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Unit 3 Progress test A

1 Order the words to make sentences with defining relative clauses.
1 can / I / get / we / ice cream / know / a / where / place I ______________________________________________ .
2 visited / we / is / house / the / friend / This / whose This ___________________________________________.
3 is / borrowed / the / This / sleeping bag / I This ___________________________________________.
4 the / Antarctica / man / went / He’s / who / to He’s ___________________________________________.
5 are / the / which / These / I / photos / took These _________________________________________.
6 you / the / Is / woman / this / bought / whose / car Is _____________________________________________?

Mark: ___ / 6

2 Complete the non-defining relative clauses. Use the correct relative pronoun.
1 Dinner was delicious. (It was an Indian meal.) Dinner, ______________________________ , was delicious.
2 Brighton is on the coast. (I went to school there.) Brighton __________________________ , is on the coast.
3 My gran is from Germany. (She lives with us.) My gran, __________________________ , is from Germany.
4 Our tent is broken. (We’ve had it for 10 years.) Our tent, _______________________________ , is broken.
5 Marta speaks Spanish. (Her mother is Mexican.) Marta, _____________________________ , speaks Spanish.
6 Rome is my favourite city. (It is the capital of Italy.) Rome, __________________________ , is my favourite city.

Mark: ___ / 6

3 Choose the correct option A, B or C.

Erin: I’m really excited about coming camping and walking with you. What 1____________ I
bring with me?
Anna: You 2____________ bring a sleeping bag. And you 3____________ to bring a blanket
too. It can get cold at night.
Erin: OK. And what about clothes?
Anna: Well, you 4____________ bring comfortable shoes for walking. You’d 5____________
bring waterproof clothes too.
Erin: OK. 6____________ I bring a map?
Anna: Good idea. We 7____________ rely on our phones. I 8____________ forget to bring a
compass, too.

1 A had better B should C must 5 A better B ought C must

2 A must B ought C ’d better not 6 A Ought B Must C Should
3 A should B must C ought 7 A ’d better B shouldn’t C ought
4 A ought B should C better 8 A shouldn’t B ’d better not C ought not

Mark: ___ / 8

Vision 3 Tests 1 Unit 3 Progress test A

4 Complete the sentences with a word from A and a word from B.

A alternative child entrance environmental human tourist working

B conditions fee issue labour right trap tour

1 Climate change is an important _________________.

2 Poor _______________ in factories can be unhealthy, or even dangerous.
3 A good education for every child is a universal _____________.
4 The castle has become a _____________ since they filmed part of the Harry Potter series there.
5 I didn’t want to see the most famous sights in Liverpool, so I joined an________________.
6 Excuse me, how much is the _______________? Is there a student discount?
7 _______________ is not acceptable anywhere. Children shouldn’t have to work.

Mark: ___ / 7

5 Choose the option (A, B or C) that best explains the word in bold.
1 I really love Italian cuisine. I’ve got a great book about it.
A way of cooking B style of clothes C way of painting
2 Check out the website to see our wide range of luxury holidays.
A cheap and simple B exciting C comfortable and expensive
3 Ana felt homesick when she smelled the churros and chocolate.
A felt unwell B missed home a lot C felt bored at home
4 Let’s go to this restaurant – it serves authentic French food.
A cheap B tasty C real
5 Coffee is a very familiar smell in my parents’ house – they drink it all the time!
A common B unusual C rare
6 The best way to explore the old part of the city centre is on foot.
A take photos of B travel to C discover and learn about

Mark: ___ / 6

6 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Pavel has lived in Germany for 10 years, but he still has a strong childhood / connection to Poland.
2 My friends and I had a big celebration / contribution when we passed our exams.
3 The centre of town can get very lively / peaceful in the evenings when there are lots of people there.
4 I find walking in the countryside very vibrant / relaxing.
5 Are there any fairtrade / historic buildings in your city?
6 There’s a lot of excitement / popularity about my sister’s wedding. We can’t wait!
7 Adam’s Moroccan heritage / delicacy is very important to him. He talks about Morocco a lot.

