money but, I always want to treat my friends and my family as well. I am a passion-driven person. I love
to face my fears and I love to always take the risks. I always want to explore/learn new things. I love

2. What social pressures help shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?

Our society revolves around several beliefs that they pressure the younger generation to believe as well.
One of them is that earning a Bachelor’s Degree is necessary to be successful in life. While I see people
succeeding without finishing a degree, I do believe as well that it is better if I finished my studies. I am
convinced that education is not the key to success, but rather a piece of it. We all need to know about
our areas of expertise and be knowledgeable on how to use them in order to use it effectively. And
education, especially College, mold us to learn more about our strengths and improve our weaknesses
so it won’t become a hindrance to our plans.

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