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Interview Questions

For Frankfinn Student

Ver. 15.3 dt. 22-May-2020

1. Interview Questions & Probable answers.
2. List of Opportunities and Threats in Aviation &
3. List of Strengths

By Jaidev Singh Jolly

Interview Questions

These are actual questions asked recently in interviews.

Note #1: Always pay attention to:
1. Etiquettes
2. Way of walking
3. Tone and pitch of talking
4. Style of sitting in the interview.

1) Introduce yourself in 30 seconds.

It should contain:
1) Name
2) Age
3) Qualification
4) Qualities/ Strengths. (Talk about 4-5 qualities you have).

Sample- “Thanks for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is MNQ. I am
NN years old. I have completed 10+2 from CCCC Board in the year 20xx. I have completed
Certificate in aviation/ hospitality from Frankfinn in the year 20xx.
I am humble, very detailed oriented, always well groomed and love to make people around
me happy”.

2) Tell me something about yourself?

3) How would your friends and co-workers describe you?
4) What are your strengths/ qualities?

If any of the above three questions are asked, your answer will be a little longer
where you talk about your:
1) Name
2) Age
3) City of origin
4) Number of family members
5) Profession of father and/ or mother
6) Highest Qualification
7) Qualities/ Strengths

a) Make a list of 4 to 5 Qualities of yours which may be useful in service industry. A

sample list of qualities is given below.
b) Note: Work on your own unique personality to identify your core strengths and
qualities. Don’t just copy-paste from the list given below.
c) Apart from mentioning your unique qualities, also make one sentence for each
quality which should highlight why do you think it is your Quality.

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List of strengths
1. I am empathetic person
2. I am a good listener
3. I love to serve others
4. I have a lot of patience
5. I have leadership qualities
6. I am humble
7. I have good stamina
8. I am jovial
9. I am energetic
10. I am hygienic.
11. I am not addicted to social media.
12. I am disciplined.
13. I can work under pressure.
14. I am punctual
15. I am detailed oriented person
16. I like to take up responsibilities
17. I am self motivated person
18. I am gregarious
19. I am vivacious person
20. I have a smiling face

Sample- “Thanks for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is MNQ. I am
NN years old. I am from XYZ city. I come from a family of 4. My father is working in XYZ as
DDD. My mother is a homemaker. I have completed 10+2 from CCCC Board in the year
20xx. I have completed Certificate in aviation/ hospitality from Frankfinn in the year 20xx.
Madam, some of my qualities are (or my friends would say about me that):

- I love to serve others. I have been associated with an NGO for the last 3 years. It
gives me immense joy to teach orphan kids. I go to that orphanage every weekend. I
love to teach them, feed them and bathe them.
- I have a positive attitude towards life. I lost both my parents in a car accident last
year. I don’t have money to sustain myself, but I am working part time and financing
the diploma in aviation/ hospitality on my own.
- I am highly focused and determined. I am focusing all my energies to improve my
English, Etiquettes, Grooming standards, skin quality and personality and my dream
is to become a cabin crew.
- I am a calm person. A few days ago two of my friends got into an argument which
turned into a fist fight. Although I had strong views on the point which was being
discussed, I remained calm and facilitated both of them to resolve their conflict.
That’s all about me. Thank You”.
5) Tell me something about yourself which is not mentioned in your C.V.

Note: If this question is asked, talk only about your qualities.

Sample- “Madam, let me talk about some of my qualities which are not mentioned in my
- I love to serve others. I have been associated with an NGO for the last 3 years. It
gives me immense joy to teach orphan kids. I go to that orphanage every weekend. I
love to teach them, feed them and bathe them.
- I have a positive attitude towards life. I lost both my parents in a car accident last
year. I don’t have money to sustain myself, but I am working part time and financing
the diploma in aviation/ hospitality on my own.
- I am highly focused and determined. I am focusing all my energies to improve my
English, Etiquettes, Grooming standards, skin quality and personality and my dream
is to become a cabin crew.
- I am a calm person. A few days ago two of my friends got into an argument which
turned into a fist fight. Although I had strong views on the point which was being
discussed, I remained calm and facilitated both of them to resolve their conflict.
That’s all about me. Thank You”.

6) Why do you want to join Hospitality/ Aviation industry/ service industry?

7) What is your dream job? Why?

Note: Refer to the Opportunities given below. Add your strengths and try to prove that
you have chosen this line because there is a match between your passion, strengths
and requirements of the job.

