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12 Empowerment

Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Introduction to Information and
Communication Technologies

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon


Make a video call to your teacher. First, make sure that your calling device
has already a video call app installed in it. Second, you need to have an
internet access. Connection to the internet can come from Wi-Fi or cellular
data. Your calling device can be a cellular phone, tablet, or a computer with
a front camera since you are going to make a video call. Video call app can be
Facebook Messenger, Viber, Facetime, Skype, Hangout or Whatsapp. It
should be the same app use by the person that you intend to call. Facetime
is best for iPhones or iOS devices, unlike other video call apps that can be
run in Android devices.
LC 1. Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites,
and content to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational
CODE: CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-1
Objectives/ Learning Outcomes
1. Identify what makes an ICT platform by naming the different basic
devices used in communication.
2. Learn the different trends in ICT and use them to their advantage 3.
Select the best social media platforms after comparing and contrasting
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Select the best answer from the choices and
write the letter that corresponds to your answer on the answer sheet.

1. It deals with the use of different communications technology to locate, save,

send, and edit information.
A. Communication B. Information C. Technology D. ICT 2. It refers to an
electronic device that can accept raw data as input, manipulate or process it to
produce output.
A. Cellphone B. Computer C. Radio D. Telephone 3. It is a mobile
operating system for Apple devices.
A. Android B. iOS C. Symbian D. WebOS 4. Which of the following
social media website is for social news. A. Facebook B. Reddit C. Twitter
D. Youtube 5. It refers to the tangible part of the computer system.
A. Hardware B. Peopleware C. Software D. Tupperware 6. Which of
the following social media website is for social network? A. Facebook B.
Reddit C. Twitter D. Youtube 7. Which of the following social media website
is for microblogging? A. Facebook B. Reddit C. Twitter D. Youtube 8. It
refers to the intangible part of the computer system.
A. Hardware B. Peopleware C. Software D. Tupperware 9. Which of
the following contents is the main feature of Youtube? A. Comments B.
Likes C. Photos D. Videos 10.Which type of social media is Wix?
A. Blogs B. Microblogging C. Social News D. Youtube 11.It is a nonprofit
service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
A. Assistive media B. Digital Media C. Mobile media D. Social media
12.Which of the following is not a media sharing site?
A. Flickr B. Instagram C. Twitter D. Youtube 13.Which of the following
social media website is for blogs and forums? A. Instagram B. Pinterest C.
Twitter D. Wordpress

14.Which OS is used for free by several mobile phone companies? A.
Android B. iOS C. WebOS D. Symbian 15.It is an online version of
information system.
A. e-learning B. Online system C. e-conference D. Webinar IV.


Materials: Module/LAS
Computer/ Mobile phone

Procedure (Knowledge/Performance of Skill)

Web 1.0 – static websites without interactivity
Web 2.0 – websites that contain dynamic content
Web 3.0 – a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to cater to the
individual user
Static – refers to web pages that are the same regardless of the user
Dynamic – refers to web pages that are affected by user input or
preference Folksonomy – allows users to categorize and classify/arrange
information Hashtag – used to “categorize” posts in website
Convergence – the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar
goal or task.
Social media – websites, applications, or online channels that enable users to
create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.


As the famous saying goes, "Love makes the world go round." But you might
argue how the Internet has made the world go round for decades before you
start searching for someone to fall in love with.. In this lesson we will

understand how information and communication technologies in such a short
period of time have improved our lives.

What is Information and Communication Technology or ICT? • It deals

with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones,
Internet and etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information. Having a unified
way to communicate is one of the goals of ICT. We spend less because of ICT.
Computer is an electronic device that can accept raw data as inout,
manipulate or process it to produce output. Computer system is consists of
hardware, software, and peopleware. Hardware refers to the tangible
component of the computer system. This can be monitor, keyboard, mouse,
webcam, USB flash drive, speaker, headset, microphone, or printer. Software
refers to the intangible part of the computer system. This can be the Microsoft
Office Application like MS Word, MS PowerPoint or MS Excel or other
applications used to produce output. Peopleware is the user, in which, if either
one of the three components is missing, the entire computer system will not
Online platform is defined as a digital service that facilitates interactions
between two or more distinct but interdependent sets of users (whether firms or
individuals) who interact through the service via the Internet (OECD 2019).
Online systems are online versions of information systems, which is “the
process of and tools for storing, managing, using, and gathering of data and
communications in an organization. One example of this is the Learning
Information System (LIS) where the records of students are stored, gathered
and managed for easy process and retrieval.
ICT in the Philippines
Philippines is dubbed as the “ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge growth of
ICT-related jobs, one of which is the call center or BPO (Business Process
Outsourcing) centers.
According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society by the
International Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cellphones per 100
Filipinos in the year 2012. That would mean that for every 100 Filipinos

