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Diagnoses/ Englis Math Science Likes & Dislikes Learning

PROBE Levels
(reading age in
Disorders/ h Style/ Comments/ Notes

Disabilities Preference

Term 1

Term 1



1 F Diagnosed with N N N N N N NA Likes HASS Reading and Does not attend school- anxiety trigger, becomes violent
anxiety A A A A A A Dislikes Math writing towards mother
Separation Does not attend school (<30% attendance)
anxiety form Activities: walking Attends play therapy
mum her dog Identified as student below level- ‘focussed’ Student
Additional scaffolding and support
Revisiting key concepts and skills
2 M Intellectual C C B B B B PROBE1, level 3: Likes math and Visual/  On and ICP yr2 level for Math, English and
disability (IC Reading (pass) English reading and Science. Achieving higher in Math (Yr. 6 level ‘D’)
ICP Yr. 2 P 99% Dislikes art and writing
Ye Comprehension  Identified as student below level- ‘intensive’.
ar (pass) 100%. Student needs Individual and small group
Activities: Playing
2) Reading age: 6.5- Sequential mastery of basic concepts skills and knowledge
Buddies with students 11, 18 and 19

3 F - B C B C C C 13 (11-12yr) Likes Math Visual Deceased father (recent) Identified as student at level-
Dislikes science ‘differentiated’
Activities: playing Student needs
with pets Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
teaching learning cycle.
4 F EAL/D B B C D B B 17 (13-14yr) Likes English and Reading and School captain
HASS writing Very friendly
Dislikes math Parents very uninvolved in school and community
Activities: drawing, Turkish heritage- visits every 2nd year for a whole term-
hanging out with goes to school and everything to be immersed in the
friends culture
Very mature for age Identified as student at level-
Student needs
Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
teaching learning cycle.
5 F ICP Yr. 2 D D D D C D 2 (5.5-6.5yrs) Likes English Reading and Has anti-social tendencies
Intellectual Dislikes PE writing Lacks social-emotional developmental skills
Disability ( Activities: playing Identified as student below level- ‘intensive’. Student
I computer games needs
 Individual and small group
Sequential mastery of basic concepts skills and knowledge
6 F - C C C C C C 11 (10-11yr) Likes: Art and PE Kinaesthetic In care with Nan- DOCS involved
Dislikes: math and Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
English Student needs
Activities: hanging Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
out with friends teaching learning cycle.
7 F - A A A A B A PROBE2 level 16: Likes English Reading and Very bright, high achiever
reading (pass) Dislikes: technology writing Split family, lives half and half
100% Identified as student above level- ‘enrichment’.
Comprehension Activities: Student needs
(pass) 100%.
Reading age:12.5-
Riding her horse  Individual and small group
13.5  Sequential mastery of complex concepts skills and
Faster pace, higher order thinking, degree of abstraction
and complexity
8 F - B B C C C B 11 (10-11yrs) Likes math and PE Reading & Very sporty
writing Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
Dislikes Technology Student needs
Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
Activities: netball teaching learning cycle.
9 F - B B B B B B 13 (11-12yrs) Likes science and Reading and Really lovely student
HASS writing Loves to read
Buddies with Dakota
Dislikes PE and Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
Technology Student needs
Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
Activities: listening teaching learning cycle
to music
10 M - B B A A B B 11 (10-11yrs) Likes math and Physical/ Buddies with Student 12 MATH: Identified as student
English kinaesthetic above level- ‘enrichment’.
learning Student needs
Dislikes technology  Individual and small group
 Sequential mastery of complex concepts skills and
Activities: water knowledge
skiing, sport Faster pace, higher order thinking, degree of abstraction
and complexity
ENGLISH Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
Student needs
Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
teaching learning cycle.
11 M Behavioural D D D D NA E 6 (7.5-8.5yrs) Likes: PE Kinaesthetic Very low achiever- has a bad temper when triggered
Issues- anger Works best with minimal pressure and when he can relate
(possible Dislikes math to the task.
schizophrenia- Loves footy- plays for Emerald
undiagnosed) Activities: football Buddies with Students 2, 18 and 19
MATH: Identified as student below level- ‘intensive’.
Student needs
 Individual and small group
Sequential mastery of basic concepts skills and knowledge
Identified as student below level- ‘focussed’. Student
 Additional scaffolding and support
Revisiting key concepts and skills
12 M - C C B B B 4 (6.5-7.5yrs) Likes: math and Listening Lives with Nan & pop
B HASS Mature for age (intellectually)- very switched on
Dislikes: Technology Buddies with Student 10, easy to have conversations with
Activities: hanging Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
out with friends Student needs: Differentiation embedded in teaching
practice and the teaching learning cycle.
13 F - C C C C B C PROBE2 level 15: Likes: English Listening, Quiet, will answer questions if asked to contribute of if
Reading (pass) Dislikes: technology reading, and she feels confident in her answers
100%, Activities: plying writing Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
Comprehension with her dog Student needs
(fail) 50%.
Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
Reading age 12-
teaching learning cycle.
14 F ASD A A B B A A 12(10.5-11.5yrs) Likes: English and Listening Quite bright- very well written in English- writes very
art maturely
Dislikes: math Very quiet
Activities: hanging Buddies with Student 16
out with friends / ENGLISH: Identified as student above level-
computer games ‘enrichment’.
Student needs
 Individual and small group
 Sequential mastery of complex concepts skills and
Faster pace, higher order thinking, degree of abstraction
and complexity

MATH: Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’

Student needs
Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
teaching learning cycle.
15 M - D N D E NA N NA N N Rarely attends school- not enough data for a
A A complete profile
Identified as student below level- ‘intensive’.
Student needs
 Individual and small group
Sequential mastery of basic concepts skills and knowledge
16 F - B B C C B B 14 (11.5-12.5yrs) Likes English and Listening/ Buddies with Student 14
science kinaesthetic Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
Student needs
Dislikes math Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
teaching learning cycle.
Activities: hanging
out with friends
17 F - u N C u un u 5 (7-8yrs) Likes English and art Reading and New to class this term (has previously attended this school
n A (I n kn n Dislikes math, PE writing though)
k (IC C k ow k On an ICP year 2 level for Math, English and Science
n P P n n n Activities: walking EAL/D- Indigenous Australian
o ) o o her dog Comes from trauma background- currently living in care
w 2)
w w of 18-year-old cousin with 2 other siblings in share house
n n n (DOCS involved)

18 M Cognitive C N D u u 7 (8-9yrs) Like: PE Kinaesthetic New to school (27.07.21)

support- (I A n n Visual On and ICP year 3 for English
ILP in place C (IC k k Dislikes: English Very loud- possible ADHD- can’t sit still, constantly
Being put P) P n n fidgeting, talking, moving etc.
forward for ICP Yr o o Buddies with students 2,11 and 19
this term 3) w w Identified as student at level- ‘differentiated’
n n Student needs
Differentiation embedded in teaching practice and the
teaching learning cycle.
19 M Was on learning B N D u u 10 (9.5-10.5yrs) Likes: math and PE Listening New to school (20.07.21)
plan at previous A n n Dislikes: English and Buddies with students 2,11 and 18
school k k art Has no constant father figure at home- causes some issues
n n Activities: rugby with authority at school- student comes from trauma
o o background.
w w
n n

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