Emulsion and Solvent Cleaners: Cleaning Basics

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by Stan Scislowski

Windsor, Ont., Canada


Emulsion and Solvent Cleaners

EMULSION CLEANERS life. Also, their lack of water softening dangerous substances in the workplace,
mulsion cleaners are usually made ability allows scale to form on equip- being flammable and explosive. They
E up of a combination of solvents
and/or oils, rust inhibiting type chem-
ment making later maintenance further
complicated by the redeposition and in-
are also labeled as health hazards in
that continuous or prolonged breathing
icals such as petroleum sulfonates, termingling of oily residues and soils of their vapors can cause irreparable
crude soaps, vegetable oils, and/or syn- with the scale. damage to the kidney and liver.
thetic detergents. The amount of soap The oily film left on the work can The so-called safety solvents, the
or synthetic detergent included in the be objectionable especially when parts chlorinated hydrocarbons of which per-
formulation will usually be carefully must be later handled by workers in chloroethylene is an example, though
calculated to “couple” the oils and sol- assembly operations. This oil film can not flammable and therefore not explo-
vents with water in a milky white dis- also cause problems when delicate sive, still present a problem in that they
persion by reducing the interfacial ten- gauging operations are required after are even more of a health hazard due
sion between the water and the oil. In cleaning. Finally, the degree to which to the high toxicity of their vapors.
many respects an emulsion cleaner can the emulsion cleaner is emulsified in A refinement of solvent cleaning is
be likened to the so called soluble oils. water can have a far reaching effect on the class known as “di-phase” solvents.
Emulsion cleaners are usually not ti- rustproofing and cleaning. The proper In this manner of cleaning the majority
tratable. If they contain any alkalinity balance is easily upset by contamin- of the solvent floats on the water sur-
at all it is usually only to the extent ants, evaporation of solvents through face and it contains just enough coupl-
needed to form a crude soap in the prod- overheating, and prolonged use of the ing or wetting agent to only momentar-
uct, which means these emulsions bath. Since solvents will usually evapo- ily form a loose dispersion of solvent
might be in the pH range of 7.0 to 9.0. rate as fast as the water, loss of the and soil in the water portion. This tends
The primary purpose of an emulsion cleaning portion of the formula can be to rid the solvent of contamination
cleaner is to treat metal parts, leaving relatively rapid. build-up. In soak tanks, parts will pass
a light rustproof oil film to protect them through the solvent phase into the water
in storage or between manufacturing STRAIGHT SOLVENTS & phase beneath in which some slight
operations. It is intended only secon- DIPHASE SOLVENTS cleaning also takes place due to the par-
darily as a cleaner, usually to remove In cleaning before plating, solvents tial and loose dispersion.
metal chips in milling and drilling. In are necessary because a soil may be so The disadvantages of di-phase clean-
certain specialized operations emulsion unusual and difficult to remove that the ing are related to rapid equipment scal-
cleaners are formulated with high sol- only way to remove it is by dissolving ing, fire hazard. and difficulty in con-
vency products especially for removing it. In the most severe cases straight sol- trolling the baths. It will be readily ob-
buffing compounds prior to plating. In vents may be used either in soak or vious that the balance of the proper dis-
the same manner as the soap-detergent spray applications. persion of solvent and water can be
cleaner, the emulsion cleaner is fre- There is a limitation here. The life easily upset by minor variations in
quently intended to condition soil for of the solvent is often very brief, since water hardness, temperature, types and
more rapid removal in a second step the oils and greases become dissolved amounts of soils, and equipment main-
alkaline cleaner. in the solvents and as they build up tenance, As in all solvent and emulsion
Since emulsion cleaners have no they become part of the whole instead cleaning, the solvents will evaporate in
of being in suspension. Furthermore, most cases as fast as the water which
peptizing or sequestering value they
must depend on solvency and on emul- straight solvents are costly to use be- means fairly rapid loss of the cleaning
sification of oils and greases to prevent cause they are not diluted with water. ingredients, resulting in higher costs
them from redepositing on the work. Although kerosene and naphtha spirits and difficulties in maintaining optimum
Therefore, because of the nature by were once in common use they have performance. MF
which they work they become quickly been largely supplanted due to their
contaminated, resulting in a short bath very low flash points which make them Next month: Rustproofing.


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