Vision 3 Tests 2 Unit 3 Progress Test A

Mark: ___ / 7

Vision 3 Tests 3 Unit 3 Progress Test A

Use of English
7 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct option, A, B or C.
1 Emily: What kind of photo do you think this is?
Grace: Well, the people aren’t posing for the camera, so I don’t think it’s a selfie or a holiday snap.
Emily: Yes, _______.
A it doesn’t look like photo-journalism B maybe it’s a promotional photo C the style is more like photo-journalism
2 Teacher: So, can you tell me what you can see in the photo?
Adam: There are some people on the right picking something from a plant.
Teacher: Hmmm. And what do you think all the plants _______ behind them are?
A in the foreground B in the background C on the left
3 Grace: What about this photo? Where do you think it’s from?
Emily: It looks like the people are friends, perhaps on holiday together. Maybe it’s _______.
Grace: They certainly look like they’re having a good time!
A from a social media account B from a news report C photojournalism
4 Ben: So which hoodie do you think we should have for our school leavers’ hoodie?
Mark: Well, ______.
Ben: Really? I’m not very keen on that one.
A the red one is a waste of money B the red one is the best value C I don’t think the red one is flimsy enough
5 Jo: Do you think we should choose these T-shirts for the basketball team?
Mark: Well, they’re very cheap, but that’s because they’re the _______ .
Jo: That’s a good point. Perhaps we need some that are better quality.
A waste of money B good quality C bottom of the range

Mark: ___ / 5

8 Choose the translation of the word or phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.
1 Are you going to stay with us tonight, or is this just a (przelotna wizyta) ______________?
A fly visit B flying visit C visiting fly
2 July 9th is a (święto państwowe) ______________ in Argentina.
A national holiday B nation holiday C holiday nation
3 We’d better not (obijać się) ______________. We don’t want to be late.
A hang out B hang in C hang around
4 The (źródło) ______________ of the River Danube is in Germany.
A original B origin C originally
5 I must reply to Tim’s invitation – I don’t want to (przegapić) ______________ the party!
A miss out on B miss out C miss on

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 3 Tests 4 Unit 3 Progress Test A

9 Read the texts and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Coffee with a conscience

If you’ve had enough of the big coffee chain stores and are keen to try an alternative coffee
experience, then come and visit us! We’re a small, friendly café just off the High Street, and
we’re very proud of our delicious fairtrade tea and coffee, because we know that the farmers
who grew it have been paid a fair price for it. We offer good quality food from local suppliers
too, and all our milk is completely organic. We’re family friendly too – it’s never too young to
start being an ethical consumer! Join us at the Coffee Pod, 5 Cooper’s Alley, open 8 till 8
every day.

1 The text is part of 2 In the café described in the text,

A a review of a café. A you can’t buy food.
B an advert for a café. B you can buy food from all over the world.
C a newspaper article about cafés. C children are welcome.

The changing coffee shop landscape

At one time, perhaps 20 or 30 years ago, high streets in Britain were dominated by just four or
five big chains of coffee shops. However, the last couple of decades have seen independent
coffee shops enjoy a massive increase in popularity – and often they’re more than just coffee
shops. It’s not unusual to find a small art gallery in a coffee shop and it’s a great opportunity
for local artists to promote their paintings in an informal atmosphere while people are relaxing
with a drink. Other cafés have become places for people in the local community to connect,
offering informal meeting places for charities, campaign groups and other community groups.

3 The writer tells us that 4 Which statement is true?

A independent coffee shops didn’t exist 30 years ago. A It’s quite unusual to find an art gallery in a coffee shop.
B there are many more independent coffee shops now B Some campaign groups have their offices in coffee
than 20 years ago. shops.
C the most successful independent coffee shops have art C Some coffee shops encourage groups to use their
galleries. space.

Bean Scene – visited 6th May

From the minute I walked in, I could tell I was going to enjoy Bean Scene. It was a cool day for
the time of year, so I took my time while I enjoyed a flat white and a piece of delicious
homemade ginger cake, which reminded me of my childhood. Although it’s in a busy part of
town, the café felt relaxing. It clearly makes an important contribution to the life of the local
community, too. There were photos by a local photographer on the walls, and an enormous
noticeboard with posters for everything from art exhibitions to craft classes. I would definitely
return, even if it was a little expensive.

5 The writer’s cake

A made her think about when she was younger.
B was made by a local baker.
C was very good value.

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 3 Tests 5 Unit 3 Progress Test A

10  You will listen to five texts. Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Text 1
1 How many things does the customer order?
Text 2
6 Where did the first fair trade shop open?
A Puerto Rico
B New York
C The Netherlands
Text 3
7 What does the girl want to have with her pancake?
A ham
B avocado
C chips
Text 4
8 What does the speaker want you to do?
A buy food in his café
B tell him your favourite recipe
C come and work for him
Text 5
9 The dish the woman describes is
A from England.
B from Scotland.
C served at breakfast time.

Mark: ___ / 5

11 Read the task and write an email (80–130 words) to a friend about one of your favourite desserts.

 Explain its origins and how you came to know it.

 Mention the main ingredients and describe how it is made.

 Add further description and associations.

 Finish with a recommendation.

Mark: ___ / 10

Vision 3 Tests 6 Unit 3 Progress Test A

Total: ___ / 70

Vision 3 Tests 7 Unit 3 Progress Test A

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