Ethics-And-morality GrantJomarSiador BSCE 3B

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Activity 2

Direction: Answer the essay question. Please see attach rubrics. (15 points item)
How does the shutting down of ABS-CBN and non-renewal of its franchise fall under the category of
either good or right? Or both good and right?

We are all aware of the ABS-CBN issue, and I think it's right to shut down their business. I'm not
opposed to ABS-CBN in the first place, right because they did not follow the NTC's rules and regulations
where they refused to observe honesty in the business world. All they see is the achievement, not the
body, where the company's real goals, goals, mission and vision can be found.
Moreover, it is right to reduce the corruption of our nation's people. Our views on them are
good, but they are not justified by their intent and management. Now we are facing a pandemic, but if
the uppermost source of hunger is not well-searched, we will suffer more.

Exercise 1

Name: Grant Jomar L. Siador Course & Year: BSCE-3B

I. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and write F if the statement is false. Erasures will
void your answer (10 pts).

__T__1. Ethics refers to a set of ideas about what is right and wrong, whereas morality refers to
practical behavior as judged according to someone’s ideas about right and wrong.

__T__2. Goodness and rightness are complementary portions of the moral field and alternative
ways of organizing the whole field to carry out the tasks of morality.

__F__3. Something that benefits something or someone else is called right for that thing or

__T__4. A consequentialist approach to ethics gives meaning to the term ‘good’ by reference to
the effects of an action or event.

__T__5. When we say moral rules, we mean prescribed guides for conduct and generalizations
that describe physical reality, such as the laws of nature.

__T__6. The rightness paradigm recognizes that people live in groups that require organization
and regulations, and frames values in terms of duty and conformance to rules.

__T__7. Ethics is from the Latin term ethika referring to principles or standards of human conduct
sometimes called morals from the Greek term mores.

__T__8. Some synonyms for “good” are ‘proper’, ‘legal’ and ‘correct’.

__F__9. According to deontological approach, an action is justified on the basis of a quality or

characteristic of the act itself, regardless of its consequences.

__T__10. The biological usage of ‘good’ as expressed in terms of health and well-being leads to
instrumental usage.
II. Essay: Contrast the two concepts and give an example: “whatever is right does not mean it is
good and whatever is good does not mean it is right” (25 points).

Both right and good are morally good. Everything that is right does not mean that it is good, and 
whatever is good does not mean that it is right. Let's talk about the right, it's generally fine in the eye,
but it's morally compulsory for the exact right. For example, your parents sent you to school or gave you
your necessities, which is moral obligatory, what you think is right now. We are all aware that our needs 
should be provided to us by parents because it is our right, but it does not mean well.

There is another one that is good. It's just "relative," you engage in a thing that makes you good and 
become selfless. For example, you invite a friend of mine to eat lunch and you don't give her anything to
pay for lunch. The nice thing for you and your buddy to do is to pay on your own for both meals.
You show them a positive gesture of kindness and consideration by paying the other person for them 
lunch. Without asking something in exchange, you show a kindness that is out of the bound of justice 
and is out of your own good will. It is mandatory to be right and to be nice is selflessness.

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