you meet, there is a high chance that they have a cellphone and approximately
for the seven of them, they have two.
In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippine Business and
Industries, NSO, in 2010, the ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total
employment population here in the Philippines.
To add to these statistics, Time Magazine’s “The Selfiest Cities around the
World” of 2013 places two cities from the Philippines in the top 1 and top 10
spots. The study was conducted using Instagram, a popular photo sharing
World Wide Web
• The World Wide Web, commonly referred to as WWW, W3, or simply the
Web is an interconnected system of public webpages accessible through
the Internet. It was invented Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
• Web pages are what make up the world wide web and it can either be
static or dynamic.
Web 1.0
• Web pages are static and not interactive. You can’t post comments or
create an account.
Web 2.0
• term used to describe the present generation of the World Wide Web that
concentrates on its capability of providing people the means to collaborate and
share information online.
• The second stage in World Wide Web
• Dynamic Website
o The content of the website changes
• Interactive
o The user may be able to comment or create user account
• enables an increased user participation in the web
• Darcy DiNucci, an information architecture consultant, coined the term
Web 2.0 in her 1999 article, “Fragmented Future”.
• The term was popularized by Tim O'Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the
O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference in late 2004 (TechTarget, 2015).
Features of Web 2.0
The key features of Web 2.0 include:
1. Folksonomy - It allows users to categorize and classify/arrange
information using freely chosen keywords (e.g., tagging). Popular
social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. use
tags that start with the pound sign (#). This is also referred to as
2. Rich User Experience - Content is dynamic and is responsive to
user’s input. An example would be a website that shows local content.
In the case of social networking sites, when logged on, your account is
used to modify what you see in their website.
3. User Participation - The owner of the website is not the only one who
is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their own
by means of comment, reviews, and evaluation. Some websites allow
readers to comment on an article, participate in a poll, or review a
specific product (e.g.,, online stores).
4. Long Tail – services that are offered on demand rather than on a one
time purchase. In certain cases, time-based pricing is better than file
size-based pricing or vice versa. This is synonymous to subscribing to
a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the
Internet, or a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth
you used.
5. Software as a Service - Users will subscribe to a software only when
needed rather than purchasing them. This is a cheaper option if you do
not always need to use a software. For instance, Google Docs is a free
web-based application that allows the user to create and edit word
processing and spreadsheet documents online. When you need a
software, like a Word Processor, you can purchase it for a one-time huge
amount and install it in your computer and it is yours forever. Software
as a service allows you to “rent” a software for a minimal fee.
6. Mass Participation - It is a diverse information sharing through
universal web access. Since most users can use the Internet, Web
2.0’s content is based on people from various cultures.
Web 3.0
• also called as Semantic Web

• Semantics – ability of Web technologies to understand and interpret
human generated content
• The aim of Web 3.0 is to have machines understand the user’s preferences to
be able to deliver web content specifically targeting the user. • The Internet is
able to predict the best possible answers to your question by “learning from
your previous choices
Trends in ICT
As the world of ICT continues to grow, the industry has focused on several
innovations. These innovations cater to the needs of the people that benefit
most out of ICT. Whether it is for business or personal use, these trends are
current front runners in the innovation of ICT.
1. Convergence
• Technological convergence is the combination of two or more different
entities of technologies to create a new single device.
• Example: Using of smartphone to create word documents that was
previously can only be created using desktop computer.
2. Social Media
• It is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to
create, co-create, modify, and exchange user-generated content.

Types of Social media:
Video conference - a live, visual connection between two or more people
residing in separate locations for the purpose of communication. At its
simplest, video conferencing provides transmission of static images and text
between two locations. At its most sophisticated, it provides transmission of
full-motion video images and high-quality audio between multiple locations
(Rouse n.d.).

3. Mobile Technologies
• The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over
the years. This is largely because of the devices’ capability to do tasks
that were originally found in personal computers.
Different types of mobile operating systems:
1. iOS – used in Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad
2. Android – an open source operating system developed by Google.
Being open source means several mobile phone companies use this OS
for free.
3. Blackberry OS – used in blackberry devices
4. Windows Phone OS – a closed source and proprietary operating
system developed by Microsoft
5. Symbian – the original smartphone OS used by Nokia devices 6.
WebOS – originally used for smartphones; now used for smartTVs 7.
Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket

4. Assistive Media
• It is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual and reading
impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user. You
may visit for several of their audio recordings. V.
10 | P a g e
A. What is the name of the hardware used in communication that you see in
each picture? Write it in a piece of paper or in your notebook.

