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• A household consists of one or
more persons living in the same
house, condominium or
apartment. They may or may not
be related.
• A family has two or more
members who live in the same
home and are related by birth,
marriage or adoption.
• All families are also households,
but not all households are

• Nuclear Family
• Extended Family
• Reconstituted Family
• It consists of a father, mother and
their dependent child or children
• It contains just 2 generations
• The family members live together in
the same household
• The parents may be married or
they may be cohabiting
• Either way they are “bound
• also called elementary family together”
• An extended family includes
relatives beyond the nuclear family.
It usually contains 3 generations.
They may live together in the same
house or live nearby. In this way, the
family is extended vertically
• Families may be extended
horizontally. With the addition of the
husband’s brother or the wife’s
cousin. In this case just 2 • an expansion of the nuclear family
generations would live together or (parents and dependent children)
• is a family unit where one or both
parents have children from a
previous relationship, but they
have combined to form a new
family. The parents may or may
not then have children with each

• also called a step family, blended

family, or a complex family
• Post-marital residence rules
specify where a person resides
after marriage and, accordingly,
influence the structure and size of
household units.


• Neolocal – pioneer stage
• Unilocal
• Multi-local
• Patrilocal - It specifies that, upon marriage, a man remains in his
father's household while his wife leaves her family to move in
with him.

• Matrilocal - It specifies that, upon marriage, a woman remains

in her mother's household while her husband leaves his family to
move in with her.
• Ambilocal residence is a unilocal residence pattern when
each couple decides which family clan to join.

• Bilocal residence patterns is a multi-local pattern in which

each partner stays in their own family residence.
Refers to the partnership relationship of gay marriage and
those living together and not married. A lot of married gay
and lesbian couple still uses the word “partner”.
• Relationship between and among godparents and
• E.g. Compadrazgo – Spanish term meaning “kumpare” or
“kumare”, reciprocal relationship or the social institution of
such relationship existing between godparents and the
godchild and its parents
• Political relationship among
the politicians who have one
common political agenda
• Can either be by blood,
affinity, compadrazgo or
simply allies

2 Aspects of Politics of Kinship

• Political Dynasty
• Political Alliance
•A family in which several members are involved in
• Also referred to as a political coalition or political bloc
• It is an agreement for cooperation between different
political parties on common political agenda

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