Sample- “Madam, my dream job is to join service industry.

1. “400 new airports are planned to be constructed in India.
2. International airlines are entering India or tying up with the domestic airlines.
3. Many domestic airlines have started international flights.
4. Many National and international hotel chains are expanding in India.
5. Number of in-bound travelers has increased in the last few years creating huge
opportunity for Hotel and aviation professionals.
6. India is one of the top destinations for tourists from all over the world.
7. Therefore I see a bright and secure future for myself in aviation/ travel & tourism
8. I also see that my strengths match with the requirement of the job. Some of my
strengths are….”(mention your qualities which you prepared for Q2 to Q5, above”.

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8) Why should we hire you?

Sample- “Madam, you should hire me because there is a good match between my qualities
and the requirement of the job. Some of my qualities are that… (mention your qualities
which you prepared for Q2 to Q5, above”.

9) What do you understand by Customer service profile?

Note: Through this question, the interviewer tries to find if the candidate is aware of
his/her job responsibilities or not.

Sample: Sir/ Madam, airport or airline customer service involves providing support to
airline/airport customers before a flight, during a flight, and after a flight. Typical duties
can involve assistance with bookings/reservations, processing boarding passes, and
managing check-ins.
I think some of my qualities which make me suitable for this job are 1. attention to detail, 2.
fast problem-solving skills and 3. Eagerness to make customers happy”

10)Why do you want to work for our company / organization?

Praise the company you are being interviewed. Always do research about the
company before sitting for the interview.

Sample- “Sir/ Madam, I want to join your organization because I have found that:
a. Your organization is growing very fast. (Don’t use this line for Air India).
b. It has very good reputation in the market.
c. I have also found that you are a good employer and take good care of your
d. So, it would be a dream come true for me, if I get an opportunity to kick-start
my career with your esteemed organization. I would learn as well as earn.”

HR Round + VP Round
11) What will you do if a guest slaps you?

Sample- “Sir/ Madam, if a guest slaps me,

- I will move away from that place and request my colleague to handle the guest. After
all it’s our company’s primary responsibility to make the guest happy.
- I will calm myself emotionally, in the back room where my guests can’t see me.
- But it is also true that customers don’t have the right to abuse the Customer
executives, physically. So I will go to my Manager and request her to take suitable
12) How will you handle irritated passengers whose flight is delayed, at the airport?

Sample- “Madam,
- I would proactively find the information about their flight and keep updating them.
- I will also try to arrange drinks and snacks for them.
- I will talk to my manager and open VIP lounge of our airline for the passengers.
- I will do, whatever is possible to keep them calm and in a happy spirits.
- Thank You.”

13) Do you work better in a team or alone?

Note: Be diplomatic. Don’t take sides.

Sample- “Madam, I am a flexible person. My aim is to learn and grow and I can work alone
as well as in a team depending upon the requirement of the job. I enjoy both the situations.”

14) What kind of person you don’t like to work with? Why?

Note: Be diplomatic in answering the following questions. Show as if you don’t pick up fights
easily and that you are adjusting by nature.

Sample- “Madam, I am very cordial person. I don’t pick up fights easily or get into
arguments. I also listen attentively. I try my best to understand others’ point of view.
Therefore, I am able to work with almost everybody.

15) How will you work with someone you don’t like?

Sample- “I try to see only positive qualities in others. It helps me in working with even
those persons whom I don’t like initially. So if I have to work with such a person, I will
make sure to identify a few positive qualities in that person and praise him/ her once or
twice every week. I am very sure that after a few days he will start liking me as everybody
responds positively to positive vibes.”

Sample- “Sir, earlier I was overweight and had marks on my skin. I realized that I would
not be able to clear the interview of aviation industry if my skin is not clean and if I am
overweight. So,
- I ditched junk food. I started eating healthy food like fruits, vegetables and a lot of
- I started drinking a lot of water. I stopped drinking cold water or cold drinks.
- I started exercising daily. I burned a lot of fat. I monitored my weight every week.
- I did CTM daily.
- Now you can see that my BMI is perfect and my skin is also clean.
- Thank you.”

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16) How will you deal with a coworker who doesn’t do his or her job?

Sample- “First I will talk to her and find the reason why is she not able to do her job.
- If the reason is genuine, I will do her part of the job, after all we are team players.
- But, if the reason is not genuine, I will politely request her.
- If still she does not do her share of the work, I will have no option but to report the
matter to our seniors”.

