Devotion Week of April 17 2011

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Ralston’s son who is struggling


Y Donna Mc Cullen, Ken Mc
APRIL 10, 2011
Cullen's wife as she goes through
more intense chemotherapy
Y People from Chain of
Lakes bring new guests to worship
this Sunday. Y The Pastor Nominating
Committee of Community
Y Virginia Schober, Amy
Presbyterian Church in Plainview
Moore’s Aunt, who is recovering
as they discern who God is calling
from a broken vertebrae and
to be their new pastor.
needs to wear a halo until mid-
June. Y Gary Wassam as he looks
for a job.
Y Carole Lloyd as she
recovers at home after successful Y Bill Fink as he looks for a
surgery. job.
Y Nicholas LaMay, Y Pray for continued
Angelica’s nephew, who is living courage on Dwight Zvorak’s
with his father in Oregon and is recovery from alcoholism.
struggling to finish high school
because of anger and bi-polar
disorder. (on going) This week we enter the most
Y Pray for Angelica Van important week of the year for our
Iperen’s friends, Paul and Ruben, faith—Holy Week. The events of this
and they struggle with infertility week will be celebrated all across
and limited resources to treat it. the world. Billions of people will
Y May all the activities we remember what happened in
are doing bring more people to Jerusalem almost 2,000 years ago.
Christ and the church.
Y For Kevin Amundsen and We might know the stories well, but
family who grieve the passing of they are worth reading again. This
Wally Amundsen, Kevin’s dad. He week we’re looking at portions from
passed away on Friday, April 1. Matthew’s gospel. If you would like
Y For Bill Fink and family to read all of the Holy Week stories
who grieve the passing of Bill’s in Matthew, read chapters 21-28.
Y Pray for Jonathan and As you read these stories may your
Judith’s family as they deal with heart be ablaze with the power of
work, childcare, and day to day
what happened during Holy Week!
Y Jacob Mielke a 19 year old
man who is struggling with cancer.
Comments about the devotion can
He is getting chemo at the Mayo be E-mailed to
Y Peter Ralston, Faith Monday, April 18
2 3 4
Read Matthew 21:1-11 This is one of the central stories of put ourselves in his shoes. What
When Jesus came into Jerusalem, Jesus’ life, and one of my—Pastor would we have done if Jesus had
many people in the crowd were Paul’s—favorite stories in the Bible. disappointed us and we could
thinking that Jesus was going to Jesus shared that the most receive money to betray him?
overthrow the Romans. The people important law is to love God with all
put down their cloaks in anticipation of our heart, soul, and mind, and to Perhaps we might not have betrayed
that a new king was coming. This love our neighbor as we love Jesus like Judas did—or perhaps we
putting down of cloaks had ourselves. This teaching is a would have—but all of us are
happened in the Old Testament strainer through which the laws in capable of being tempted like Judas
when the people welcomed Jehu as the Old Testament can be was. What tempts you right now?
king, 2 Kings 9:13. understood. With what do you struggle? The
good news is that God understands
The crowds were wrong. Jesus This teaching of Jesus is so our temptation and is willing to help
didn’t come to overthrow the important that it’s always worth us.
Romans. He came to do something asking ourselves the following
more powerfully. He started a questions: What are some ways that Jesus never condemned Judas for his
spiritual revolution that continues to you are doing well at loving God? act. We never read a place in the
this day. What are some ways that you could Scriptures where Jesus judged Judas.
do better at loving God? What are Jesus was disappointed with Judas,
One of the reasons the crowd turned some ways you are doing well in but still loved him. This attitude of
on Jesus is they misunderstood him. loving your neighbor as you love Jesus is the same one that we
They became disappointed and yourself? What are some ways that receive when we sin.
disenchanted with Jesus and thus you could do better?
were susceptible to being Instead of being afraid of God, today
manipulated by the religious As you pray today, talk to God about throw yourself onto God and ask for
leaders. these questions. Pray that we at help with your temptations.
Chain of Lakes Church can keep
Can you think of a time in your life these questions before us. Thursday, April 21
when you misunderstood God’s Read Matthew 26:17-30
intent? Was there a time when you Wednesday, April 20 Tonight we at Chain of Lakes will
were wrong about something with Read Matthew 26:1-16 remember this story when we gather
God? One of the questions that was for worship at 7:00 p.m. at the
shared this past Sunday is why Judas Senior Center. Please come and join
Today as you pray, pray that you betrayed Jesus. His motivation was us!
and the community at Chain of money. He had become
Lakes Church will always be clear in disillusioned with Jesus and the
our understanding of who God is to temptation of receiving thirty pieces Friday, April 22
us of silver was too much to overcome. Read Matthew 27:24-56
The thirty-two verses share the most
Tuesday, April 19 The church has traditionally been sobering story in the history of the
Read Matthew 22:34-40 very critical of Judas. But before we world. To think that Jesus could be
go too far in condemning him, let’s
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executed by humans is difficult to community—will be touched in
ponder. worship tomorrow!

The murder of Jesus is the worst

event that has ever happened in the
history of the world. What could be
worse than the intentional murder of

Today as you pray, please share

with God your sorrow on behalf of
humanity for what happened to

Saturday, April 23
Read Matthew 28:1-10
The story didn’t end on Friday. God
did not give on humanity despite the
intentional murder of Jesus. God
took Jesus from death. The worst
event in the world was transformed
into a celebration that billions of
people will enjoy on Easter Sunday!

The world changed because of the

resurrection. Tomorrow, I—Pastor
Paul—will share a sermon entitled,
“The Earthquake That Has Never
Stopped.” The earthquake that
Matthew wrote about in this story
was more than an event that could
be described by what happened to
the ground. Because of the
resurrection of Jesus a force entered
into the world that still shakes the
world today.

As you pray today, give thanks for

the resurrection! Pray for the
church world-wide as the
resurrection is celebrated. Pray that
we at Chain of Lakes—along with the

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