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3 Name: ......................................................................................................................

Future: be going to, will, Present Continuous and Future Continuous

1 Circle the correct answer.

1. “We’re going to a show now.”

“I’m sure you ............... fun!”
a. will have b. are having
2. “I’m planning a party for my friend’s birthday.”
“That’s nice. What ............... ?”
a. are you going to make b. will you be making
3. This time next week, I ............... to go on holiday.
a. get ready b. will be getting ready
4. I think Jess ............... probably go to university next year.
a. will b. is
5. Next month, my parents ............... a new car.
a. buy b. are going to buy
6. We ............... dinner at a French restaurant on Saturday to celebrate my birthday.
a. are going to have b. will have
7. I think our team ............... the game.
a. will win b. will be winning
8. “I’ll meet you after school.”
“OK. I ............... for you at half past three.”
a. will be waiting b. am waiting
9. Hurry up! The film ............... in five minutes.
a. will start b. is starting
10. “Dad, I can’t do this project on my own.”
“Don’t worry. I promise I ............... you.”
a. will be helping b. will help

2 Circle the correct answer.

Kate: What (1) are you doing / do you do next weekend?

Dave: My family (2) will travel / is travelling by train to Manchester.
It (3) is / is going to be fun. My cousin (4) comes / is coming too.
Kate: Will you (5) stay / be staying in a hotel?
Dave: No, we (6) won’t / aren’t. We (7) are sleeping / will sleep at my
grandparents’ house.
Kate: What about your sister? (8) Does she go / Is she going too?
Dave: No. My sister (9) isn’t coming / won’t come because she
(10) looks after / will be looking after our cats and our dog.

Luke & Myla 3 Photocopiable © Burlington Books

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