17) How will you resolve a conflict at workplace?

Sample- “Let us assume that one of my colleagues is not doing his/ her part of the job, this
is how I will deal with the conflict”. Then, repeat the same answer as given in Q19.

18)What are your weaknesses / Areas of development and how did you overcome it?
19) Tell me about a challenge you faced in your life and how did you overcome it?

Note: To answer the 2 questions written above, talk about one of your real weakness. Add the
actions you took to overcome your weakness. Also mention that you are still improving.
Sample- “One of the weaknesses/ challenge I faced was that I would become emotional
easily. But, a year ago in Frankfinn I realized that my weakness may prove to be big
hindrance in my career in hospitality industry. Here we are supposed to be mature and
emotionally balanced; So, I decided to improve myself.
- I started doing meditation.
- I reduced over thinking.
- I started writing a diary to discover my hidden emotions and way of thinking.
- I requested my friends to give me feedback whenever they would see me in an over
emotional state.
- Now, after 1 year of practice, I can safely say that I have improved a lot.
- My friends and parents are seeing clear changes in me.
- Madam, I am still improving and under your guidance, I am sure I will become

20) Can you work under pressure? How?

Sample- “Yes Madam, I can.

- I have learned to remain calm by practicing meditation and yoga.
- I try to plan my task and then execute. It reduces avoidable breakdowns.
- I try to keep the communication with my colleagues and boss, open and transparent.
It reduces the chances of conflict.
- I am always ready to stretch beyond my duty hours”.
21) Why a cabin crew is called the brand ambassador of the company?

Sample- “Madam/ Sir, cabin crew is the face of the company. Guests only see and deal with
the cabin crew. If cabin crew serves the guests well, guests would be happy and the image
of the airlines will go up and vice a versa. Therefore, cabin crew is called the brand
ambassador of the airline”.

22)How did you prepare for this interview?

Note: You should use this opportunity to sell that you had decided to join the service
industry almost a year ago. Talk about all the learning you got from Frankfinn. Also talk
about the preparation you did just before coming for the interview.
Note: It is a good practice to know about your roles and responsibilities before going
for the interview.
Note: Always visit the company’s website before giving interview.
Note: Refer to Airlines and hotel industries’ data on last page of this document.

Sample- “Madam, I had decided to join service industry almost a year ago. So I joined
Frankfinn. I learned about
a. aviation,
b. hospitality,
c. travel,
d. grooming,
e. swimming,
f. personality development,
g. etiquettes and
h. English from there.
i. I also improved my confidence, skin and BMI.
I also went to your company’s website and found about the company. (Then give some
information about the company).

23) What motivates you?

Sample- “Sir, I am motivated by my parents. They want me to be successful. I am also

motivated by recognition and achievement. I am motivated by the opportunity to serve
others. I am also motivated by my passion. My passion is to see people happy and smiling
around me. That gives me energy to do my best on the job.”

24) What will you do if we don’t hire you today?

Sample- “I would like to thank you sir/ madam for giving me this opportunity. I have
already learned a lot. If you want to reject me today, I would request you to give me

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feedback. I would work on my weaknesses to become better. And, I would again attend the

Ending Questions

25) Are you applying for any other Airlines/Hotel? What if more than one Airline/ Hotel offers
you the job?

Sample- “Yes Madam, I have applied to other airlines/ hotels but your organization is my
dream company. If I am offered the job today I will stick to it because I am a loyal person
and it would be a dream-come-true for me to kick-start my career with a very reputed
organization like yours. I will learn as well as earn.”

26) Do you have any question for me?

Sample- “No Madam, I don’t have any particular question at this point of time. I just want
to know what would be my role and responsibilities.”
Note: If you have any other question, ask them after getting the offer letter.

27) What are your salary expectations?

Sample- “Sir/ Madam, I am a fresher. I am getting a beautiful opportunity to kick start my

career with such a big and reputed organization. You know my worth better than I do so I
leave it to you to decide my salary”.
Questions about Company

28) Who is our CEO/ Chairman /Founder?

29) How many destinations we serve?
30) What is our fleet size? (No. of airplanes)
31) How many hubs do we have?
32) What is our Airline’s code?
33) What is our Logo?
34) What is our Slogan?

To answer the questions given above, go to the website of all the airlines/ hotels and
download the details and prepare notes on all of them. (Refer to some details of
Airlines in doc – “6.0 Airline Data updated on 15-May-20’).

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