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EREM Otacílio Nunes de Souza

Teacher: Jucelia Mariano - Date : March, 2021

1º ) Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase:

1. She usually looks the mirror.

a) herselves b) herself c) himself d) itself

2. We used to work.

a) ourself b) ours c) ourselves d) weself

3. It is programmed to night.

a) itself b) its c) itselves d) myself

4. Gregory enjoy talking about.............around women.

a) themselves b) herself c) himself d) myself

5. I accidentally the bedroom.

a) myself b) mine c) itself d) herself

6. Julia and I enjoyed very much....................during the party.

a) herself b) himself c) ourselves d) themselves

7. John contradicted.................during the interview.

a) himselves b) himself c) herself d) itself

8. Jane, you should take better care of...............!

a) yourselves b) yourself c) herself d) itself

9. I.......... told him that she had enjoyed the party
a) myself – himself. b) herself – myself. c) myself – herself. d) himself – ourself.

10. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja usando o “Reflexive Pronoun” com função idiomática.
a) Did you yourself wash the dishes?
b) I myself corrected all the tests.
c) We enjoyed ourselves at the class.
d) The boy did his homework by himself.

11. Em todas as frases abaixo, o Pronome Reflexivo está sendo usado com função enfática, exceto:
a) I will do my homework myself.
b) Jorge wrote the letter himself.
c) They raised the children themselves.
d) She was waiting for her husband by herself.

12. Em todas as frases abaixo, o Pronome Reflexivo está sendo usado com função reflexiva, exceto:
a) Did you go to the park by yourself?
b) He hurt himself last week.
c) Jane killed herself.
d) You cut yourselves with a knife.
2º) : Complete each of the sentences below with a reflexive pronoun :
1. My brother likes to practice his English by talking to ______________________.
2. James wasn’t careful and he cut ______________________ with a knife.
3. My sister and I looked at ______________________ in the mirror.
4. The repair shop was closed, so I fixed the car ______________________.
5. Did you enjoy ___________________________ at the party last night?
6. Cats can get clean by licking ___________________________.
7. (A) Did the cleaners cleaned the house? (B) No, I did it ______________________!
8. Mr. Smith burned ______________________ while he was cooking.
9. He dried ______________________ after he took a shower and went downstairs.
10. Can you teach ______________________ to play the piano?
11. My little sister dressed ___________________________. She didn’t need any help.
12. Why is your dog scratching ______________________? Does it have fleas?
13. John and Thomas, did you ask ______________________ the question?
14. Mrs. Brown, please help ______________________ to the cookies and drinks.
15. I introduced ______________________ to my new classmates.

3º) Leia as frases abaixo e marque (C) se elas estiverem corretas. Marque (I) se estiverem
incorretas. Corrija as incorretas:
a. My dog looks at itself in the mirror. (.......) ..............................................................
b. Jane writes songs by himself. (.......) ..............................................................
c. The students can do the tests by themselves. (.......) ..............................................................
d. You yourselves can buy the presents. (.......) ..............................................................
e. I see herself as a millionaire in the future. (.......) ..............................................................

4º) Observe as frases abaixo e decida o que os pronomes reflexivos expressam. Coloque:
1. Harry lives by himself. (.......)
2. Anna herself makes dinner at her house. (......)
3. I myself do the food shopping every month. (.......)
4. The kids cut themselves in the broken glass. (.......)
5. My cat licks itself after eating. (.......)
6. You have to do the exercises by yourselves. (.......)

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