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1. Title of the Module
Chapter 1:
1. Review of the Mathematical Foundation (Set B)
(Multiplication of Matrices, Scalar of a Matrix, Transpose of a Matrix)

2. Introduction/Overview

3.Learning Outcome/ Objective

The following are the learning outcome:

a. Identify appropriate numerical/mathematical tool or concepts suitable for the solution

of the CE problem; (Multiplication of Matrices, Scalar of a Matrix, Transpose of a Matrix)
b. Analyze the CE problem to translate it to a numerical solution
c. Solve engineering problems numerically when their analytical solution is either not
available or difficult to obtain.

4. Learning Content
Chapter 1 :
1. Review of the Mathematical Foundation
(Multiplication of Matrices, Scalar of a Matrix, Transpose of a Matrix)

Types of Matrices
There are two types or categories where matrix multiplication usually falls under;

The first one is called Scalar Multiplication, also known as the “Easy Type“; where
you simply multiply a number into each and every entry of a given matrix.

The second one is called Matrix Multiplication.

Matrix multiplication is the “messy type” because you will need to follow a certain set
of procedures in order to get it right. This is the “messy type” because the process is
more involved.

“In order for matrix to work, the number of columns of the left matrix MUST EQUAL to
the number of rows of the right matrix.”

To determine if I can multiply the two given matrices, I need to pay attention to the
number of columns of matrix A and the number of rows of matrix B. If they are equal,
then I can proceed with Matrix Multiplication. Otherwise, I will conclude that the answer
is undefined!
Because Matrix A has the number of columns of 2, and Matrix B has the number
of rows of 3, and they are not equal (2 ≠ 3), I conclude that AB = undefined. That
means their product can’t be found.

-Scalar Multiplication Example:

1. Perform the indicated operation for –3B.

-Matrix Multiplication Example:

1. Calculate, if possible, the product of D and F.

Since the number of columns of matrix D equals the number of rows of matrix F, the
product of DF is defined.

Properties of Matrix Multiplication


The transpose of a matrix is simply a flipped version of the original matrix. We can
transpose a matrix by switching its rows with its columns. We denote the transpose of
matrix A by AT.

For example, if

We can take a transpose of a vector as a special case. Since an n-dimensional vector x is

represented by an n×1 column matrix,

Transpose the ff matrices;
5. Teaching and Learning Activities

Simplify by multiplying the following matrices.

5) Find AT.

2 1 -2 -5 4 6
3 8 0 20 8 8
A= 6 4 30 16 -13 18
0 -3 -3 0 8 -35
5 2 5 0 -8 0
8 -9 5 5 25 -16

6. Recommended learning materials and resources for supplementary reading.

Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientist: An Introduction with Application using
MATLAB, Amos Gilat and Vish Subramaniam, John Wiley, First Edition 2007/2008 (Most
but not all topics are covered in the text).


7. Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted

Online (synchronous)
TelEducation moodle, Facebook messenger, Zoom, Google Classroom, etc..

Remote (asynchronous)
module, essay activities, etc…

8. Assessment Task

Quiz no.1 (Online)

9. References

• Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientist: An Introduction with Application using MATLAB,
Amos Gilat and Vish Subramaniam, John Wiley, First Edition 2007/2008 (Most but not all topics
are covered in the text).

• Applied Numerical Method with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientist, Steven C. Chapra, McGraw
Hill, 2nd Edition 2007/2008

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