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Unit 4 Test A 1 1. TV presenter 5 helicopter pilot 2 car mechanic 6 dog walker 3 bus driver 7 computer engineer 4 toymaker 8 film director 1 acting 5. opening 2 swimming 6 watching 3. delivering 7 answering 4 working 8 washing Possible answers 11 When/ What time does the film start? 2 How many times have you been to the USA? 3 Where was your watch made? 4 Which car did you buy? 5 How long have you had your job? 1 off 3 away Sup 7 for 2 back 4 off 6 back 8 off JOB PERSON REASON (possible answers) house sitter Rick doesn’t want to work hard home settler Mary knows the area wel dream maker Christian good at organizing perfume tester Maxine good sense of smell Marking Scheme 22 marks for content - Have the included all the information indicated in the prompts? 2 marks for structure ~ Are ideas set out in paragraphs? Is there a flow to the letter? Are the ideas connected together? 4 marks for language and vocabulary ~ Are basic grammar structures and vocabulary used correctly? Is there a good variety of vocabulary and grammar? e) 4. computerengineer 5 car mechanic 2 toy maker 6 bus driver 3 helicopter pilot 7. dog walker 4 film director 8 TV presenter 1. watching 5. washing 2. working 6 delivering 3 answering 7 acting 4 swimming & opening Possible answers 1. Where was your phone made? 2 How long have you had your job? 3 When/ What time does the play start? 4 How many times have you been to Asia? 5. Which shirt did you buy? 41 for 5 off 2 back 6 back 3 off 7 away 4 up 8 off 5 JOB PERSON REASON (possible answers) house sitter Rick doesn’t want to work hard home settler Mary knows the area well dream maker Christian good at organizing perfume tester Maxine good sense of smell 6 Marking Scheme 2 marks for content — Have they included all the information indicated in the prompts? 2 marks for structure — Are ideas set out in paragraphs? Is there a flow to the letter? Are the ideas connected together? 4 marks for language and vocabulary — Are basic grammar structures and vocabulary used correctly? Is there a good variety of vocabulary and grammar? Revision Test 2A 11 False 3 false 5 Tue 2 Tue 4 fase 6 Tue @339 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to African Safaris and to what we hope will be your best and most exciting holiday ever. Before we start on our trips into the bush, | want to give you sorne really important information. Listen carefully so you know how to keep safe. Now, | know you will want to get close to the animals and photagraph them, but you must remember these animals are wild and dangerous. ‘They are not pets so don't feed them! They might prefer you to the food you offer. Although the animals you will see are used to people, they can still be very dangerous when scared. So never do anything that will frighten them. For example, don’t make any sudden loud noises. Oh, and talking about photography, make sure that the flash on your camera is switched off. A bright light going off in an animals eyes is sure to frighten it, and you could end Up tunning for your life Sometimes, we will get out of the vehicles and walk in the bush, but never do it without me or one of the other guides. We know when its safe but you don’t. So, unless we are with you, when out in the bush, stay in your vehicle and keep the windows dosed. And while | remember, insects and scorpions can be as dangerous as a rhinoceros, so to protect yourself fram bites or stings, wear long trousers, socks and shoes that cover all of your feet 7 false 8 Tue © Oxford University Press

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