Research Article Review

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The aim of this assignment is………….

The work described here was chosen and suggested empirical-based quantitative methods in
language studies. It is ………… (………..) ,
Before the critiques of the study was drawn, features and approaches to quantitative and
qualitative research were introduced.

Approaches to quantitative and qualitative research

Quantitative methodology is ………………….. In quantitative research, some key
characteristics are drawn on the following:

1) the research result is expressed in graphs and numbers. It is used to confirm or test
theories and assumptions,
2) some of the common quantitative methods include experiments, surveys with close-ended
question and observation recorded as numbers,
3) quantitative research is considered to be objective,
4) in quantitative research data can be measured; simple math or more advanced statistics
are used to analyze data; applications can be used to calculate things like the reliability
and validity of the results the correlation or causation between two or more variables
average scores,
5) sample population is large,
6) data collection methods are highly structured.

Qualitative research, on the other hand, is primarily exploratory research expressed in words. It
is used to understand experiences or concepts. This type of research helps gather in-dept insights
on topics that are not well understood. In qualitative study,
some major features are labeled as follows
1) Some of the common qualitative methods include interviews with observation described in
words, open-ended questions, and literature reviews that explore concepts and theories,
2) quality research uses observations and description,
3) qualitative research is considered to be subjective,
4) In qualitative research data can be observed not measured,
5) in quality research sample population is small,
6) in quality research data collection methods are semi-structure or unstructured.

You must use quantitative research when you want to test or confirm something for example
hypothesis or theory you must use qualitative research when you want to understand something
for example concepts, thoughts, and experiences.

Qualitative data is more difficult to analyze then quantitative data. It consists of texts, images, or
videos instead of numbers. Some common approaches to analyzing quality data include
qualitative content analysis used to track the occurrence position and meaning of words or
phrases, thematic analysis used to closely examining the data to identify the main themes and
patterns, and discourse analysis used to study how communication works in social context.

Qualitative research approach focuses on things that are up for discussion and for debate.
It’s going to be describing a lot of things. It will use surveys, observations and interviews a long
with looking at artifacts of an area or a setting. It will look at language, religion, and ethnicity.
These things are up for discussion whereas quantitative research it’s going to be trying to
definitively prove something.
Qualitative research is usually exploratory. In other words, we have no real idea of what we are
looking for or even what we are going to find. We just really want information usually about a
group of people which is called a population.
Some qualitative information gathering techniques or interviews which is basically the scientific
term for asking someone a question or observations which is the scientific term for stalking.

Quantitative research, on the other hand, is used when we are actually trying to prove a point.
We have an idea or a prediction and we want to show the world that we are right. So we set up a
way in which to support our ideas. It is called an experiment.

The qualitative research is going to be asking more question that deal with “What?” and “How?”.
By using open-ended questions. The questions are not necessarily going to have hypothesis
because researchers are not trying to predict anything here. They are trying to understand better
the society around them. Quantitative research approach, on the other hand, looks at variables
and it is trying to either prove a hypothesis or possibly even disprove it. Questions focused are
going to be asked a little bit differently: How much?, How often?, What is the relationship
between two variables?, What is the percentage?, etc. These are all things the researchers would
look at statistics and numbers to answer these questions.

Where qualitative research is more of an exploratory former research and it is not necessarily
defining and trying to prove or disprove a hypothesis. When it comes to collecting data, the
qualitative research is normally going to use one source to collect data from. With qualitative
research approach , the researchers can change things up throughout the study if they are noticed
they are not getting enough responses from one area. Quantitative research approach, on the
other hand, is just using numbers. The researchers look for things to prove something right or
wrong. So they are going to be looking for more statistics and things that are concrete.

Lastly, when it comes to analysis and also the final report, for the qualitative research approach,
the result of the study is going to be set into “themes”. The researchers are going to take all the
information they collected and try to break it down into different themes. This is very time
consuming and the final you have a lot of writing in it. It is going to have a lot of quotes and
different things that they observed. And it will be up for discussion. The participants will be
very involved in it. Whereas quantity research approach is not going to have that many words.
It’s going to be taking in the analysis portion. All the different data collected are going to be
broken down to see if there is any statistical significance behind any of the information that the
researchers gathered. Then they will have a final conclusion that will either back of the
hypothesis or against it. The quantitative research report is going to be a lot more rigid. It is not
up for discussion or debate. It’s just showing the findings of what they found. There is less
interpretation there.

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