B. Take a look at the picture below taken from (Boyd 2020). Pick the top 5
digital tools used in video conferencing that you know. Write it in a piece
of paper or in your notebook.
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________

11 | P a g e
Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write only
the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number. Column A
Column B
______1.The Supreme Student Government A. Folksonomy of KNCHS
organized a successful unity B. Rich User Experience run for a cost called
KapatiRUN. Everyone C. User Participation especially the official page of
KapatiRUN D. Mass Participation had included #KapatiRUN2020 on their E.
Software as a Service social media posts. They categorize the F. Technological
Convergence information on their page by the use of tags. G. Assistive Media
______2.Celine used her smartphone instead H. Social Networks of using her
laptop in doing her research. I. Bookmarking sites ______3. Angelo created a
website intended J. Media Sharing to help people with visual and reading K.
Microblogging impairments. L. Blogs and Forums ______4.Albert is fond of
pinning things he finds
on the web using Pinterest.
______5.Ana likes to post short updates on
her Twitter account.
______6.Lucy uploads her pictures in Instagram
to update her followers of her daily activities.
______7.Alice uses Facebook to connect with
her friends.
______8.Most Internet users subscribe to
Netflix for new movies.
______9.Justine posted an article on his blog
and his followers commented on his post.
______10. Aside from news article websites,
journalists post their news item on platforms like Reddit.

12 | P a g e
A. Aside from the given examples above, give at least five web applications
for each type of social media. Then examine its content.
Video Social Media Microblogging Social
Conference Network Sharing News

B. From the list above, choose the best for you. Why you chose it as the
Type of Social Media Best Reasons
Suppose that you are browsing on your phone the following social media sites.
Check on its content and how it can help you in promoting your organization or
brand. Fill up the table below with necessary information you found based on
the following: a) Social media site focus b) Brand exposure opportunities c)
Advertising opportunities. For your example, Number 1 is already answered for
you. The answer is based from (Seltzer n.d.)

13 | P a g e
1. Facebook
14 | P a g e
2. LinkedIn
15 | P a g e
3. Pinterest
16 | P a g e
4. YouTube
Prepared by:
Aileen Z. Cañetan
17 | P a g e
Subject Teacher
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. B
A. 1. computer B. 1. Zoom 2. monitor 2. Skype 3. laptop 3.
MS Teams 4. webcam 4. FB messenger 5. headset 5. Google
Meet 6. radio
7. speaker
8. telephone
9. cellphone
10. router
11. microphone
12. walkie talkie
13. cassette
14. fax
15. television

1. A
2. F
3. G
4. I
5. K
6. J
7. H
8. E
9. D
10. M
18 | P a g e
(Students answer should be based on the web applications they have
1. a. Sharing of company and industry news/ discussions
b. Likes or Comments on news, Group Discussions or Company
Follows c. LinkedIn ads
2. a. Sharing of interesting products/ websites
b. Likes, Comments, Repins
c. n/a
3. a. Sharing of information and entertaining videos
b. Subscribe and share activity
c. Video Ads, Reach Ads, Display Ads

19 | P a g e

Boyd, Ashley. 2020. Which Video Call Apps Can You Trust? April 28. Accessed
June 24, 2020.

Department of Education. 2016. Empowerment Technologies: Student Reader.

Manila: DepEd Central Office.

OECD. 2019. "What is an “online platform”? in An Introduction to Online

Platforms and Their Role in the Digital Transformation." OECDiLibrary. May 13.
Accessed June 25, 2020.

Rouse, Margaret. n.d. "Video Conferencing." TechTarget. Accessed June 25,

n ce.

Seltzer, Diane. n.d. "Comparison Chart for Choosing Between Top Social Media
Sites for Marketing." Small Business Marketing Tools. Accessed June 27, 2020.

Empowerment Technologies First Edition.(2016).Sampaloc Manila:Rex

Bookstore, Inc.

Ezez. 2020. Image.
/ Dell_Vostro_460_Mini_Tower/Dell_Vostro_460_Mini_Tower_L_1.jpg Ezez.
2020. Image.
g Ezez.2020.Image.
20 | P a g e
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g Ezez. 2020. Image.
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21 | P a g e

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